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USA izbori 2024 - prognoze & play by play


USA izbori 2024 - prognoze  

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4 minutes ago, Weenie Pooh said:

 Chad nije isto što i CHUD, cenim da si ciljao na ovo drugo.

Ne, ciljao sam ovo prvo. To je tvoja digitalna projekcija mentalnog sebe.


 God man woman child.

Pozdravi Titaniju u moje ime. Ćao za danas :D

  • Tužno 1

američka filmska industrija za odrasle propo, em reakcionari pobedili, em se kospođa vratila a da nije pala u rodeo pojilo 




8 minutes ago, Gandalf said:

meni je nebitno. jer ja neki preterano čvrst stav nemam, tj. ja odgovor ne znam.


recimo to ovako... 99% sam siguran da je abortus u 180-om danu trudnoće ubistvo. kako se približavamo začeću, taj procenat se smanjuje. na 170 dana je (lupam) 95%, i tako bliže. ljudi koji odgovor znaju su po meni ideološki fanatici, koji god ekstrem da guraju.  

Ja ti tvrdim da pravi abortus niko ne radi u tako visokoj trudnoci. To glave moze da kosta. To su intervencije kod spontanog pobacaja koje ce kostati zivota one koje nemaju valjano zdravstveno osiguranje. 

  • +1 2
9 minutes ago, Gandalf said:

recimo to ovako... 99% sam siguran da je abortus u 180-om danu trudnoće ubistvo. kako se približavamo začeću, taj procenat se smanjuje. na 170 dana je (lupam) 95%, i tako bliže

Ok, odakle ti ovi postoci? Što ti je vaga? Kako možeš reći da je 5 dana više od od 180 dana od precizno neutvrdivog dana manje ubojstvo od onoga 5 dana kasnije, kad već inzistiraš da je ubojstvo. Tebi to ne zvuči, ovoga, sumanuto?

  • +1 1
Just now, Moonwalker said:

Ja ti tvrdim da pravi abortus niko ne radi u tako visokoj trudnoci. To glave moze da kosta.

Tako je, takvih slučajeva će biti iznimno mali broj. Međutim, mogućnost za to mora postojati.

  • +1 1
Posted (edited)

jesam hajvan da me nema. uporno razmišljam o kraju devetog meseca trudnoće, a pišem 180 dana. 9*30 nije 180, već 270. :frust:


odoh da se stidim u ćošku.

Edited by Gandalf
8 minutes ago, Roger Sanchez said:

Ok, odakle ti ovi postoci? Što ti je vaga? Kako možeš reći da je 5 dana više od od 180 dana od precizno neutvrdivog dana manje ubojstvo od onoga 5 dana kasnije, kad već inzistiraš da je ubojstvo. Tebi to ne zvuči, ovoga, sumanuto?

180 dana jeste sumanuto. mislio sam na period neposredno pred porođaj, tipa 270 dana. nemam pojma kako sam uspeo da izračunam 9*30=180.   

  • +1 1
Posted (edited)
26 minutes ago, Roger Sanchez said:

Ne, ciljao sam ovo prvo. To je tvoja digitalna projekcija mentalnog sebe.


Uh, provalio si moju digitalnu projekciju mentalnog sebe! Svaka čast.


Čekaj tek da vidiš kako digitalno projektujem mentalnog tebe:





Nije sramota priznati da si pogrešio, znaš? Slične su reči, samo jedna od njih označava "bogobojažljivog trad konzervativca"


Neće niko da ti se smeje zato što si lupio, ni da upire prstom. Nisi više u školi.


Edited by Weenie Pooh
  • Haha 7

White uneducated women, novi termin za razlog propasti... :fantom:

  • Haha 1
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Peter Fan said:

NYT ne ide na nivoe nizhe od okruga, ali evo Cook County gdje je sam grad Chicago oko 55% stanovnistva. Od oko 5.5 miliona stanovnika, bijelci su 40%. 

