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liottin deo."Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you're gonna be up again. But life goes on. Remember that. Money isn't real George. It doesn't matter. It only seems like it does."

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We skipped a light fandango, Turned cartwheels 'cross the floor. I was feeling kind of seasick, But the crowd called out for more. The room was humming harder, As the ceiling flew away. When we called out for another drink, The waiter brought a tray. And so it was that later, As the miller told his tale, That her face at first just ghostly, Turned a whiter shade of pale. She said there is no reason, And the truth is plain to see That I wandered through my playing cards, And would not let her be One of sixteen vestal virgins Who were leaving for the coast. And although my eyes were open, They might just as well have been closed. And so it was later, As the miller told his tale, That her face at first just ghostly, Turned a whiter shade of pale.

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a tko je nosati deka koji obljubljuje suvu sljivicu ?
zaista ne znam kako da ti to pristojno saopstim, taj nosati deka/?/ je imao u svom narucju nekoliko prelepih zena, medju njima, galu za zenu i ovu ovde meleskinju, nusch koju obljubljuje na ocigled svojih /takodje vrrrrrrlo poznatih prijatelja, zamisli da treba da pogodis i onog desno, a?/kao muzu i kao ljubavnicu i kao zenu, a imao je i skrivene aspitracije i prema lepoj dori maar koju je i upoznao sa picassom...i td i td...Elle est debour sur mes paupi?resEt ses cheveux sont dans les miens,Elle a la forme de mes mains,Elle a la couleur de mes yeux,Elle s'engloutit dan mon ombreComme une pierre sur le ciel.Elle a toujours les yeux ouvertsEt ne me laisse pas dormir.Ses r?ves en pleine lumi?reFont s'?vaporer les soleils,Me font rire, pleurer et rire,Parler sans avoir rien ? direinace, ime mu je eug?ne emile paul grindel evo nesto prepoznatljivo za tebe, mapplethorpenov 'david' /da neznalci ovo ne prokomentarisu kao pornografiju, nedajboze/, a i slaze se sa mocinim fudbalerima...


Edited by PussyGalore
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