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NBA 23/24


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“I guess it’s a little bit embarrassing, but not too embarrassing to where I can’t talk about it,” he said. “I don’t drink a lot during the season. I probably had a little bit too much eggnog. I was kind of roughhousing with my dog, and I think my dog got a little excited and just basically chomped down. Gave me a bite. And I was basically wrestling him off of me, and then he bit my hand.


“For lack of better words, I was (messing) around with my dog, and when you (mess) around, you find out.”


Gordon vouched for his dog Sunday and said they reconciled the night of the bite. According to authorities, no dog bite involving an individual named Aaron Gordon was reported to local or state animal protection services.

“He’s a good boy. He’s a good dog,” Gordon said. “… Very attached. Very sweet. Very strong. Great dog.”

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11 minutes ago, kralj said:

Ma otkud? Solidno grizu, jedino je KAT prestao da igra posle 10ak minuta.


Nije bas prestao da igra nego se raspada vec par meceva zestoko. A solidno grize par igraca, ostali statiraju uz mnogo pocetnicnkih gresaka ali ajde evo vracaju se ovi pa mozda bude malo kuvanja

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Pa da, tako otprilike. Krenuo je doduše agresivno. Bio je najbolji dok su pravili razliku na početku.


Baš se gubi Tibodo, plače mu tim za energijom Divincenca. Dobro da je bar OG-a vratio.

Edited by kralj
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