Rečko, Vordli, Riječek, Wordle i ostali jezici

Message added by James Marshall,
@Indy autor:
Engl. https://www.powerlanguage.co.uk/wordle/
Špa. https://wordle.danielfrg.com/
Срп. https://rechko.com/
Hrv. https://kveez.com/hr/rijecek/
Hrv. numbro: https://kveez.com/en/numbro/
Ita. https://pietroppeter.github.io/wordle-it/
+ srp https://vordli.com
nemacki: https://wordle.at/
Norveški www.wordle.lol
Srp. srpskiwordle.com
Srp. https://www.hangman.rs/dechko/
za nba fanove https://poeltl.dunk.town/
https://nerdlegame.com/ (računske operacije)
https://www.quordle.com/#/ (puta 4)
https://octordle.com/ (puta 8)
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