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Distopija nam svakako sledi. Hajde da se plasimo Maskove buduce totalitarne aplikacije dok NSA sada i ovde prisluskuje i snima sve i svakog. Ali to je drugo, to je za nase dobro i treba verovati tim dobrim cikama.

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1 hour ago, mraki said:

Pa ovako će izgubiti i profit i korisnike.

Ja i dalje ne verujem koliko on ne razume neke stvari i nema ozbiljniji plan i pristup.

Ono, nije da sam ikad mislio da je lik genije, ali ovo blamiranje je ipak previše.


Sve je ovo nameštaljka levičara. Jest porastao govor mržnje, ali na novim nalozima koje su otvorili levičari, a pošto su novi, nemaju vidljivost. TLDR, sve je fake news medija gladnih vesti i levičara koji mrze Ilona.


Realno, njemu ide sve ok, proći će par nedelja shitstorma i biće jasno da je Ilon jedan genija.






Oni su krivi za sve.

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54 minutes ago, Braća Strugacki said:


Sve je ovo nameštaljka levičara. Jest porastao govor mržnje, ali na novim nalozima koje su otvorili levičari, a pošto su novi, nemaju vidljivost. TLDR, sve je fake news medija gladnih vesti i levičara koji mrze Ilona.


Realno, njemu ide sve ok, proći će par nedelja shitstorma i biće jasno da je Ilon jedan genija.






Oni su krivi za sve.

ironicno je da je decko koji je branio elona oko ovoga

prestao da radi nakon dan dva 


tamo kamen na kamenu nece ostati . 






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1 hour ago, Meazza said:

^ Peak conspiracy theory content.


Ma daj, ne bi nas Hardeep Matharu lagao :lolol:


Koliko lud bi morao da bude da izmisli priču po kojoj Musk kupuje Twitter po Putinovom nalogu jer želi da zameni dolar novom rezervnom globalnom valutom i uspostavi novi svetski multipolarni poredak? 


A ide se preko Tvitera zato što Putin i Musk ciljaju ni manje ni više nego noosferu, znači spiritus mundi, znači kolektivnu kibernetsku superinteligenciju čiji će neuroni biti ljudska bića... Plus će opet da pokradu izbore u Americi, onako usput. Znači, kraj sveta plus narušavanje legitimnosti izbornog sistema u Alabami.



Previše je debilno da bi se izmislilo, dakle mora da je sušta istina.

Edited by Weenie Pooh
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Pazi, i ovo je napredak u odnosu na onaj clanak po kojem je Musk sledbenik sekte "Ruski kosmizam" koja ima za cilj da sto vise ljudi zivi u kosmosu i da je zato postao Putinov agent. 

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Dok ne obrišu, ko vidi video je:



(Tesla u Kini pokušava da se parkira ali iz nekog razloga sama daje gas, vozač gazi kočnice ali one ne reaguju, slupava sa 2-3 kilometra niz put, dvoje mrtvih troje povređenih.)

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Obrisali, govnari. Ne uspevam da nađem CCTV snimak koji je gore bio podeljen, samo vesti o incidentu.


BEIJING, Nov 13 (Reuters) - U.S. automaker Tesla (TSLA.O) said on Sunday it will assist Chinese police investigating a crash involving one of its Model Y cars after local media reports said two people had died and three were injured when the driver lost control of the vehicle.

The incident on Nov. 5 in the southern province of Guangdong killed a motorcyclist and a high school girl, Jimu News reported, posting a video of a car driving at high speed crashing into other vehicles and a cyclist.

"Police are currently seeking a third party appraisal agency to identify the truth behind this accident and we will actively provide any necessary assistance," Elon Musk's electric vehicle maker told Reuters in a message on Sunday, cautioning against believing "rumours".

China is Tesla's second-largest market, and the crash was among the top trending topics on the Weibo social media platform on Sunday.


Jimu News quoted traffic police as saying the cause of the incident in Chaozhou city had not been identified and an unnamed family member of the driver who said the 55-year-old had issues with the brake pedal when he was about to pull over in front of his family store.

Tesla said videos showed that the car's brake lights were not on when the car was speeding and that its data showed issues such as there being no action to step on the brakes throughout the vehicle's journey.

Calls to police in Raoping, the county where the accident happened, went unanswered on Sunday.

Tesla has faced claims of brake failure in China before.

In its statement to Reuters, the company said a Chinese car owner had been ordered by a court to publicly apologise and compensate the firm after it ruled that comments he had made to the media about issues with his brakes were inconsistent with the facts and had harmed Tesla's reputation.

Reuters could not immediately verify Tesla's assertion.

Last year, an unhappy customer caused a social media stir by clambering atop a Tesla at the Shanghai auto show to protest the company's handling of her complaints about malfunctioning brakes involved with a car accident.

In that instance, Tesla said speeding violations were behind her crash but promised to improve how it addressed customer complaints.

Reporting by Liz Lee, Zhang Yan, Liangping Gao and Cui Zhuzhu; Editing by Brenda Goh and William Mallard
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4 hours ago, Meazza said:

^ Peak conspiracy theory content.


Nemoj da si naivan.


To sto je dao Starlink za dzabe Ukrajincima je samo maskirovka da se Vlasi ne dosete.

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