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Twitter v2.0 - powered by Elon


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2 minutes ago, Braća Strugacki said:

najveća ironija je da mu sve zavisi od državnih finansija 


... i to dok mu se debili dive kao titanu privatnog preduzetništva, pogledajte šta je sve sam ostvario, čisto znanje i snalažljivost, država mu sve podmeće klipove u točkove regulativom ali on se ne da!

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80 sati nedeljno nije optimalna satnica, to je svega 11,5 sati svakodnevno, radi uspeha firme mogli bi oni da povuku i po 20 sati dnevno s optimizovanim spavanjem (po 10 minuta na svaka dva sata, bio je neki tip koji je tako živeo određeno vreme) i par sati slobodnog vremena svakog dana, nije da iko od njih ima supružnike ili partnere, decu ili roditelje kojima treba posvetiti pažnju ili potrebu da izađe iz kancelarije na vazduh.



Edited by vememah
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Nije baš da Tviteru gori pod nogama i da ovo mora odmah ovako. Sve to još bez detaljne evaluacije i plana, to mi je najneverovatnije u celoj priči. Ono, svako razuman bi znao da ne može profit preko noći, ovo je više kako mali Perica zamišlja vodjenje takvog biznisa. Kad je priuštio 45 milijardi za kupovinu, morao je biti spreman na još neku milijardu za razna unapredjenja koja bi vodila do profita. Ovakvi potezi će ga verujem dugoročno samo više koštati.

Ne mislim ni ja da će propasti, bar ne dovoljno i dovoljno brzo.


Ne znam kakva je sad situacija u silicijumskoj dolini, ali pošto je već bilo otpuštanja u velikim kompanijama i nova se najavljuju, verujem da su mnogi pod pritiskom i da može proći i što inače ne bi. Tech sektor je poznat po tome koliko svi maze i paze radnike, a ovaj se sad tu šibicari oko besplatnih obroka uz celodnevni boravak u kancelariji. :isuse:
Inače, dobar deo kompenzacije u takvim kompanijama, pa i u Tviteru su zapravo akcije kompanije, a sad pošto ode u privatne ruke ni toga više nema.

Nadam se da će ga najkvalitetniji i oni koji imaju izbora ubrzo napustiti, ako već nisu.

Edited by mraki
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31 minutes ago, Weenie Pooh said:


... i to dok mu se debili dive kao titanu privatnog preduzetništva, pogledajte šta je sve sam ostvario, čisto znanje i snalažljivost, država mu sve podmeće klipove u točkove regulativom ali on se ne da!

Па ти чак и у Србији можеш да уложиш у алтернативне изворе енергије, најчешће соларне панеле, па да добијеш огромну новчану помоћ државе. Али, опет је то врло зезнут ризик, неиспитан терен, а баш зато што је врло зезнут ризик, зато се и нуде паре да би неко ушао у тај ризик. Ако успеш људи ће рећи: "Дала му држава, лако је њему", а ако пропаднеш онда ће рећи: "Рекли смо му да то неће ићи, глуп човек, нема рентабилне струје без угља из колубарског басена". 


25 minutes ago, vememah said:

80 sati nedeljno nije optimalna satnica, to je svega 11,5 sati svakodnevno, radi uspeha firme mogli bi oni da povuku i po 20 sati dnevno s optimizovanim spavanjem (po 10 minuta na svaka dva sata, bio je neki tip koji je tako živeo određeno vreme) i par sati slobodnog vremena svakog dana, nije da iko od njih ima supružnike ili partnere, decu ili roditelje kojima treba posvetiti pažnju ili potrebu da izađe iz kancelarije na vazduh.



Па у америчком систему радници су често и акционари, награђују се пакетима акција, да би били мотивисани да повећавају вредност акција компаније. Али чак и да је Елон Маск тиранин, који их шиба бичем да раде, програмер у Америци има неограничени спектар могућности да промени послодавца. Није да мора да трпи "бездушног агу", што би рекао Иво Андрић. Али ако остане ту где је у времену кризе, а компанија успе да се подигне на ноге, имаће бенефиције у будућности. Зато радници остају, не зато што немају избора.


Edited by Duhovnost, ljubav i med
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Danas malo na sudu… :fantom:


Elon Musk said in court on Wednesday that he does not want to be the CEO of any company.

