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17 hours ago, vememah said:


Vlasnik je u međuvremenu zaključao nalog, ispod je fotka celog spornog tvita iz gornje objave.




Niz sa primerima gomile verifikovanih lažnih naloga:







Kada iskusni intelektualno obrazovani ljudi padnu na foru kao i El Pais.



Ko je rekao da smo pametniji od Mustang i Trampista?

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Opet me @Budjaprozivas? :)


Pa ja se tebi svidjam  :lolol: 


Amater si za neke stvari, nemo' se mesas gde ti nije mesto.  



Rekla sam svoje za tviter, elona i teslu...ko cuo, cuo, ko nije, kasnice sa info. 




Edited by mustang
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Here is what the Twitter lawyer wrote in Twitter’s Slack:

    Twitter is a remote-first workplace, and has operated as such for years. It is a fundamental change to our employment contracts to require a 40hr a week in-office requirement. I do not, personally, believe that Twitter employees have an obligation to return to office. Certainly not on no notice (if at all).

    I also remind all Tweeps (at least in the US) that we have an unlimited PTO policy. All Tweeps are able to take PTO. Perhaps today is a good day to take some rest and recharge.

    Everyone here should also know that our CISO, Chief Privacy Officer and Chief Compliance Officer ALL resigned last night. This news will be buried in the return-to-office drama. I believe that is intentional.

    Over the last two weeks. Elon has shown that he cares only about recouping the losses he’s incurring as a result of failing to get out of his binding obligation to buy Twitter. He chose to enter into that agreement! All of us are being put through this as a result of the choices he made.

    Elon has shown that his only priority with Twitter users is how to monetize them. I do not believe he cares about the human rights activists. the dissidents, our users in un-monetizable regions, and all the other users who have made Twitter the global town square you have all spent so long building, and we all love.

    I have heard Alex Spiro (current head of Legal) say that Elon is willing to take on a huge amount of risk in relation to this company and its users, because “Elon puts rockets into space, he’s not afraid of the FTC.” I have heard another leader in the Legal department say that because of the tight SLA’s (of two weeks?!) between product inception > launch, Legal will “have to shift the burden to engineers” to self-certify compliance with FTC requirements and other laws. This will put huge amount of personal, professional and legal risk onto engineers: I anticipate that all of you will be pressured by management into pushing out changes that will likely lead to major incidents.

    All of this is extremely dangerous for our users. Also, given that the FTC can (and will!) fine Twitter BILLIONS of dollars pursuant to the FTC Consent Order, extremely detrimental to Twitter’s longevity as a platform. Our users deserve so much better than this.

    If you feel uncomfortable about anything you’re being asked to do, you can call Twitter’s Ethics Hotline at (800) 275-4843 or submit a report at ethicshelpline.twitter.com. Please also note the FTC’s number is: 1-877-FTC-HELP. You may also remember that Mudge reached out to httos://whistlebloweraid.org

    I wish you all luck. It’s been such an honor to work with all of you. And I’ll be taking a day of PTO today.

Edited by Braća Strugacki
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7 hours ago, Mos said:

Nije problem poverovati u fejk izvor, problem je kad obrneš ceo krug pa ne veruješ u vekovno proverene činjenice. 


Nije ovde cak ni rec o fejk izvoru, vec o tome kako jednom polu-cinjenicom mozes da manipulises ako je ta polu-cinjenica u skladu sa tvojim ubedjenjima.


Ovo je potpuno, ali potpuno isto, kada je bio onaj slucaj  da 1 osoba umre  nakon vakcine pa su se antivakcinasi uskopistili da vakcina ubija. Cinjenica je da je osoba umrla nakon primanja vakcine, ali svakako vakcina ne ubija,


Tako i ovde. Cinjenica da je cena akcija pala 3.7% ne znaci da  je pala zbog trolovanja  po tviteru. No nekako su svi "obrazovani" anti-Muskovci poskocili od radosti na tu vest.

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A kako znaš da nije (bar delimično) i zbog trolovanja na Tviteru? Berza je i preterano osetljiva na publicitet.

Paralela sa vakcinama je svakako bezveze.

Edited by mraki
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koliko sam video, konkurencija je imala manji pad od njih


tako da je pitanje šta je tu tačno


u svakom slučaju im ne koriste ovakve lažne objave na tviteru

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28 minutes ago, mraki said:

A kako znaš da nije (bar delimično) i zbog trolovanja na Tviteru? Berza je i preterano osetljiva na publicitet.

Paralela sa vakcinama je svakako bezveze.





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Funkcionisanje berze svakako nije nauka kao mehanizam funkcionisanja vakcine, ali nesto se ipak treba znati.


Osnovno je, kada bilo koja akcija padne, videti kako stoje stvari sa market indexom i sa  konkurencijom da bi se znalo da li je rec o market-wide shocku u vezi kamatanih stopa i premije rizika, industrijski sok koji utice na ocekivane tokove gotovine u industriji, ili sok specifican za ocekviane tokove gotovine 1 kompanije.


U ovom slucaju se vidi pad akcija niz kompanija iz iste branse, neki vise neki manje, ali prilicno slicno zavisno od izlozenosti vesti koju sam postavio. Da je bila rec samo o tviteru, onda bi neki porasli, neki  pali jednako, neki pali jos vise zavniso od korelacije (ako Lilly daje dzabe insulin, onda ostalima moze da pande potraznja za istim, te cena akcija shodno tome, ili, suprotno tome, Lily ce prestati da distribuira insulin jer ce im doneti gubitke sto ce otvoriti trziste za ostale).


I, da, analogija sa vakcinom ne moze biti tacnija jer je u oba slucaja rec kako na osnovu uzorka od 1 pbseracije konstruise objasnjenje.


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Insulin prices have become a hot-button issue in the U.S. where no generics exist. Without insulin, some patients with diabetes would die. Lilly, Novo Nordisk (NVO) and Sanofi (SNY) supply 100% of the insulin used in the U.S. and 90% globally.

The LLY stock slide also extended to its rivals. Novo Nordisk shares fell 3.5% to 111.47. Sanofi stock lost 3.4% and ended the regular session at 42.80.

In the third quarter, alone, Lilly's insulin products generated more than $878 million in sales. Sales fell more than 20% year over year, however. Lilly noted its Humalog brand insulin underwent price cuts during the quarter. On its website, Lilly offers a program in which insulin will cost $35 per month.

Representatives of the company didn't immediately return a request for comment Friday morning.

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