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Kamala poslije Džoa

Roger Sanchez

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Jedina stvarno bojazan za Trump je da ce da krene na Iran.Nonsalancija o kojoj prica o Ukrajini,fazon to cemo Putin Xi i ja da resimo uz polic rakije,ljudi smo dogovoricemo se ,dok je u vezi Bl.Istoka pretnja ,bolje da nemate taoce kad ja dodjem na vlast.
Njegovo vidjenje bi bilo evo ti Putine Zaporozje,tebi Xi skidam deo sankcija a vi mene ne sprecavajte u Iranu.U sebi,hehe ala sam ih izjebao jer nista postovati necu za 2 godine.Problem sto i ova druga dva u sebi misle isto.

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To ako cenimo da je američki predsednik bogocar koji može da pokrene pohod na Iran ili bilo koju drugu zemlju tek onako, iz ćefa.


Da američki MIC ima planove za Iran, na njih ne bi uticala ni pobeda Trampa, ni pobeda Kamale, ni da se Bajden usere u gaće pred kamerama. 


Nonšalancija sa kojom Tramp priča o Ukrajini nije posledica nekog tajnog plana koji će sklopiti sa Rusijom i Kinom, samo posledica njegovog nemanja pojma ni o čemu. (Plus što načelno ima "meh, shithole countries" majndset.)

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10 minutes ago, Weenie Pooh said:

To ako cenimo da je američki predsednik bogocar koji može da pokrene pohod na Iran ili bilo koju drugu zemlju tek onako, iz ćefa.


Da američki MIC ima planove za Iran, na njih ne bi uticala ni pobeda Trampa, ni pobeda Kamale, ni da se Bajden usere u gaće pred kamerama. 


Nonšalancija sa kojom Tramp priča o Ukrajini nije posledica nekog tajnog plana koji će sklopiti sa Rusijom i Kinom, samo posledica njegovog nemanja pojma ni o čemu. (Plus što načelno ima "meh, shithole countries" majndset.)




Covek izmirio Srbe i Albance posle visevekovnog bloodbatha, ovo u Ukrajini je za njega pickin dim..

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5 minutes ago, Weenie Pooh said:

To ako cenimo da je američki predsednik bogocar koji može da pokrene pohod na Iran ili bilo koju drugu zemlju tek onako, iz ćefa.


Da američki MIC ima planove za Iran, na njih ne bi uticala ni pobeda Trampa, ni pobeda Kamale, ni da se Bajden usere u gaće pred kamerama. 


Nonšalancija sa kojom Tramp priča o Ukrajini nije posledica nekog tajnog plana koji će sklopiti sa Rusijom i Kinom, samo posledica njegovog nemanja pojma ni o čemu. (Plus što načelno ima "meh, shithole countries" majndset.)

Ne mislim da je Leto 2 ali zamisli Hillary ili Trumpa  u situaciji kad im stigne izvestaj da ce desetak foki i jedan general da se udave i umru od smrti jer su im  Ru servirali Iskander kebab.Da li bi nastavili sa deeskalacijom ili bi drone things?

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Iz prve ruke saznajem da je JD Vance izazvao burnu lancanu reakciju raznih zenskih grupa, postojecih ili onih koje se sada formiraju, svojom izjavom o nerotkinjama sa mackama.

Ta izjava je dosla kao narucena da politizuje cak i one zene koje ne bi nikada ni pomislile da se oko neceg takvog organizuju.

Tu su naravno i gen Z & Swifties, jako potcenjeni na ovom forumu koji se po svojoj prosecnoj starosti blizi zasluzenoj pemziji.




Edited by 3opge
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1 minute ago, Jimmy Kowalski said:

Covek izmirio Srbe i Albance posle visevekovnog bloodbatha, ovo u Ukrajini je za njega pickin dim..


A tek Korejce što je izmirio, jebo im je kevu.


Just now, askeladden said:

Ne mislim da je Leto 2 ali zamisli Hillary ili Trumpa  u situaciji kad im stigne izvestaj da ce desetak foki i jedan general da se udave i umru od smrti jer su im  Ru servirali Iskander kebab.Da li bi nastavili sa deeskalacijom ili bi drone things?


Rekao bih da ne bi bilo razlike. Seti se da je Hilari najavljivala no-fly zone u Siriji, tj. opušteno rušenje ruskih aviona kako bi se zaštitili "moderate rebels".


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Just now, 3opge said:

Iz prve ruke saznajem da je JD Vance izazvao burnu lancanu reakciju raznih zenskih grupa, postojecih ili onih koje se sada formiraju, svojom izjavom o nerotkinjama sa mackama.

Ta izjava je dosla kao narucena da politizuje cak i one zene koje ne bi nikada ni pomislile da se oko neceg takvog organizuju.

Tu je naravno i gen Z & Swifties, koji se vidim ovde potcenjuju na ovom forumu koji se po svojoj prosecnoj starosti blizi zasluzenoj pemziji.




Kad si vec tu,koliko prep folk ceni Kamalu,koliko Jordanovih svedoka,MMA i ostalih sport jocks,lovaca ,ribolovaca,trapera.

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2 minutes ago, 3opge said:

i blizi zasluzenoj pemziji.

