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Elem, pušta gospođa dare... neku staru domaću muziku, koja mi leži kad mi život nije po volji i ja pokušah da nađem Limenog na YouTube-u... Kad ono nema... <_< I tu ja rekoh gospođi da bi baš mogla da napravi neki kaki-taki jutubić... Međutim posle nekog vremena ona reče: - E stvarno ne mogu, evo jedva nađoh neki stari snimak i 1 celu fotografiju na internetu, a nemam živaca da tražim neke druge fotke da uklapam...-Dovoljno! Rekoh ja: -Ajde samo ti to napravi sa tim što imaš... Umeš ti to.. Znam ja...I evo...Lee Man - Ljubav neka potraje...Darivam ti sve, moje ružičaste snePetlovi u zoru neće biti blizuTela, znojav dahSenke zagrljene miruju na ziduDuša sanjiva, ne zna kada svanjivaOvaj spoj nek bude karika u nizuNeće skoro danSpuštene roletne bile su u viduLjubav neka potraje, srce se ne prodajeDobra vila biće stalno negdi oko nasBilo dobro ili zlo biću s'tobom zajednoTi si moja sudbinaSpokojan i čist, preslikaj i ovaj listPlamen sreće nek ti obasjava puteZnaj da uvek jaPoklanjam ti svoje tople skute

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...Now, this man down at the used car lottried to sell me four wheels and a trunk.I said, "but man, there is no engine!"He said, "the engine's just a bunch of junk.You don't need no engine to go downhilland I could plainly see, that that's the directionyou're headed in", and he handed me the keys....

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...I live under glass in the British museumI am wrinkled and black, I am ten thousand yearsI once lost in business, I once lost in loveI took a hard fall, I couldn't get upI was frozen out in the lean winter yearsWhen the dollars were few and the faces were meanI was frozen in business and frozen in loveI took a ten minute nap, man I never woke upOld and lonely, dirty and coldI'm a Jerdacuttup man...

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...I`m so glad I`m not like a wild one I knew one timeLost a girl he loved and so he lost his mindHe sat around and drank his life awayLook at me I`m only drinking once a dayOnce a day all day longAnd once a night from dusk till dawn...

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Believe in me - send no moneyDied on the cross, that ain't funnyBut my so called friends they're making me a jokeThey missed out what I said like I never spokeThey choose what they wanna hear - don't tell a lieThey just leave out the truth as they're watching you dieSaving your soul by taking your moneyFlies around shit, bees around honeyDickinson/Smith

Edited by Maistor
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For seven years I dwelt In the loose palace of exile Playing strange games With the girls of the island Now I have come again To the land of the fair, and the strong, and the wise Brothers and sisters of the pale forest O Children of Night Who among you will run with the hunt? Now Night arrives with her purple legion Retire now to your tents and to your dreams Tomorrow we enter the town of my birth I want to be ready

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