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Avaj meni, do Boga miloga!Nuto kurve mlade Vidosave!Kad izdade ovakog junaka,Koga danas u svijetu nema,To li mene sjutra izdat' nece!Pa poviknu svoje vjerne sluge,Uvatise kuju Vidosavu,Svezase je konjma za repove,Odbise ih ispod Pirlitora,Te je konji zivu rastrgose.

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Ne znam što da radim sa sobom na što misli da bacim eto stvaram polako pjesmu o tebi gledam tvoje tijelo ludujem za njim i ponavljam u sebi samo jedno Poljubi me poljubi me pa mi prste u kosu uvuci i zagrli me poljubi me pa se privi tik uz mene i zapjevaj ako znaš bilo što Želim da se stisnem uz tebe da te milujem da ti šapućem na uho bisere da pričam o slobodi da se glupiram da ti kažem oh ti ludo jedina Poljubi me poljubi me pa mi prste u kosu uvuci i zagrli me poljubi me pa se privi tik uz mene i zapjevaj ako znaš bilo sto Azra

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Avaj meni, do Boga miloga!Nuto kurve mlade Vidosave!Kad izdade ovakog junaka,Koga danas u svijetu nema,To li mene sjutra izdat' nece!Pa poviknu svoje vjerne sluge,Uvatise kuju Vidosavu,Svezase je konjma za repove,Odbise ih ispod Pirlitora,Te je konji zivu rastrgose.
Kralj pohara dvore Momcilove,Pa on uze sestru Momcilovu,Po imenu dilber-Jevrosimu,Odvede je Skadru na Bojanu,I vjenca je sebi za ljubovcu,Snjom lijepi porod izrodio,Porodio Marka i Andriju,A Marko se turi na ujaka,Na ujaka vojvodu Momcila.ljubovca, jedna od najlepsih srpskih reci
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How did I fuck this up? Seriously. What if I remembered the tartar sauce? Would things be different? Would Robert die not thinking I'm a jerk-off... ...jerk-fuck? Don't forget the tartar sauce. Just call the order in, Noreen... ...and quit busting my you-know-what, okay? You always half-listen to what I'm saying to you! I heard you. Tartar sauce. Tartar sauce. Tartar sauce. Tartar sauce. Tartar sauce, tartar sauce, tartar sauce, tartar sauce. Man, how I'd like to put my face in there. Right in there. Tartar sauce. My hips are cold. Tartar sauce. That's when you know it's cold. I like eating pussy. Tartar sauce. A lot of guys don't. Well, maybe they do. Maybe that's just black guys. Tartar sauce. What happened to the guy who was trying to go around the world... ...in a balloon? Did he make it? I should put some espionage... ...or stolen plutonium in my novel. Tartar sauce. Spice it up. Neil Young. Fuck, it's cold! Neil Young? Why am I thinking about Neil Young? Neil Diamond. Neil. There's not a lot of famous Neils. Is this Wednesday? I wish I had two dicks. I thought the whole family was going to learn Spanish together this year. That never really happened. I haven't had a Spanish omelet in a long time. Here we go. Anything else? No. Where is the tartar sauce? They were out. They apologized. They were cool about it. They were out? They were out. They were out of tartar sauce? I'm calling them. Fuck, Noreen. It's not about the tartar sauce. It's about you. You don't care! I don't care about tartar sauce! I'm trying to make a living for this family. I've got work things to think about and pressure. Tartar sauce? Fuck, Noreen, are you serious? You are so selfish! I would do anything for you... Everything you say is right. ...as if we're not happy.
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