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They woke to grey English morningAnd to a strange honeymoonThe girl who gave him all her loveAnd the man who said it still wouldn't doHis parents always worked hardNever went to bed lateAnd though they were God's own peopleThey're still the ones he loves to hateHe never wanted toSuffer this fateAll the girls have fallen forThe man they love to hateThe city is an animalIt snores and by day it roarsAnd though he loved to hate itHe couldn't live without it's flawsWith pastel curtains moaningAt a thousand harsh words - then hushThe girl she wanted to leaveBecause she loved the man too muchHe never wanted toSuffer this fateAll the girls have fallen forThe man they love to hateHis father was a fighterAnd he practised on his sonHis mother was just some furnitureWho'd lost the will to runThe girl she wrote him a farewell noteAnd though he probably didn'y care too muchThe girl she finally left himBecause she loved the man too much

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naleteo na netu na sliku.crkva sv. Ivana Krstitelja gde su kršteni moja majka, deda, pradeda i verovatno još poneko u toj liniji.img49947-lukinic-brdoaspx.jpg:wub:

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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fs12_-ihPYThose who were deported (and who didn't die at the hands of the British), were strewn along the Eastern seaboard, among the New England colonies (where they were far from welcome), back to France (where they were, again, far from welcome), the Caribbean and as far South as the Falkland Islands. And, of course, many of them made their way to Louisiana where they settled alongside the Creole who were already there and established Cajun culture. How do I know all this? Because I'm Acadian myself!!
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oduvek sam zeleo da upotrebim pridev "kafkijanski" sleep.gif mislim da sam konacno pronasao povod, ovaj genijalan kratki film:

Edited by Takeshi
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world-press-photo-best-pictures-contest-2011-jodie-bieber-portrait-afghanistan-woman_32144_600x450.jpgWorld Press Photo of the Year

Jodi Bieber, a South African photographer for Time magazine, won with this picture of Bibi Aisha, an 18-year-old woman from Oruzgan province in Afghanistan. Aisha's story began when she fled back to her family after complaining of violent treatment from her husband. The Taliban arrived one night demanding that she face justice and Aisha's brother-in-law held her down while her husband sliced off her ears and then cut off her nose. Aisha was abandoned, but later rescued by aid workers and the US military. After time in a women's refuge in Kabul, she was taken to the US, where she now lives. Jury chair David Burnett said about the photo: 'This could become one of those pictures – and we have maybe just 10 in our lifetime – where if somebody says "you know, that picture of a girl" you know exactly which one they're talking about'

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- Why do you have to listen to this stuff? Why can't you listen to music like normal people?- No one's normal, Mom. No such thing as normal people.

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“In Silicon Valley we have the highest concentration of aggressive people in the United States. And it's a place where all life has been reduced to working in a cubicle and then after work going out to have a Merlot at the Fromage bar. I'm kind of looking for something a little more primitive, a little more basic, something that appeals to the essential nature of a man." Borderland

Dick is right. "Every American should see this." It is real and it is striking. In some places it stands 18 feet tall and looks like the gates of Mordor. In other places, it is barely 10 feet tall and looks like it was put together with a stapler. It runs from the Colorado River directly into the Pacific. It is big, intense and intimidating. And it is unfinished. Gaping holes are everywhere. Physically it’s confusing. Politically it’s puzzling. Ideologically it’s complicated. But for Dick and Ron, who both live within a few miles of the border, defending it is simply a matter of protecting themselves and preserving their own beliefs. Drug smugglers don't come to the United States to make an honest living. As the recent killing of Border Patrol Agent Robert Rosas shows, the border is more than a moral line in the sand. The fence is real. We recommend a visit.
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