January 20Jan 20 Albert Dailey Trio, 1978. "His technique was ferocious," McPartland says. "He had that classical element and could play so many notes. He played his own tunes back-to-back, and I'm certainly glad we had Al on the show. You don't hear too much about him these days."
February 18Feb 18 Čeka me već neko vreme da mu se posvetim i evo večeras je pravo vreme nakon što su pištaljke i vuvuzele utihnule - kakav biser! Alice Coltrane - The Carnegie Hall Concert, snimljeno 1971. objavljeno prošle godine. Najpre dve klasične Alice C teme, Journey In Satchidananda i Shiva-Loka, a zatim sviraju Johna C sa Africa/Brass Africa i Leo. Quote ...on February 21, 1971, she brought together an all-star cast of jazz legends to the Hall in a benefit concert for Swami Satchidananda’s Integral Yoga Institute. Coltrane performed on both piano and harp, joined by saxophonists Pharoah Sanders and Archie Shepp, bassists Jimmy Garrison and Cecil McBee, and drummers Ed Blackwell and Clifford Jarvis. https://www.carnegiehall.org/Explore/Articles/2024/03/22/Alice-Coltranes-1971-Carnegie-Hall-Concert
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