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post-5265-13349145209291.jpg+nečiji komentar na nedavnu smrt autora karikature:
Salut, vieux camarade de bringue, à Angoulême ou Paris, loser désespéré et talentueux au pays des gagnants et des malins
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1. Making comparisons can spoil your happiness.2. Happiness often comes when least expected.3. Many people see happiness in their future.4. Many people think that happiness comes from having more power or more money.5. Sometimes happiness is not knowing the whole story.6. Happiness is a long walk in beautiful, unfamiliar mountains.7. It's a mistake to think that happiness is the goal.8. Happiness is being with people you love.8b. Unhappiness is being separated from people you love.9. Happiness is knowing your family lacks for nothing.10. Happiness is doing the job you love.11. Happiness is having a home and a garden of your own.12. It's harder to be happy in a country run by bad people.13. Happiness is feeling useful to others.14. Happiness is to be loved for exactly who you are.15. Happiness comes when you feel truly alive.16. Happiness is knowing how to celebrate.17. Happiness is caring about the happiness of those you love.18. Happiness could be the freedom to love more than one man/woman at the some time.19. The sun and sea make everyone happy.20. Happiness is a certain way of seeing things.21. Rivalry poisons happiness.22. Women care more than men about making other happy.23. Happiness means making sure those around you are happy.Observation1: People are kinder to a child who smiles [very important.Observation2: Too much beauty can be exhausting.Observation3: Happiness is not attaching much importance to what other people think.Observation4: Be very attentive towards others.'Hector and the search for happiness', François Lelord
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