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livres_photos_833_04.jpgAlice wakesIt is morningShe is yawningAs she walks about the roomHer hair rolls down her breastShe is naked and it is JuneStanding at the windowI wonder if she knows that I can seeWatching Alice rise year after yearUp in her palace, she's captive thereAlice's bodyIs golden brownHer hair hangs downAs she brushes it one hundred timesFirst she pulls her stockings onAnd then the church bell chimesAlice climbes into her uniformThe zipper's on the sideWatching Alice dressing in her roomIt's so depressing, it's cruelWatching Alice dressing in her roomIt's so depressing, it's true Edited by Indy
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^ obriso mi imageshack sliku, najnormalniju :blink: jeboihtermsofservice!2dbv3mo.jpgWhat's the useOf feeling betrayedWhat's the useOf feeling at allI'm pacing the floorI'm wearing it smoothThis is stupidI think i'll go homeWhat's the useOf moving uptownFlying to RomeOn your credit cardAn endless paradeOf lawyers and financePlenty of time with nothing to doGive me new noiseGive me new affectionStrange new toys from another worldI need to see moreThan just three dimensionsStranger than fictionFaster than light

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26922131209727491010049.jpgJašo,nemoj ovo nikom da pokazuješ.Ovo su, brale, porođajne muke.------------------------------------------Svako drvo u ovoj ulici nastalo je iz ploda nekog ranijeg drveta. To znači da u njemu žive mnoge i mnoge davne šume.Ni ti se nisi dogodio sam od sebe na svetu. To što listaš i rasteš prema zvezdama, liči na one što su pre tebe nicali, borili se i sanjali.Ovde je bilo ratova. Pobedilo ih je vreme. Vreme je pobedilo sve osim tebe. Čovek je nešto za pedalj više od večnosti.U spomen herojima Milu Latinoviću, Dušanu Jerkoviću i drugovima, umrlim pod ovim krovom da bi ti danas živeo.Opštinski odbor SUBNOR-a RumaU spomen narodnom heroju Dušanu Jerkoviću i svim vojnicima revolucije koji su živeli da bi ti danas živeo.1941-1976.Miroslav Antić Edited by Hustler
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