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USA izbori 2024 - prognoze & play by play


USA izbori 2024 - prognoze  

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  • Poll closed on 11/05/24 at 23:00

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Posted (edited)

Fantastično, Hillbilly javno priznaje da je sve oko zlih imigranata koji jedu kuce i mace izmislio


Ovo je već neki novi nivo imbecilnosti

Edited by braca
  • +1 1
  • Haha 6

Jebote, koji idiot.


Sve sto treba da radi je da se pridrzava tri osnovna pravila, od kojih je drugo admit nothing, deny everything i on to nije u stanju..

  • +1 1
  • Haha 1

Ua, Demokrate kradu na izborima !


Republikanski kandidat daje instrukcije svojima da glasaju više puta :



Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, braca said:

Fantastično, Hillbilly javno priznaje da je sve oko zlih imigranata koji jedu kuce i mace izmislio


Ovo je već neki novi nivo imbecilnosti

Idu svesno da to “normalizuju” u sto siroj populaciji. Deo ce se prikrivati (da sacuvaju rezervni polozaj) i glasati za to ipak.  Nije to imbecilnost, nego cisto zlo.

Edited by Moonwalker
  • +1 1

ABC anketa:


The absence of movement in vote preferences, despite a 22-point tilt to Harris as having won the debate, marks the sharply polarized nature of the electorate. Almost everyone has a preference between Harris or Trump, and among those who do, few say they'd even consider the other. This is especially true among likely voters, with just 3% potentially persuadable to switch.


  • Hvala 1
44 minutes ago, Moonwalker said:

Idu svesno da to “normalizuju” u sto siroj populaciji. Deo ce se prikrivati (da sacuvaju rezervni polozaj) i glasati za to ipak.  Nije to imbecilnost, nego cisto zlo.


Da, ideja je drzati imigraciju u zizi da nekom republiancu ne padne na pamet da glasa za Harisovu.

Get out the vote.


Sa druge strane, uzevsi u obzir ovo sto kaci Rodja (polarizacija) i u smislu onoga sto je Vini pisao, kao i debatu, menij nije jasno bas koja je get out the vote taktika Harisove. Razumem da je dem koalicija komplikovanija (od Sandersa do Dika Cejnija, je l da) i da je teze simplifikovati poruku. Sad, mozda ispod radara rade segmentovanu kampanju, pretpostavljam.



Imajući u vidu nastup na debati i ankete, čini mi se da je glavni cilj Haris da republikancima koji ne žele da glasaju za Trampa ne da razlog za izlazak na izbore. Demokrate svih profila će izaći, bez obzira šta mislili o Gazi, ekonomiji, zdravstvu...


Opet netko ćeo upucati Tramparu



Suspect was armed with AK-47 rifle, CBS News reports

We're now getting reports that the suspect was in the tree line, armed with an AK-47 rifle, according to the BBC's US partner CBS News.

Multiple law enforcement officials have told the broadcaster that the armed suspect was spotted on the edge of the golf course by a member of Donald Trump's US Secret Service's advance team, two holes ahead from where the president was golfing.

The suspect reportedly fled the scene after he was engaged by Secret Service agent with multiple gunshots, and the suspect jumped into a car.

CBS reports that a car with the same license plate number was stopped in Martin County and one individual was taken into custody. It is unclear if it is the gunman, but it is believed to be and law enforcement officials are questioning that individual now.

Law enforcement officials say an AK-47 style weapon and scope has been recovered at the scene by the golf course.


Posted (edited)

Republikanski kongresmen iz Floride, gde se incident odigrao:




Edited by vememah

dobri trampara prepisuje od žvalavog


  • +1 3

Pustili su nekog da mu dođe naoružan na puškomet, again

Posted (edited)

Prišao na 250-450 m, kažu.




- Secret Service engaged the suspect, firing at least 4 shots. Unclear whether the suspect fired any shots.
- A witness saw a man running out of the bushes and jump into a black SUV. The witness took a photo of the suspect's car and license plate.
- The suspect was later detained in Martin County. Police flew the witness up there to confirm they had the right person in custody.
- Being treated as an apparent assassination attempt.

Edited by vememah
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