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9 minutes ago, Milošica said:

1.Benzema, Haland

2.Levandovski, Kejn, Vlahovic


Tako trenutno stoje stvari :fantom:

Ima Haland da se natrci i nadaje golova, da bi bio u ravni sa Levandovskim i Benzemom, I tehnicki dosta zaostaje za njima. Sto se trenutnog hajpa tice, nema zbora, sjajan golgeter.

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Kad je u pitanju poredjenje Mitar Vlaho, tu se isto vodim dosadašnjom karijerom, ne trenutnim hajpom. Mitrović nije mogao da prevazidje užas u Njukaslu, ispadanje iz PL, vraćanje u PL. U momentu kad su ga poslali na pozajmicu svi su mislili da je to kraj njegove karijere i opet je bio u jo-jo klubu i mada je pružao dobre partije nijednom se nije dovodilo u pitanje njegov ostanak u Fulamu, a još uvek je mlad, sa 27 godina ima dosta toga da pruži, pogotovu što nije sklon povredama.

Golovima na početku sezone, protiv jakih klubova, stiče samopouzdanje, u klubu vlada dobra atmosfera i ako ovako nastavi ja ne vidim zašto ga ne bi maznuo Čelski (koji umire za dobrim špicem) ili neki, možda još bolji, klub.



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Clubs keen to explore Champions League games outside Europe

This week brings the latest meeting of UEFA’s executive committee on the Croatian island of Hvar, before the general assembly of the European Club Association (ECA) in Istanbul later in the week, writes Adam Crafton.

The ECA represents the interests of clubs that regularly compete in European football’s major competitions, such as UEFA’s Champions League. At these conferences, executives come together to explore ways in which they can grow the sport and drive revenues.

One option favoured by some of the most powerful club executives in European football involves taking Champions League games outside of the continent to make meaningful games more accessible to the clubs’ global fanbases.

The Paris Saint-Germain president Nasser Al-Khelaifi, who also chairs the ECA and is a member of UEFA’s executive committee, is among those supportive of such discussions, with leading club executives open to fixtures taking place in major markets such as the US, China or the Middle East.

It remains only an idea rather than policy, and any moves to take the competition abroad would likely be met with opposition from fans in Europe. However, sources close to the discussions said initial steps would surround early group games rather than high-stakes knockout matches.

Another option to take outside of Europe may be the Super Cup — the meeting between the previous season’s Champions League and Europa League winners. UEFA is already considering the introduction of a four-team mini-tournament at the start of each season, which would include the previous season’s Champions League winners and three other leading teams in what would be referred to as the “Opening Tournament”.

Following the failure of the Super League project last year, UEFA conceded more power to clubs when it embarked on a joint venture with the ECA to identify marketing partners to sell commercial rights for European club competitions in the 2024-27 cycle.

In February this year, UEFA and the ECA appointed Team Marketing and Relevent Sports Group as sales partners for the men’s club competitions.

In March, Al-Khelaifi said they had seen an “amazing 39 per cent increase in the forecasted commercial value of the men’s UEFA club competitions for the post-2024 cycle”. The first three markets that have gone to tender have produced significant revenue growth — an increase of 20 per cent in the UK, 25 per cent in France and 150 per cent in the US (excluding Spanish-language rights, which are still to be sold).

Some clubs are keen on the idea of playing games in markets such as the US, China or Middle East (Photo: Getty Images)
The case for taking matches abroad was underlined when the ECA last week released research on the changing nature of football fandom. It demonstrated survey results that claimed 34 per cent of football fans in China and 28 per cent in the US were influenced by a major competition or event to start following football.

The report added: “This highlights that there are opportunities for European clubs and competitions to build on this interest and influence; to increase the availability of European club football to these audiences and allow exposure to these events to continue building further and deeper interest and engagement.”

Sources close to discussions insisted there is no harm in ideas being debated and say the UEFA and ECA joint venture is the type of environment in which new ideas on the commercial side should be discussed at a time when clubs are looking for new revenue sources post-COVID-19.

This week’s ECA summit will also host Stefano Domenicali, the CEO of Formula 1, as European football seeks to learn lessons and hear expertise from sports that have grown their audiences substantially in the US in recent times. Previous recent summits have featured talks from experts from the Harvard Business School, as well as the former Liverpool chief executive Peter Moore delivering a session on opportunities relating to the metaverse.

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Наполи демонтира Ајакса, делује као да могу 10 да им дају. Или да ови могу и 10 да приме, јебем ли га.

Није ми јасно кад је и како је Лоботка постао овакав играч.

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