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Pa ovako će izgubiti i profit i korisnike.

Ja i dalje ne verujem koliko on ne razume neke stvari i nema ozbiljniji plan i pristup.

Ono, nije da sam ikad mislio da je lik genije, ali ovo blamiranje je ipak previše.

Edited by mraki
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Nije on sam u tome i Tviter je moguce sporedna stvar u svemu.



‘Musk’s Twitter Buy Makes No Sense – Unless It’s Part of Something Bigger’ – Byline Times



In the 1930s, when a group of gold bugs tried to overthrow Franklin Delano Roosevelt to restore the gold standard (the so-called “Business Plot” of 1933-34), Robert Sterling Clark of the Singer sewing machine family told General Smedley Butler, the Marine veteran they had targeted to execute the plot, that “he had $30 million, and he was willing to spend half of the $30 million to save the other half.”

To people obsessed with hard currencies, fiat currency from central banks isn’t real: it’s play money to be used in the service of winning a game.

Musk’s friends, specifically Peter Thiel, David Sacks, and Rod D. Martin, have been trying to replace the dollar since their days at PayPal. Former PayPal COO David Sacks said, in 2017, “Bitcoin is fulfilling PayPal’s original vision to create a ‘new world currency.’” PayPal co-founder Luke Nosek confirmed in 2019, “The initial mission of PayPal was to create a global currency that was independent of interference by … corrupt cartels of banks and governments that were debasing their currencies.” Sacks has been playing an especially vocal role in recent weeks in amplifying Kremlin messaging, suggesting that Ukraine should capitulate to avoid nuclear war.

Musk and his “new world currency” crew are aiming to usher in a new “multipolar order,” which was the subject of Putin’s recent talk at the Valdai Discussion Club. And the alignment of the PayPal mafia with Putin means they have at least the verbal threat of Russia’s nukes to back their agenda.




Musk is aligned with Putin in other important ways. Both have been heavily promoting traditionalism, hierarchy, and patriarchy.

As Putin decries multiple genders and homosexuality, Musk asks advertisers to reject “political correctness” in favour of “free speech.” Where democracy tends to flatten societies and equalise opportunities for all, autocracy tends to emphasise hierarchy and wealth. Musk, as the world’s richest man, has come to believe he embodies the peak of such a hierarchy, and seems to seek to impose it on others.

Where Putin has become enamoured with the concept of the “Noosphere,” or the idea that the earth should evolve into a “conscious” planet, placing people in the role of neurons, Musk has been echoing similar concepts — going so far as to call Twitter a “collective cybernetic super-intelligence.”

The bet from both of them, whether cynically or in good faith, is that Earth is evolving past the era of sovereign nation-states and towards some new phase of being rooted in “Noocracy,” or “rule by the wise” — where Putin and Musk are “the wise.”

The recent takeovers of CNN and HBO have prompted similar questions about why they were targeted for purchase, and the changes being made there. None of these moves makes very much sense if you’re looking backwards at the world as we have known it. But if we look forward to the world as it might be, it’s possible to glimpse the reasoning: these information channels can actually help usher in a different world. To most of us, that’s inconceivable; the world doesn’t just change overnight.

But to Musk, Putin, and their free-market absolutist collaborators, that’s exactly what they intend to effect. If we aren’t aligned with these potential changes, now is the time to stop laughing at their presumed incompetence and instead deeply understand what they are really up to.

And there’s the matter of “X,” Musk’s proposed “everything app.” It’s been floated as a response to WeChat, China’s ubiquitous app, that’s come to dominate both payments and the social sphere. Supposing such an app starts to take on the task of “voting” around controversial topics. At what point does this start to challenge the legitimacy of elected governments? This is something Musk is likely to explore.

Just as many laughed at Brexit and Trump in 2016 as preposterous jokes, many are laughing now at Musk, suggesting that he’s “mismanaging” Twitter and that it will end up being taught in business schools as a case study in failure.

In fact, it is likely to end up being taught in history classes as an example of totalitarian information warfare, and if we don’t arrest and reverse our current trajectory, we may also experience the worst effects of such a program, including genocide and bloody kinetic war. None of this is a joke, none of the old rules apply, and we would be well-advised to treat this as the threat it really represents.


Edited by Moonwalker
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Ali on na kraju nije ni hteo da kupi, već ga je sud primorao, treba to stano ponavljati. :D

Kako god, potezi koji su usledili su prilično ogolili tog genija i vizionara.

Ne da nije deo nekog većeg plana, već mislim da tu nema plana uopšte.


Politička agenda je verujem sporedna stvar u ovoj priči, ali i to bi moralo biti malo suptilinije i dugoročnije posmatrano.


Edited by mraki
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