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His GOATness Novak's Green Green Grass Of Home - Ed. 2023


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Deluje da Djokovic moze da pusti Hurkaca da ovaj dodje do 3 brejk lopte, 3 set lopte, 3 mec lopte, i onda da ga preokrene iz zajebancije, samo zato sto mu se moze. Hurkac nema killer insinct i to je to, ne znam kako se to uci.

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2 hours ago, Lucia said:

kako je ATP presekao situaciju?

EXCLUSIVE: Ukrainian Tennis Federation Clarifies Handshake Stance At Wimbledon - UBITENNIS

“There is no rule. Every player decides for themselves whether they do it or not. But I wouldn’t expect a Ukrainian player to shake hands with Russian players,” Zukin tells Ubitennis.


“We know that not every Russian player is the same but the thing is that Ukrainians cannot shake their hands because of the respect of those fighting on the frontline who have lost their lives to the Russians,” Zukin explains. “It’s nothing to do with Kasatkina or whoever, it’s about the feelings for Ukrainians.’
“I think this is the right explanation of why it is done this way and this is the right way.” He added.

Ovo je takav bullshit da nemam reci. Sta je neko kriv sto se rodio kao rus? Sad gledamo kolektivizam? Hocemo da se ne rukujemo sa amerikancima jer njihova vlada malo malo pa razbuca neku zemlju?

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Jel ovo realno da Hurkač servira ovako dva dana za redom?

I da li je moguće da ni Novak ne može da uzvrati ni jedan jedini pasing šot?


O čemu se ovde radi?

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