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Kamala poslije Džoa

Roger Sanchez

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5 minutes ago, 3opge said:

a ti bio u Americi tada pa znas, more bre, ajd odatle bre.

ako bas hoces da znas uglavnom su ga zvali i zovu bafoon ili douche.


Ne pričamo o tvom poštaru i berberinu nego o medijima.


"Bafoon" se piše sa "u".


Opet, samo nastavite. Ofanziva na meme frontu ne sme stati!



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Najsmešnije je što je samom Trampu omiljena zabava smišljanje nadimaka za političke neistomišljenike, bukvalno u desetinama obraćanja ima momente kad smisli novi nadimak pa onda samozadovoljno čestita sam sebi i ponavlja nadimak po 5-6 puta.


Nego Uini opet projektuje, nothing to see here. Valjda Tramp ima tu neku ideologiju koja je najbitnija.

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1 minute ago, Weenie Pooh said:


Ne pričamo o tvom poštaru i berberinu nego o medijima.


"Bafoon" se piše sa "u".


Opet, samo nastavite. Ofanziva na meme frontu ne sme stati!





nemas veze, pise se buffoon ali koga za spelling boli kurac 

aha, pa ti si strucnjak za statisticku analizu medija, sto ne kazes



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5 minutes ago, 3opge said:

aha, pa ti si strucnjak za statisticku analizu medija, sto ne kazes


Nažalost ne, Srbija nije dovoljno velika za dva stručnjaka u toj branši.



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30 minutes ago, Weenie Pooh said:


Nažalost ne, Srbija nije dovoljno velika za dva stručnjaka u toj branši.



Na stranu budaletina od autora tvita, ali u ovom je u pravu. 

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Back on topić:


"I am meeting with a lot of folks. And the work that we have begun is the work that is going to be ongoing. There is no question, and I said this from the beginning, that our approach to this issue has to be with a commitment to a long term investment and it has to be a commitment to consistency, the United States has to be consistent. There were times when were more engaged and we saw good results, less engaged, and we can see where the work and the partnerships then deteriorate. So I am committed to ensuring that we engage in an active way on the root causes, on addressing the cause and effect, and also being partners in the western hemisphere, understanding that we have a responsibility and if we ignore that responsibility it will visit itself upon us in a very domestic way."



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3 minutes ago, Čutura said:

da nekim slucajem mogu da glasam, ja bi glasao za ovo..


To su im opcije, retard koji kaže "bigly" i retard koji kaže "responsibility will visit itself upon us in a very domestic way".

Those are the two genders :jerry:


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3 hours ago, Weenie Pooh said:

Zato kažem, samo nastavi sa "weird" strategijom. Nema šanse da ne upali.

Nema šanse


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Malo kao kad citas one knjige Jane Austin pa sve neke staroengleske fraze ... very much honoured... thy upon us domestically ... tu je negde

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