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Još malo Tesla vesti, WaPo detaljno rekreira jedan od brojnih fatalnih udesa na autopilotu, zaletela se mašina pod kamion 110 na sat, otkinula sebi kabinu i prepolovila vozača, onda nastavila tako da piči autoputem još 40 sekundi :ph34r:




Porodica bi da tuži ali nemaju case jer je vozač bio pod ugovornom obavezom da drži ruke na volanu i u svakom trenutku bude spreman da reaguje, znači ko ga jebe sam je kriv. Full Self Driving, ladies and gentlemen, sigurnija vožnja od ljudske!


Advokat Tesle kaže da je u pitanju samo glorified cruise control, a to što Musk na sva usta dreči nešto sasvim drugo, to nema veze :isuse:


Navode se i drugi slučajevi, zakucavanje head on u druga kola, ubilo vozača tog Subarua kao i bebu na zadnjem sedištu Tesle... ima svašta, kome nije gadno da čita, sve uredno dokumetovano, u svakom slučaju krivi samo retardirani kupci Tesle, nikako proizvođač.


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Since Elon Musk took over the company, it has earned 42% less ad revenue and had 28% fewer individual monthly advertisers than before his leadership began. Additionally, in the 12 weeks of Yaccarino’s tenure as CEO, the majority of the company’s top 100 advertisers pre-Musk spent a fraction of what they did in the 12 weeks prior to Musk’s acquisition.
For example, Visa — which Yaccarino cited as an example of a “returning” advertiser — has spent just $10 in the past 12 weeks, compared to roughly $77,500 in the 12 weeks before Musk bought Twitter. (...)
he company has earned an average monthly ad revenue of $69.5 million from roughly 1,900 average monthly advertisers in the last 11 months — 42% less revenue and 28% fewer advertisers than in the 11 months before Musk acquired the company. 
What’s more, during Yaccarino’s tenure as CEO, the majority of Twitter’s top 100 advertisers pre-Musk have spent just a fraction — at least 90% less — of what they spent in the 12 weeks prior to Musk’s acquisition. (...)
During the September 27 interview, Yaccarino also claimed, “In the last 12 weeks alone, about 1,500 [advertisers] have returned. So whether it is small business or big brands, right? Like AT&T, Visa, Nissan, all returning.” Of those three companies she specifically mentioned, AT&T is the only one that was a top advertiser pre-Musk, and the company has spent just $781 in the last 12 weeks — 99.96% less than the more than $1.77 million it spent during the 12 weeks before Musk’s acquisition.
Visa and Nissan are similarly spending just a fraction of what they spent pre-Musk. Visa spent just $10, and Nissan spent just $687, in the last 12 weeks — 99.99% and 99.77% less than they respectively spent during the 12 weeks before Musk’s acquisition.
According to a June report from Reuters, Yaccarino similarly boasted to investors that Walmart had resumed advertising. But Walmart spent just over $100,000 on X ads in the last 12 weeks — 91% less than the $1.1 million it spent during the 12 weeks pre-Musk. 
Even the company’s top advertiser pre-Musk, HBO, spent only nearly $23,500 in the last 12 weeks — 99.9% less than the $28.3 million it had spent during the 12 weeks before Musk’s acquisition.


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