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Dokumentarni film "Lasta" reditelja Milana Belegišanina priča o jednom neobičnom čoveku imenom Boško Dugački koji je, spletom slučajnih okolnosti u okolini naselja Surduk, kraj Dunava, jedne godine - pripitomio lastu.Oni koji se u divlje ptice razumeju tvrde da je to - nemoguća misija, da se laste ne mogu pripitomljavati, ali je Bošku - uspelo.Dvadesetak minuta ove filmske priče vrede svake sekunde, nećete se pokajati ako pustite da vam Boško ispriča svoju čudesnu priču o njemu i - jednoj lasti koje više nema...
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ima svakakvih dekadencija:)


edit: stavio foto u spojler, jeste Bukovski na njoj, ali moze biti nekome pretvrda

Edited by CowBoy
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"The Beloved is all, the lover just a veil.The Beloved is living, the lover a dead thing....If Love witholds its strengthening care,The lover is left like a bird without wings.How will I be awake and awareIf the light of the Beloved is absent?Love wills that this Word be brought forth.If you find the mirror of the heart dull,The rust has not been cleared from its face.".........Rumi (Mathnawi Book 1, 34)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11lr68ZaQrM

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Ovo prosto moram da postujem.... :ph34r:A ovaj polu-blog topic mi se čini prikladan.Jure Robić slovenački biciklista na duge staze u New York Timesu.Robic470.jpg

‘He pushes himself into madness,’’ says Tomaz Kovsca, a journalist for Slovene television. ‘‘He pushes too far.’’ Rajko Petek, a 35-year-old fellow soldier and friend who is on Robic’s support crew, says: ‘‘What Jure does is frightening. Sometimes during races he gets off his bike and walks toward us in the follow car, very angry.’’What do you do then?Petek glances carefully at Robic, standing a few yards off. ‘‘We lock the doors,’’ he whispers.

Aj manje više to...

The craziness is methodical, however, and Robic and his crew know its pattern by heart. Around Day 2 of a typical weeklong race, his speech goes staccato. By Day 3, he is belligerent and sometimes paranoid. His short-term memory vanishes, and he weeps uncontrollably. The last days are marked by hallucinations: bears, wolves and aliens prowl the roadside; asphalt cracks rearrange themselves into coded messages. Occasionally, Robic leaps from his bike to square off with shadowy figures that turn out to be mailboxes. In a 2004 race, he turned to see himself pursued by a howling band of black-bearded men on horseback.‘‘Mujahedeen, shooting at me,’’ he explains. ‘‘So I ride faster.’’


Then, around the Plains states, comes the stomach trouble. Digestive tracts, overloaded by the strain of processing 10,000 calories a day (the equivalent of 29 cheeseburgers), go haywire. This is usually accompanied by a wave of structural problems: muscles and tendons weaken, or simply give out. Body-bike contact points are especially vulnerable. Feet swell two sizes, on average. Thumb nerves, compressed on the handlebars, stop functioning. For several weeks after the race, Robic, like a lot of RAAM riders, must use two hands to turn a key. (Don’t even ask about the derrière. When I did, Robic pantomimed placing a gun in his mouth and pulling the trigger.)


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Što mi nisi onda rekao nešto lepo?Hteo sam, ali nisam mogao. Ujela me osa za jezik, jako je bio otekao, kao krofna. Jedva je stao u usta.A što mi nisi odgovorio na sms?Otpala mi je bila ruka.Ej, a što se nisi onda pojavio kad smo se dogovorili?Jesam, pojavio sam se. Ali sam se jako smanjio. Stajao sam ti sve vreme na cipeli. Vikao sam te, nisi me čula.A hocemo se danas videti?Nećemo.Zašto?Danas sam nevidljiv. Zamisli, probudio sam se vidljiv samo do pola i evo sve vreme nestajem, ostao mi još samo prst. Njime ti kucam...
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I have eight acres just outside of Yosemite National Park. It is a bountiful land with lots of wild deer, wild turkeys and various other wildlife. I have my own well that produces 25 gallons of water per minute. This well was drilled at the end of a seven year drought and is a reliable well that most likely will never run out. I have a 2,800 gallon water tank that I am working on getting online and my goal it to get it an a solar backup as well as a hand crank back up system. I have vegetable gardens and a green house and I plan on building more green houses. I also plan on developing an aqua culture system because I have a ponding area on my land and I have a chicken coup but no chickens yet because my dogs ate them. I raise and breed Queensland Heeler dogs for cash which helps allot. I also do photography and my gardening brings in extra cash. I have not had a regular full time job in almost six years but instead I am living off my land.
Edited by vasudeva418
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