Hey, speak for yourself!

+1 na ostatak posta

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A cekaj,mi pricamo o Swiftis kao  fanovi Taylor Swift?Swiftis su uz Kamalu,Racunam i Beehive je tu.Ja mislio to neki koji koriste samo swift placanje ?

Elem ne secam se da je ishlapeli starac tako slobodno pricao o no flight zoni u Ukrajini.Hillary je kao kandidat nabacivala tu ideju ili kao VP,ne secam se.

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4 minutes ago, 3opge said:


I Osmi najbolji gitarista u poslednjih 20 godina.Omar Rodrigez govna da jede.

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Inace, da se vratimo na Kamalu.


PR mashina objavljuje i hajpuje "grass root, small donor", ali su zaboravi da ishajpuju ovo (inace od vec pominjanog Matt Stollera):


Billionaire Orders Kamala Harris to Fire Lina Khan

LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman gave $10 million to Harris' campaign and demanded an end to Biden's tariff and antitrust policies. Bernie Sanders reacted angrily

A few days ago, billionaire LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman gave $10 million to the Kamala Harris effort, and promised a lot more. Hoffman is a Silicon Valley titan, part of the “PayPal mafia” that includes Peter Thiel and Elon Musk, though Hoffman sits on the Democratic side of the aisle. This morning, Hoffman went on CNN and issued demands. Harris must end Biden’s tariff and antitrust regimes, he said, and fire Federal Trade Commission Chair Lina Khan. Here’s the clip.



Malo o liku i djelu doticnog:


o far, Hoffman’s demand has been met with disinterest from the political press and a muted response from labor and progressive groups, who have mostly endorsed Harris and are enthusiastically celebrating her candidacy. There are a few exceptions. Senator Bernie Sanders chimed in angrily about Hoffman’s demand, and Senator Elizabeth Warren offered an endorsement of Khan. A pharmacist group also weighed in, and there will likely be more statements as the news filters through a very confused media environment, as Khan has a lot of fans (including in tech, she’s speaking at YCombinator today to a packed room).


All that said, Hoffman’s level of sophistication here is significant. A lot of billionaires are good at grabbing money, and little else. While known as a Democrat, he was a large donor to former Boeing board member and GOP Presidential candidate Nikki Haley, and he praised Trump’s deregulatory moves, though he criticized the Republican candidate for being bad for business due to tariffs and political instability. He also went after Trump supporting venture capitalists a few weeks ago for attempting to “buy influence.”

Hoffman laid out his political philosophy in 2018 in what seems like a business book, one titled Blitzscaling: The Lightning-Fast Path to Building Massively Valuable Companies. In it, Hoffman analyzed the rise of companies like Uber, Google, Microsoft, AirBNB, Amazon, Apple, and so forth, argued that monopolization through cheap capital and lawbreaking is socially beneficial, and that such firms should be admired for their mergers and acquisitions strategies and network effects that thwart rivals. When looking at which firms to laud, Hoffman knew to avoid using the term ‘monopoly,’ substituting the word ‘dominant,’ which he puts in his book 29 times as a positive affirmation.

Hoffman might seem to be simply expounding about commerce, but in fact he is oriented around politics. Hoffman believes the goal of any entrepreneur is to ignore everything except growing so quickly that a business elevates itself to sovereign levels of global power. He even uses the terms “Nation” and “City” to describe such a corporation. Once there, they must become good corporate citizens. “If you previously ignored issues such as diversity, legal compliance, or social justice,” he writes, “you need to understand that all eyes are now on you, and you'll be expected to behave as a responsible citizen and role model.”


Such a statement is a rebuke of some basic elements of our social order. After all, what does it mean to ignore issues such as “legal compliance” until you’ve built dominant market power? Well, that’s as close as you can get to saying that breaking the law to form a dominant corporation is virtuous. There’s an expression that behind every great fortune is a crime and Hoffman is basically saying that yes, that’s true, except such crimes are good if they are paired with diversity mandates, statements about social justice, and legal compliance regimes.

Hoffman is also explicit that corporate leaders, when they acquire such market power, become politicians. “Like it or not,” he writes, “when your company is a City or a Nation, you need to start thinking like a mayor or a president and set rules for the good of humanity as a whole rather than just for the good of your profits.” Combined with his outspoken disdain for public regulation, and his arrogant public comments pairing large donations with specific political demands involving his own self-interest, it’s a powerful statement that his politics is not about Republicans or Democrats, but instead about ensuring that a small number of corporate and financial leaders make the core decisions in our society.

In other words, democracy really is on the ballot, but not in the way people imagine. An oligarch has explicitly and openly taken over policy because it conflicts with his small faction’s control of American society. And so far, most political leaders are silent.

The only upside here is that Hoffman is being very public, aggressive, and explicit about his demands. And he’s going to corner Harris until she kisses the ring, or refuses to do so. From his perspective, he’s not donating $10 million, he’s making a purchase. Or so he thinks. Now it’s up to Harris to make the choice. Does she have Silicon Valley donors, or Silicon Valley owners?

Glede zadnje recenice iz spojlera, strepnja mi je dublja od nade.

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