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USA izbori 2024 - prognoze & play by play


USA izbori 2024 - prognoze  

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28 minutes ago, Midžeta said:


Od svega ovoga u opisu sto ima na profilu non white?! :laugh: zakiva


Titanija je satira, prilično solidna, makar je bila

  • +1 3

Još uvek je, još uvek je, robovati nekye.



  • Haha 5
49 minutes ago, copkillah said:


Titanija je satira, prilično solidna, makar je bila


Ma jasno mi je, nego me ovo non white plus slika patosiralo


How it started 



How it's going


  • Haha 7
5 minutes ago, Seabass said:



Splitovati ovo na Dame od stila, ili kako se već zove ona softcore Desanka topik.


  • +1 1

Guardian offers therapy to staff after ‘devastating’ Trump election win

Newspaper vows to support workforce following Republican candidate’s ‘upsetting’ victory

The Guardian is offering counselling to staff as it vowed to support its workforce after Donald Trump’s “upsetting” US election victory this week.

In an email to staff, The Guardian’s editor Katharine Viner said the election had “exposed alarming fault lines on many fronts” and urged journalists based in the UK to contact colleagues in the US “to offer your support”.

Ms Viner said that the result would be “upsetting for many others”, according to the memo seen by Guido Fawkes, adding: “If you want to talk about it, your manager and members of the leadership team are all available, as the People team. There is also free access to free support services, which I’ve outlined at the end of this email.”

It comes after Ms Viner sought to reassure readers over the election outcome, writing in an editorial on Wednesday that the paper would “stand up to four more years of Donald Trump” and that the election was an “extraordinary, devastating moment in the history of the United States”.

Ms Viner added: “With Trump months away from taking office again – with dramatic implications for wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, the health of American democracy, reproductive rights, inequality and, perhaps most of all, our collective environmental future – it’s time for us to redouble our efforts to hold the president-elect and those who surround him to account.”

Above an invitation to donate to The Guardian, her editorial ended with the message that the paper “will stand up to these threats, but it will take brave, well-funded independent journalism. It will take reporting that can’t be leaned upon by a billionaire owner terrified of retribution from a bully in the White House”.

A Guardian spokesman said on Thursday: “What you refer to as ‘therapy after Trump result’ is actually our employee assistance programme – a function that any responsible international media organisation has available for staff at all times.”

In the US, some colleges have given students time off, an extension on deadlines, art therapy classes and access to a therapy duck in response to Trump’s win.

The University of Oregon told students this week that to “promote well-being and lessen anxiety during election week, University Health Services is bringing Quacktavious the Therapy Duck to campus”.

Students at Georgetown University’s McCourt School of Public Policy were reportedly told this week that they could play with Lego, colouring books, and have milk and cookies in “self-care suites” following the result.

The University of Michigan is also hosting an “art therapy” and “post-election processing” event.

Some stores in the US even closed on Wednesday, with Iowa retailer The Collective writing on its Instagram page that it was closing to allow for a “day of collective grief”.

Among the overseas reaction was Germany’s popular weekly Die Zeit, which led its website on Wednesday with the one-word expletive “F---”.



  • Haha 6
11 hours ago, Moonwalker said:

Ali je moja pauza istekla, pa da vidimo od cega se zivi…


Ajd uzdravlje!

Na americke izbore koji su (i) popularity contest i gdje je forma vazna koliko i sustina, Kamala nije donijela ni formu, a ni sustinu. 


O sustini smo vec pricali, tako da nebih to sad ponavljao, a njena forma normalno uljucuje to sto je crnkinja (mada ne znam da li je crnci u vecini percipraju kao svoju) i sigurno da je to jedan od razloga za poraz. Ali to je to na jedno petom ili sestom mjestu po vaznosti. Da kazes da je bilo tjesno, pa da je to odnijelo prevagu. Nego nije ni jednu swing state dobila i ukupan broj glasova izgubila sa ubjedljivom vecinom. Za takav debakl treba mnogo vise "doprinosa" osim toga da si zena i crnkinja. 


Kao sto rekoh ono vece kad je bila (D) konvencija u Chicagu, ona meni djeluje kao carboard cutout, a vjerujem i vecini. Ubjedjen sam da je bila u stanju da ostvari kontakt sa glasacima na priblizan nacin kako su to u stanju recimo Obama i Klinton, da bi daleko bolje prosla. Cak je i jebeni W znao nekako da to odradi. (i kako to napisah sjetih se Al Gora. Ona je zenski Al Gore)


Ne mislim da bi dobila jer je elektorat ubjedljivo odjebao (D) na ovim izborima zbog onih sustine koju maloprije spomenuh, ali bi castan poraz. Ovako je bio landslide i ona vise nema buducnost u politici na nacionalnom nivou. 

  • +1 2
9 hours ago, Roger Sanchez said:

Kad smo već skrenuli kod Albukerkija, valja primijetiti da je New Mexico postao jedna od najvjernije plavih država. 

Pa i demokrate imaju svoje vukojebine (pored IL i MN), da parafraziram 3orgeta.

  • +1 1

jutros mi pade na pamet kako će narandžasto pseto biti predsednik u leto 2026-e. :frust:






The grapes of wrath gonna be verrry sourrr

  • +1 4
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