Trump dobio 11% vise glasova nego u 2020.

mda. Tramp je dobro prošao u urbanim sredinama.


haos nije jedini faktor. videh da je dobro prošao među Azijatima u NYC, verovatno ih žulja obrazovanje.




Edited by Gandalf
20 minutes ago, Gandalf said:

mda. Tramp je dobro prošao u urbanim sredinama.


haos nije jedini faktor. videh da je dobro prošao među Azijatima u NYC, verovatno ih žulja obrazovanje.


Moguce, mada bih ja prije to objasnio time da je A) veliki dio Azijata vlasnik malih biznisa i njima odgovaraju smanjivana poreza i B) da su oni bili zrtve onog sumanotog trenda prosle godine kad su ih random napadali na ulicama. A Trump je tax cut and law & order kandidat.

Just now, Peter Fan said:

Moguce, mada bih ja prije to objasnio time da je A) veliki dio Azijata vlasnik malih biznisa i njima odgovaraju smanjivana poreza i B) da su oni bili zrtve onog sumanotog trenda prosle godine kad su ih random napadali na ulicama. A Trump je tax cut and law & order kandidat.

tako je. vidiš, ovo pod B sam zaboravio. iz nekog razloga, najviše su napadani Azijati.


još jedna sondaža, slično prethodnima: 


The top reasons voters gave for not supporting Harris were that inflation was too high (+24), too many immigrants crossed the border (+23), and that Harris was too focused on cultural issues rather than helping the middle class (+17).

Posted (edited)






od koje je ovaj sorte?



TikTok influencer Camila Guadarrama revealedthat she had to delete a video because several men commented that they couldn't wait until she got raped. Another user of the app posted a slideshow of some of the messages she received, which included users telling to "have fun losing your right" and "keep your legs closed."

While Fuentes' original post received a wave of condemnation, it has also encouraged like-minded people to issue their own declarations on social media. “They will never get to make decisions about their own body,” wrote a user whose bio states that “CHRIST IS KING.”

“REPEAL THE 19TH,” commented another user, referring to the constitutional amendment granting women the right to vote.




American right-wing extremists have chosen the racist and misogynist Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán as their model. He and others on the radical right in Europe and the United States have taken up fear-mongering about the "great replacement" of white Christians by others (whether identified or not). In July, Orbán gave a speech in which he declared, "We mix within Europe, but we don't want to be a mixed race." One of his own top aides characterized it as "a purely Nazi diatribe worthy of Joseph Goebbels." Yet the American radical right's admiration for Orbán remains undiminished. The Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) still welcomed him to speak at their gathering in Texas in early August.

This is easily overlooked, but much of the replacement fear authoritarians fire up among insecure men is not only that they will be replaced by people of other skin colors, cultures or religious faiths, but also that they will be replaced by the original "other": women. 

CPAC also held a 2022 meeting in Budapest. On May 19, Matt Schlapp, chairman of the American Conservative Union, said there that one way to reduce the supposed "replacement" of white people in the United States was to grow our own population by outlawing abortion. This is an interesting twist on the use of enslaved Black women as soil to grow more people who would be classified as Black and owned by the seed planters. Now white supremacists want to use white women to grow crops of "free" white children. The color of the "soil" has changed, but the treatment of women as owned real estate remains a constant.

Forced pregnancy fits into the "great replacement" hysteria not only on the premise that it will increase the white population, but also in that again classifying women primarily as soil will remove many of them from the workforce as competitors with men. On the day the Dobbs decision was announced, a Republican candidate for lieutenant governor of Minnesota explicitly argued that abortion leads to women having careers.

"Our culture," Matt Birk pronounced, "loudly but also stealthily, promotes abortion. Telling women they should look a certain way, have careers, all these things." Forced pregnancy, in this worldview can help put women back in their proper place: serving and servicing men, not replacing them: Kinder, Küche, Kirche(children, kitchen, church) as the Nazis defined women's roles. And, of course, opening their furrows for men to plant the seeds that will produce more and more white babies.


Edited by Moonwalker
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