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Priča o kojoj je ovde reč dešava se u zimu 1978/79. Da li kraj ili početak zime, više se zaista ne mogu setiti. U kino sali provincijske varoši mog detinjstva počeli su (nažalost na kratko) da se organizuju koncerti. Prvi na redu je bio Smak. Sad to što sam imao devet godina tada nije bio razlog da ne želim da to pogledam, ali, roditelji me, naravno, nisu pustili da idem sam, nikoga nisu našli da me vodi, a oni su sami bili van tih voda tako da im nije padalo na um da oni sami to urade. Priče koje su došle do mene posle tog koncerta (od stare kume koja je prodavala karte za tu salu od 496 mesta) za mene klinca bile su fascinantne. Zamisli, polomljeno je nekih 5-6 stolica (koje godinama kasnije niko nije popravljao već su na mesto rupa postavljene neke najobičnije), a jedna cica se (gle sramote!) usudila da odbaci i majcu i brus i da u toplesu bodri svoj omiljeni bend. Wow! Rekao sam sebi, sledeći koncert je moj, pa ma ko to bio od tih čupavaca, a zabrinutim roditeljima sam nagovestio da već unapred smišljaju šta da rade jer nemam nameru da propustim sledeći "spektakl".Sledeći (ali i poslednji) u toj seriji koncerata u mojoj varoši bio je nastup tada nove atrakcije - Vatreni poljubac! Njihovo prvo izdanje već sam posedovao tada i naravno da me je jako dojmilo. Ta buka, te gitare... Ludilo! Ovoga puta roditelji su mi izašli u susret. žrtva je bila rođaka majčine prijateljice, tada gospojica u zrelim dvadesetim, a glavni začin je dodala spominjana kuma biletarnica koja mi je prodala karte za prvi red! Sve je to samo uvod u događaj koji je definitivno zacementirao ulogu rock and rolla u mom životu. Nek se zna!Ludilo je krenulo fundamentalno. Nekoliko sekundi posle prvog tona svi su bili na nogama. Doduše, ja klinac stajao sam na stolici, ali prvi red je prvi red. Moja "vodilja", onako skockana u bundi (sigurno je sigurno, možda neki đuvegija naleti) izdržala je sve to deset minuta, pokušala da me ubedi da odemo sa strane (što sam naravno izričito odbio), i na kraju se sama povukla da me posmatra sa strane, a ja starmali ostao sam sa mangupima u prvom redu.Danas, gotovo tri decenije kasnije, teško je naći reči da se opiše moj klinački doživljaj tada viđenog. Tri lika, goli do pojasa, a ne zna se ko je luđi i ko bolje svira. Sa moje leve strane, kovrdžavi pevač i gitarista, sa jezičinom do zemlje, non-stop u pokretu, grlat, sa ultrabrzim prstima i rifovima koji udaraju u glavu. Desno, basista koji u odnosu na gitaristu deluje skoro pa autistično, ali... ni jednog trenutka taj bas se nije odvojio od mog stomaka. Po sredini, za mene tada najspektakularnije. Čupavi bucko koji je bubanj svirao brže od Gonza iz Mapet šoua, sa kompletom bubnjeva koje sam video tada i nikada više. Realno, više od 30 elemenata. Po jedno desetak činela i desetak prelaza, veličine od klasičnih pa do onih veličine tacne za kafene šoljice, plus sva ostala što klasična, što specifična artiljerija.U publici delirijum. Ispred bine gomila ljudi, zaposleni u bioskopu totalno zgranuti, lokalni Travolta (u kompletnom Satruday Night Fever outfitu) uspeva da se probije do scene, dok Prle (cepač karata) bezuspešno pokušava da ga udalji sa iste... A ova trojica praše, prangijaju bez ikakve stanke. Kompletno ludilo. Kako opisati taj osećaj? Verovatno ekvialentan onome kada sam prvi put seo na nošu, odradio posao, pogledao u istu, i razvukao osmeh srećan jer sam nešto, prvi put, sam napravio (ovo su mi već pričali da se desilo). Nezaborav je blaga reč za ovo proviđenje kome sam tada prisustvovao. Normalna deca su više volela kad dođu klovnovi, žongleri i dreseri, a ja ipak r'n'r i "tetku na trapezu" (copyright by Nervozni poštar)

