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za mene najdepresivnija pesma sa dna bureta nistavila i/ili ocaja.
nisam imao pojma šta je i morao sam da je pustim kada sam ovo pročitao. a onda sam skontao da je nisam čuo od detinjstva. fala. :)
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Kempner: Zar ne biste priznali da je Vaš uticaj, na osnovu Vašeg rada, uovoj oblasti mnogo snažniji i mnogo opasniji nego i sâmi pripadnici SS-a kojisu doslovno osvajali tuđe zemlje i masovno ubijali ljude?Šmit: Idete predaleko. Rado bih o tome progovorio. To je složena tema.Kempner: Iz kriminološke perspektive to je nesumnjivo. Zar se time ne bisteupustili u metafizičke obrte?Šmit: Ja ništa ne poričem. Problem ideološke odgovornosti ne zahteva metafizičke obrte.Kempner: Zar niste trideset godina propovedali ideale demokratije? Tridesetgodina ste širili priču o Grossraum-u.Šmit: Ni to nužno ne proističe iz mojih spisa.Kempner: Naravno da proizlazi. Da nije bilo ljudi poput Vas, Nirnberg sad nebi ni bio razrušen.Šmit: To je sasvim druga tema.Kempner: U poređenju s Vama, zar Štrajher nije bezopasni propovednik?Šmit: Na sasvim drugačijoj ravni. Ja sam pristalica slobodnog podučavanja.Kempner: Jednom prilikom ste rekli da sebe poredite s nekim ko dijagnostifikuje kugu. Ali, zar niste upravo Vi neko ko širi kugu?Šmit: To nije bila moja namera.Kempner: Da li ste 1932. godine Vrhovnom sudu podneli svoju pravnu procenu?Šmit: Da, kao predstavnik vlade Rajha. Smatram da je Šlajherova vlada jedina nudila mogućnost da se zaustavi haos.Kempner: Vi ste svakako sa entuzijazmom dočekali izglasavanje Ermächtigungsgesetz?Šmit: Radilo se o privremenom ustavu.Kempner: Velikog novog doba?Šmit: Taj odnos nije kauzalan.Kempner: Zar niste sa entuzijazmom dočekali diktaturu kao ispunjenje svoojih naučnih snova?Šmit: Ne, ja sam 1928. godine objavio rad Legalitet i legitimitet koji afirmi-še partije Vajmarske koalicije.Kempner: Tada ste bili upleteni u nacističke poslove da biste se potom od njihudaljili. „Das Wandern ist des Müllers Lust”.Šmit: Skitnja je mlinaru san. Tu je, u stvari, reč o zadovoljstvu koje se javikad neko iskusi nešto novo. Kao što i etnolog oseti zadovoljstvo kada ugleda neko novo urođeničko pleme. U tom smislu, ja sam kriv. Intelektualnaznatiželja izražava moju suštinu. Sve i svugde posmatram; to je deo moje naučničke prirode.
Edited by ultra plasticni
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za sve :s_dj: na forumu! ne milu, ne natoju, ne eu!:wub:Wake alone in the hillsWith the wind in your faceIt feels good to be proudAnd be free and a raceThat is part of a clanAnd to live on highlandsAnd the air that you breatheSo pure and so cleanWhen alone on the hillsWith the wind in your hairWith a longing to feelJust to be freeIt is right to believeIn the need to be freeIt's a time when you dieAnd without asking whyCan't you see what they doThey are grinding us downThey are taking our landThat belongs to the clansNot alone with a dreamJust a want to be freeWith a need to belongI am a clansman...Freedom It's a time wrough with fearIt's a land wrough with changeAncestors could hearWhat is happening nowThey would turn in their gravesThey would all be ashamedThat the land of the freeHas been written in chainsAnd I know what I wantWhen the timing is rightThen I'll take what is mineI am the clansmanAnd I swear to defendAnd we'll fight to the endAnd I swear that I'll neverBe taken aliveAnd I know that we'll standAnd we'll fight for our landAnd I swear that my bairnsWill be born freeAnd I know what I wantWhen the timing is rightThen I'll take what is mineI am the clansman...Freedom No, no we can't let them take anymoreNo we can't let them take anymoreWe've the land of the freeNo, no we can't let them take anymoreNo we can't let them take anymoreNo we can't let them take anymoreWe've the land of the freeOh, oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-ohOh, oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-ohOh, oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-ohFreedom It is right to believeIn the need to be freeIt's a time when you dieAnd without asking whyCan't you see what they doThey are grinding us downThey are taking our landThat belongs to the clansNot alone with a dreamJust a want to be freeWith a need to belongI am a clansman...And I know what I wantWhen the timing is rightThen I'll take what is mineI am the clansman...Freedom And I know what I wantWhen the timing is rightThen I'll take what is mineI am the clansman...

Edited by Gonzo
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