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I took it from Peter to Ulan Bataar, Mongolia. They ran out of food but they never ran out of beer or vodka. There were 2 fights- a small fight on the train and a giant brawl off the train. A soldier lifted up his shirt and showed me 4 bullet wounds he got in Chechnya. You step off the platform in the middle of the night and look up at the stars and know there is nothing around you for thousands of miles. I would go from Peter to Irkutsk instead of Vladivostok to Moscow. It would be a tragedy if you didn't stop off in Irkutsk to see lake Baikal. It's a spiritual place for Russians. They believe your brain works differently there because the water is so clean that it purifies the air. I jumped in lake baikal while it was frozen. IT doesn't feel cold. It feels like a million knives stabbing you at the same time. You turn into a monkey and you don't know you're name. All you know is that you have got to get the heck out of the water. To this day if I am treading water in life I think back to that lake and I tell myself I must just move in some direction, it doesn't matter which. The trip changes you. And whenever you meet a Russian you can tell them you've been to Baikal and they will know that you really have been to Russia.

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Fernando-Botero-Mother-And-Son-Oil-Painting.jpgMother, do you think she's good enough For me? Mother, do you think she's dangerous To me? Mother will she tear your little boy apart? Mother, will she break my heart? Hush now baby, baby, don't you cry Momma's gonna check out all your girlfriends for you Momma won't let anyone dirty get through Momma's gonna wait up until you get in Momma will always find out where you've been Momma's gonna keep Baby healthy and clean Ooo Babe, you'll always be Baby to me
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