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NBA 23/24


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22 hours ago, 1n54jd3r said:

TotalnO antiklimaks finale indeed. Mozda nije uporedivo, a opet mozda i jeste:




Realno prosli plejof je najjaci ikad, kao i samo finale. Onakav Majami bi pometlao ovogodisnji istok s pola gasa a Nagetsi sa Brusom Braunom odbranili titulu jos laganije...


Sve je u brojkama, nema lazi, nema prevare. Marej vise poena od Dzejlena Brauna, automatski je i bolji igrac.

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Pa šta su mu nudili, piše li negde?

Jbt, kod svih ovih vesti mi se priviđa Embid kao krokodil iz Petra Pana.

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Just now, Micko8 said:

Eto prilike za nesposobnu upravu Denvera da uvaljaju Portera za njega:fantom:

Kako da uvaljaju za igrača bez ugovora?

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3 minutes ago, Amos said:

Sign and trade, ali MPJa neće niko svakako. 


pa to bi zavisilo od dobre volje anunobyja

..ja se nadam da su ovo samo regularne pretnje pred finalnu cenu, liku je menadzer sin leona ruzhe, to bi bio epski fail.

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A ok to, nego ne znam kakav bi to bio sign da zadovolji sve tri strane.

Edited by kralj
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Ko ozbiljan može da plati Anunobija, OKC i Fila? Koje li pare on traži, siguran sam da mu Niksi nisu nudili manje od 30 milki godišnje.

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10 minutes ago, goofs said:

Ko ozbiljan može da plati Anunobija, OKC i Fila? Koje li pare on traži, siguran sam da mu Niksi nisu nudili manje od 30 milki godišnje.


neki kli na p&t, koji je ocigledno upucen u dinamiku:


The answer here is two fold:
1. OG has made it clear since he was in Toronto that he wanted 40+ mil on his next contract. There was some talk that he'd take a little less to play for the Knicks , about 35 mil, after the trade. But he's obviously interested in making the most money he can, as he should be. He knows a team like Philly is going to go in with a huge offer for him once they lose out on Paul George. Why wouldn't he see if the Knicks would come close to that offer?
2. The longer the Knicks stay under the 1st apron the better for them. They have no incentive to lock up OG right now. In fact, they're incentivized by the new cap rules to hold off on paying him for as long as possible. So the Knicks are probably telling OG he's either got to accept an under market value deal now, or wait until free agency when they know more about how their roster is going to be built out because they'll have a better understanding of the trade market.
These things don't mesh together. Obviously, the Knicks aren't going to let him leave, but they do want to drag this out. The question is whether or not OG is offended by that, he wouldn't be the first player to have an issue with the timing of a deal.
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Da, pretpostavljao sam tako nešto. 40+ za njega mi se čini previše, ali mogli bi Niksi da mu ponude 35 uz uslov da sada prihvati player option koji ima za narednu sezonu. Onda imaju samo jednu godinu da pregrme dok se ne otarase Rendla i posle pesma, baš im je dobro skockan salary cap, DiVićenco za 10 milki je najbolji ugovor lige.

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Mnogo je i 35. Ja ga baš gotivim, al nit je toliko dobar nit je imao 1 zdravu sezonu u karijeri.

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mnogo ili jok, to je realnost. siakam se upravo sprema da prihvati 47milki godisnje od pacersa





Edited by uini
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