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Oduvek si bio napredan!A jes' bio doktor za rokenrol ;)Now touching my soulheineken.gif + lyrics koji je najbolji australijski film koji nikad nije snimljenOne Sunday morningWhile I was out walkingBy the Brisbane's watersI chanced to strayThere I found a prisonerLayed half in the waterHe'd seen me comingAnd he began to say"I was a native of Erin's IrelandAnd before I was broughtTo this terrible placeThey dragged me awayFrom my wife and newbornAnd my ailing parentsI've been a prisoner at Port MacquarieNorfolk Island and Emu PlainsAt Castle Hill and cursed ToongabbieAt all of these settlementsI've worked in chainsBut of all the places of condemnationAt each penal station of New South WalesTo Moreton Bay I've found no equalThe tyranny there makes all the rest paleThere I met O'BrienThe defender from UlsterHe'd left Ireland burningCame here for the wakeHe was a schemerA Jacobite nightmareHe could not be brokenBut he became displacedThe Jew had one handHe was a violent manHe'd worn the 20 pound ironsSince before time beganJust before the dawn brokeHis starvation awokeHe'd pick the corn from the filthHe'd find laying aroundThere ain't no walls at allSo remote is the NorthThe Commandant LoganWas the devil for sureHis chief flogger was madI heard a prison guard sayHe'd wash his lash in a bucketThen drinks the remainsWell I heard a rumourIn the barracks one nightThe Jew and O'Brien had fashioned a knifeThey meant to kill LoganBut my will was brokeMy brain reeled with this secretAnd the next day I spokeThey put me back on the gangWith no word of my actionsO'Brien and the JewGot 300 lashesO'Brien came off his triangleWith exposed shoulder bladesHis skin never healedHe turned morbid and strangeWe was out on the road gangJust digging a holeI was struggling with conscienceMy nerves had dissolvedTo 15 pairs of eyesO'Brien proposed,'Shall we go to the gallowsBe done with our woes?You know the gameFair play's all I'm askingWe'll draw 16 straws then nothing is wantingWhy should we grasp at thestraws of our livesWhen we're only condemned by our will to survive?'16 straws we did then did drawI picked the long oneThe Jew picked the shortHe said 'pray God forgives youAt least make it quick'14 pairs of eyes watched mePounding a a shiv through his heartAnd for a few moments there was nostopping the bloodThen O'Brien said 'friends!On a scaffold this endsBut it's a long was to BrisbaneAnd we are dangerous men'Well Logan was wildWe filled him with bileHe'd seen the Catholic dodgePlain suicideWe'd ascended his powersBut not that of the King'sOr the judge down the river'sBut we was happy to swingWe were marched through the scrubOff to Brisbane for trialChained into a whalerSet off at low tideWith 6 nervous marinesAnd 6 Enfield riflesThe arse end of the worldAnd indifferent blue skyWell I turned to torporAt the stern in the sunBut I gathered the others must have come undoneI woke breathing smoke in a chaos of limbsA red coat squirting bloodThrough a hole in his chinAnd a volley of fire in my general directionThere was panic and shotAnd the smell of powder burningI threw a rifle up over the sideIt was dark by the waterBut I could see the shore lightsCrouched down in the backThe wrong side of the gunsGetting scorched by the powderI thought surely I'm doneI seen ghoulish thingsMen show limb from limbO'Brien was deadThere were pieces of himI tore off my shirtI was quite badly burntMy eyes poured like well springsThey were swollen and hurtI'm not sure who survivedMy whole trunk was on fireBut they borke the chains off meAnd I bailed over the side."Well I was amazed by this poor wretch's taleI'd heard not of the friendsHe had left in the whalerBut I'd just seen the paperand I had to explainHow his Commander Loganhad died just this day"He'd set out behind youHe was out hunting gameWhen he startled some nativesTook a spear through his brain"Then the prisoner said "good"I heard someone in bootsI turned around and that's whenThe Royal Marines came (The Drones, 16 straws)

Edited by Indy
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Oh, she may be wearyYoung girls they do get wearyWearing that same old shaggy dress, yeah yeahBut when she gets wearyTry a little tenderness, yeah yeahYou know she's waitingJust anticipatingFor things that she'll never, never, never, never possess, yeahBut while she's there waiting, without themTry a little tenderness (that's all you gotta do)It's not just sentimental, no, no, noShe has her grief and careBut the soft words they are spoke so gentle, yeahIt makes it easier, easier to bear, yeahYou won't regret it, no, noSome girls they don't forget itLove is their only happiness, yeahBut it's all so easyAll you gotta do is try, try a little tendernessSqueeze her, don't tease her, never leave herYou've got, you've got, you've got Just try a little tenderness, oh yeah yeah yeah

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i jos kada se spoje dva dejvida i putovanje u fantazmagariju pocinje/drugi je dejvid linc za neznalice..../indy, ovi tvoji su odlicni, cekam da mi stigne 'wait long by the river ...'
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  • 2 weeks later...

...Mother earth is pregnant for the third timeFor ya?ll have knocked her upI have tasted the maggots in the mind of the universeI was not offendedFor I knew I had to rise above it allOr drown in my own shit....

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