He recently acquired and appointed himself as the CEO of social media giant Twitter, adding to his responsibilities as the CEO and “technoking” of electric vehicle maker Tesla, and CEO and CTO of the U.S. defense contractor SpaceX.

Musk also confirmed that the arrangement at Twitter is temporary. “I expect to reduce my time at Twitter and find somebody else to run Twitter over time,” he said. 

Musk and Tesla are in the midst of a trial over the 2018 CEO pay package that the company granted him, an unparalleled compensation plan that has made Musk a centi-billionaire and the richest person on the planet.

Shareholder Richard J. Tornetta has sued Musk and Tesla alleging that the CEO compensation was excessive, and that its authorization by the Tesla board amounted to a breach of its fiduciary duty.

Musk explained during the testimony that CEO is not necessarily an apt description for the work he says he does at his companies.

He elaborated, “At SpaceX it’s really that I’m responsible for the engineering of the rockets and Tesla for the technology in the car that makes it successful. So, CEO is often viewed as somewhat of a business focused role but in reality, my role is much more that of an engineer developing technology and making sure that we develop breakthrough technologies and that we have a team of incredible engineers who can achieve those goals.”

He also said, “It’s my experience that great engineers will only work for a great engineer. That is my first duty, not that of CEO.”

Attorneys for Tornetta asked Musk about a CNBC report that he had authorized at least 50 Tesla employees, mostly Autopilot engineers, to help with his work at Twitter, now that he owns the social media company.

Musk said he only called on Tesla employees to assist him at Twitter on a “voluntary basis,” and to work “after-hours” at Twitter. He said that no Tesla board member had called him to say it is not a good idea to use Tesla resources for one of his other, privately-held companies.

The Tesla CEO specified that, “This was an after hours-- just if you’re interested in evaluating, helping me evaluate Twitter engineering… that’d be nice. I think it lasted for a few days and it was over.”

When a lawyer asked if he thought it was a good idea to be using Tesla assets at Twitter, Musk responded, “I didn’t think of this as using Tesla assets.” He added, “There’s 120,000 people at the company. This is de minimis.”

With all of his business commitments, Musk explained during his testimony that Tesla has taken more time than anything in recent years.

Attorneys for the plaintiffs in the trial asked whether it was a good idea for Musk to strike a combative attitude towards regulators, and specifically asked him about prior insults he lobbed at the Securities and Exchange Commission.

“In general, I think the mission of the SEC is good but the question is whether that mission is being executed well,” he replied.

“In some cases I think it is not. The SEC fails to investigate things that they should and places far too much attention on thing that are not relevant. The recent FTX thing I think is an example of that. Why was there no attention given to FTX? Investors lost billions. Yet the SEC continues to hound me despite shareholders being greatly rewarded. This makes no sense.”

In fact, the SEC and several other regulators have reportedly launched investigations into collapsed crypto firm FTX, but it’s not clear if those investigations started prior to the firm’s sudden bankruptcy last week.


What ‘SEC’ stands for

The SEC had charged Tesla and Musk for making “false and misleading” statements to shareholders when Musk said in tweets on Aug. 7, 2018, that he was thinking of taking the automaker private at $420 a share and had “funding secured.”

The price of Tesla shares jumped by over 6% after Musk’s tweets, and trading was halted the same day. Shares in the Tesla remained volatile for weeks after the incident.

As part of a settlement agreement, Tesla and Musk agreed to pay a $20 million fine, Musk had to give up his role as chairman at Tesla for three years and agreed not to claim innocence or deny the SEC’s allegations. Musk and Tesla also committed to have the CEO’s tweets vetted by a securities lawyer before posting them if they contained material business information that could effect Tesla’s share price.

Tornetta’s lawyers asked Musk if he had a securities lawyer review all his tweets about Tesla, and asked him whey he had been claiming innocence including in press interviews. Musk seemed to acknowledge that he doesn’t run all of his Tesla-related tweets by a lawyer first.

And he said, “The consent decree was made under duress. An agreement made under duress, is not valid, as a foundation of law.”

At a time when Tesla shares were on a massive upswing, Musk had written in a tweet on July 2, 2020: “SEC, three letter acronym, middle word is Elon’s.” The message was widely read as having a vulgar meaning and comprising a major insult to the agency.

On Wednesday in the Delaware court, attorneys asked him about this tweet and Musk claimed it had been widely misunderstood. The Tesla CEO said in court that he meant the initials to stand for “Save Elon’s Company,” but the tweet was “interpreted differently.”


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