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xaxa, odlicno, zbog toga ni nemam ni fejsbuka ni tvitera... nego kako si ti dosao do ovog cemer linka, Takeshi :D ?¿
ko i na sve ostale: nafilovan google reader gomilom rss feedova.idem da im posaljem ppp screenshot. biggrin.gif(mada, na forumu friends liste bas i nemaju smisla)23su620.jpg
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156728_137246819666328_100001430328206_218185_1696650_n.jpgIn 1979, Régis Bossu, a freelance photographer was the East Berlin to photograph the festivities of 30 anniversary of East Germany. The celebrations had as guest of honor at the Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev. When Brezhnev ended his speech, the President of East Germany Erich Honecker opened the arms to greet him with a big kiss, a normal ritual among Russian leaders, but both Honecker and were a bit more enthusiastic Brezhnev. A dozen photographers was there to capture this moment, but was that captured the moment truly Régis. Many magazines published immediately the photo, and Paris Match devoted a double page with a caption "the Kiss". The image was used on t-shirts, towels and other memorabilia. A hotel Berliner made her their logo. The picture was painted in various parts of the Berlin wall.
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