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Premier League 2022-23


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Pep stigao u City - dočekali ga Kompany, Fernandinho, De Bruyne i Agüero, zatekao se tu i Sterling - solidna okosnica nekog šampionskog tima. Klopp stigao u Liverpool - dočekali ga Henderson, Milner, Coutinho i Firmino od igrača za ozbiljnije stvari, ali ni prinijeti onom što je Pep našao. Od te četvorice Kuki žrtvovan da se zakrpi odbrana.


Različite početne pozicije, u prvom redu uslovljene sipanjem stotina miliona u Citeh od 2008. do Pepa.


Dobro reče @Zlurad, razlika između Pepa i Kloppa je u tome šta koji može da iscijedi. 

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6 minutes ago, Filozof manijak said:

koliko smarate tom novčanometrijom, znači haos.

Sipa se novac u fudbal u šakom i kapom u razne klubove, na kraju je teren merilo svega.


Možda ne bi bilo loše da moderacija splituje u novu temu. Ova diskusija će se ponavljati s vremena na vreme. 

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9 hours ago, Pokojni Ruxin said:

na prva dva neću da odgovaram jer sam se smorio, a evo šta uvek pouzdani the athletic kaže o čitavom slučaju...kako bi baratali informacijama, a ne poluinformacijama :sleep:




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Amid the various ups and downs for both Manchester City and UEFA detailed in the full written reasons for the Court of Arbitration for Sport’s (CAS) decision to quash a two-year Champions League ban, it is suggested we may never have had to go through this whole sorry episode had City submitted their evidence to UEFA in the first place.

Like so much else in this affair, quite what that means is open to debate. 


On the one hand, it helps to highlight just how much the Premier League club failed to cooperate with the governing body’s investigation (leading to that huge £9 million fine). Yet, at the same time, it proves City did have the evidence all along — just as they promised.


City said they did not trust UEFA’s process, pointing to several leaks to the media as evidence of its alleged bias. CAS disagreed with City’s stance but it did not really matter who was right or wrong on this issue as the club provided their proof when and where it mattered most: the hearing rooms of sport’s highest court between June 8-10.

It was the legal equivalent of stumbling through the first five games of a Champions League group stage so you have to beat Barcelona away to qualify for the knockout rounds, only to wake up and thrash them 4-0.  


City’s belated barrage of evidence was enough to clear them of the main charge they had disguised cash from their owner Sheikh Mansour as sponsorship income to circumvent UEFA’s financial fair play (FFP) rules. And it was also enough to raise big questions about UEFA’s decision to hit them with that record ban based on half a dozen hacked emails. 

That said, CAS and even City agreed UEFA had grounds to make a case based on the material they had — in truth, UEFA had no choice but to open an investigation — but City ultimately filled in the missing blanks more plausibly than their opponent.   




evo ti još isečaka:



The Cas panel of three European lawyers decided by a majority 2-1, however, that it would not consider the legitimacy of those Etisalat payments, because they were made more than five years before the CFCB charges were brought in May 2019, so were “time-barred”.


The Cas judgment also contains the extraordinary revelation that the panel’s chairman, Rui Botica Santos, a Portuguese lawyer, was recommended by City. Cas rules for appeals state that each party chooses one arbitrator, then the chairman is selected by the chairman of Cas’s own appeals arbitration division. No explanation has yet been given for why City suggested the chairman for this case, although the judgment notes that Uefa did not object.


Some European sports lawyers, speaking to the Guardian, have questioned the independence of the panel member nominated by City, Andrew McDougall QC, a partner in the international law firm White and Case. McDougall was chair of his firm’s operations council for Europe, the Middle East and Africa, from 2016-2018, which includes an office in Abu Dhabi. That office lists Etisalat as a client, and the Abu Dhabi airline Etihad, whose sponsorships were also central to the case, as well as several Abu Dhabi state enterprises.


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pazi, siti je lagano dobio sve što je sud gledao, ali ne mogu ni tebe ni bilo koga drugog da ubedim da ne bi eto sigurno izgubio to što sud nije ni gledao....mislim sure, why not? :covid19:

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2 hours ago, Filozof manijak said:

koliko smarate tom novčanometrijom, znači haos.

Sipa se novac u fudbal u šakom i kapom u razne klubove, na kraju je teren merilo svega.


naravno da smaramo. svaka top 7 ekipa u pl, sa izuzetkom možda spursa ima dovoljno novca da bude konkurenta svima ostalima na terenu. novac nije limitirajući faktor, način na koji se vodi klub, struka i pruženo joj vreme su. na tržištu ima sasvim dovoljno kvalitetnih igrača da ih siti ne može sve pokupiti koliko god para imao, ostaće i da ostali skockaju tim po želji. videli smo to sa liverpulom, gledamo opet sa arsenalom.


zato se ja ne plašim njukasla i novih para i kažem dole sa ffp. zato mi je uvek bilo zabavno kad je junajted osvajao prelazne rokove pod oleom. šta mogu neograničene pare da urade da bi stale na put pepovoj dominaciji ligom? da sastave fudbalske harlem globetrotterse? pa ne funkcioniše fudbal tako, eno ga psg već postoji i niko ih se ne plaši.

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3 hours ago, Pokojni Ruxin said:

zato se ja ne plašim njukasla i novih para i kažem dole sa ffp. zato mi je uvek bilo zabavno kad je junajted osvajao prelazne rokove pod oleom. šta mogu neograničene pare da urade da bi stale na put pepovoj dominaciji ligom? da sastave fudbalske harlem globetrotterse? pa ne funkcioniše fudbal tako, eno ga psg već postoji i niko ih se ne plaši.


zli jezici bi rekli da nešto slično važi i za Siti u LŠ...


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ako se već slažeš sa mojom poentom mogao si prosto i da udariš thumbs up, ali oke, hvala na elaboraciji

Edited by Pokojni Ruxin
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7 minutes ago, dragance said:

Evo vam malo i ovo.




squad value je čista procena transfermarkta, nije neki egzaktan podatak istine radi. nije bezvredna tabela, ali najviše mi govori gde su timovi u odnosu na to kako javnost percipira jačinu njihovog squada. arsenal je naravno potcenjen, ali to se i očekuje od javnosti koja se onoliko smejala dovođenju bena vajta.

Edited by Pokojni Ruxin
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