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jako mi je milo sto ste dosli , ova prva noc ne bi mi bas lako prosla , Strah ,Malo sam se uplasio kad sam cuo kucanje , nije mi palo na pamet da biste to mogli biti vi, ali to nije bio pravi strah,vec samo samoca,Ah,samoca,moracete jos mnogo da ucite da biste znali sta je to,Oduvek sam ziveo sam, I ja isto,ali samoca nije ziveti sam, samoca je kad nismo sposobni da pravimo drustvo nekome lili necemu sto se nalazi duboko u nama,samoca nije usamljeno drvo nasred puste ravnice, to je rastojanje izmedju skrivenih sokova i kore, izmedju lista i korena.Vi bulaznite, sve to sto pominjete medjusobno je povezano, nema tu nikakve samoce,U redu , pustimo sad drvo ,nego se zagledajte u sebe, i naci cete samocu, Kao sto rece onaj drugi, hodati usamljen kroz gomilu,Jos gore od toga, biti usamljen tamo gde nas ni samih nema,Nisam ja govorio o toj samoci,nego o drugoj, onoj koja nas prati, podnosljivoj,onoj koja nam pravi drustvo,Cak i nju ne mozemo uvek da podnesemo , vapimo za necijim prisustvom, nekim glasom, a ponekad taj isti glas i to isto prisustvo sluze jedino zato da ucine samocu jos nepodnosljivijom.

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...Moje je more, moj je brodI smrt će moja biti tajna za teOstavljam ti francuski krevet, ne plačiJoš uvijek mislim, mislim na te....

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"Experiencing this pain in my muscles and aching and going on and on is my challenge. The last three or four reps is what makes the muscles grow. This area of pain divides a champion from someone who is not a champion. That's what most people lack, having the guts to go on and just say they'll go through the pain no matter what happens. I have no fear of fainting. I do squats until I fall over and pass out. So what? It's not going to kill me. I wake up five minutes later and I'm OK. A lot of other athletes are afraid of this. So they don't pass out. They don't go on." - Arnold Schwarzenegger

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Well, Im a standing on a cornerIn Winslow, ArizonaAnd such a fine sight to seeIts a girl, my lord, in a flatbedFord slowin down to take a look at me.......

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...Lay your head back easy, love, Close your cryin' eyes I'll be layin' here beside you When the sun comes on the rise I'll stay as long as the cuckoo wails And the lonesome bluejay cries....

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I'm closer to the Golden Dawn Immersed in Crowley's uniform Of imagery I'm living in a silent film Portraying Himmler's sacred realm Of dream reality I'm frightened by the total goal Drawing to the ragged hole And I ain't got the power, anymore No I ain't got the power anymore I'm the twisted name on Garbo's eyes Living proof of Churchill's lies I'm destiny I'm torn between the light and dark Where others see their targets Divine symmetry Should I kiss the viper's fang Or herald loud the death of Man? I'm sinking in the quicksand of my thought And I ain't got the power anymore Don't believe in yourself Don't deceive with belief Knowledge comes with death's release I'm not a prophet or a stone age man Just a mortal with the potential of a superman I'm living on I'm tethered to the logic of Homo SapiensCan't take my eyes from the great salvation Of bullshit faith If I don't explain what you ought to know You can tell me all about it On the next Bardo I'm sinking in the quicksand of my thought And I ain't got the power anymore Don't believe in yourself Don't deceive with belief Knowledge comes with death's release

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iptr9e.jpg... I love trash Everything dirty, growing, in spots Never to be seen again The faces that I love Temporary, uncaptureable Unsolid Even the monuments Grow dingy, dusty Even the innermost thought The world, and its images A giant garbage can...
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Art is the way to the absolute and to the essence of human life. The aim of art is notthe one-sided promotion of spirit, soul and senses, but the opening of all human capacities- thought, feeling, will- to the life rhythm of the world of nature. So will the voiceless voice be heard and the self be brought into harmony with it. Artistic skill, therefore, does not mean artistic perfection. It remains rather a continuing medium or reflection of some step in psychic development, the perfection of which is not to be found in shape and form, but must radiate from the human soul.bruce%20lee%20snt.jpg

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"Smrt može biti samo jedno od ovoga dvoga. Ili, onom koji je umro nije ništa, ili je opet neka promena i seoba duše odavde na drugo mesto. U prvom slučaju, ako nema nikakvih osećanja, ako je sve kao dubok san, kada se spava i ništa ne sanja, ako je smrt, dakle, takva, onda je ona čudo od blagodeti jer sve vreme života i nije ništa drugo nego jedna neprospavana noć. U drugom slučaju, ako je smrt neka promena i seoba duše odavde na drugo mesto i ako je istina što se govori, da borave tamo oni koji su preminuli, zar nema veće sreće od ovoga - sresti se tamo sa Orfejem, sa Homerom. što se mene tiče, ako je to istina, želeo bih i više puta da umrem. šta bi ko dao da ispita onoga koji je protiv Troje podigao onu mnogu vojsku, pa Odiseja, pa Sizifa i hiljade i hiljade drugih. S njima se tamo razgovarati, biti s njima u društvu, ispitivati ih. To bi bilo neizmerno blaženstvo. Oni tamo, po svoj prilici, za ovakve razgovore ne osuđuju na život. No, vreme je da krenemo, ja u smrt, a vi dalje, kroz život. Ko od nas ide boljem, to niko ne zna.''

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