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NBA 23/24


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1 minute ago, Mil@n said:


Snimite ovaj link, radi preko svega, uvek radi, ima više strimova, ne treba bukvalno ništa više. Barem meni nije trebalo.




Super, hvala! :) 

  • +1 1
6 minutes ago, Quizmaster said:

Zamolio bih za neki link za Denver, a budim se svakako do toaleta u to doba noći pa ću samo da produžim do fotelje :) 


welcome to the club :D 



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Such is the benefit of an overqualified, supercharged role player with the enduring capacity to do more. Gordon has spent his career expanding his game while narrowing his role—making him one of Denver’s most dynamic players, a well of potential energy just waiting to be tapped. It’s Gordon who allows the Nuggets to be lateral thinkers. He knows how to run every set in the playbook from every position. He has the ball skills to initiate the offense or simply keep it moving. The fact that he can take on the toughest defensive assignments—including Edwards—makes entire lineups viable.

“There are only two positions in basketball: on the floor and off the floor,” he says. “And I like being on the floor.”





  • +1 4
  • Wub 1
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Peta utakmica je pocetak kraja Denvera. Slobodno se kladite protiv njih, dobicete sigurno:)

  • Haha 1
1 hour ago, uini said:

Such is the benefit of an overqualified, supercharged role player with the enduring capacity to do more. Gordon has spent his career expanding his game while narrowing his role—making him one of Denver’s most dynamic players, a well of potential energy just waiting to be tapped. It’s Gordon who allows the Nuggets to be lateral thinkers. He knows how to run every set in the playbook from every position. He has the ball skills to initiate the offense or simply keep it moving. The fact that he can take on the toughest defensive assignments—including Edwards—makes entire lineups viable.

“There are only two positions in basketball: on the floor and off the floor,” he says. “And I like being on the floor.”





Odlican citat.


Mene (kao i Misko 8) je hvatala jeza tokom sezone kad Gordon uzme loptu i krene u dribling: tip krene, zabije glavu u pod i obicno izgubi loptu. Ali G4 je bilo otkrovenje, i to ne zato sto je pogodio 11 od 12 i ubacio sva bacanja, vec zato sto je prevodio loptu i imao odlicna dodavanja. Samo je jednom umjesto da zakuca odlucio da vrati nazad, da bi cini mi se MPJ promasio sa par metara. Ali sve drugo za 5+.

  • +1 1
2 hours ago, Micko8 said:

Peta utakmica je pocetak kraja Denvera. Slobodno se kladite protiv njih, dobicete sigurno:)


Pa jebiga sad, sjebali smo sve nekretnine na prethodne dve.

  • +1 1
  • Haha 5

Knicksi ce od bolnice da postanu groblje. Tibodo ne odustaje od rotacije 7 igraca.


Nisam jbno ništa spavao a radim sutra ceo dan 10-00. 


Ako budem grogi ceo dan za ništa, idem u Sombor da prekrečim mural. 



  • Haha 1

Probudim se za Denver i Minesotu i da pre toga verovatno vidim pobedu Indijane a ono 30 razlike za Nikse, wtf :laugh: Neunistivi su ljudi, mora to ici u 4-2 sad


Ne igra Konli za nase, Aleksander Voker na kecu. Bice tesko ali boricemo se muski, dobijamo 57-112


nadam se da zeljko obradovic gleda utakmicu


Pametna tehnička Melouna.

  • +1 1

odma dva faula u napadu minesote

uci zeljko, uci



bili su faulovi



i treci :D 

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