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NBA 21/22


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1 hour ago, Micko8 said:

Dosao pijan na utakmicu.


Ja sam na prvi pogled mislio da je utakmica neke bez veze srednje škole... nisam odmah provalio da su mučeni Knicksi

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...We discussed the scoring title race earlier between LeBron James (30.3 ppg), Giannis Antetokounmpo (30.2 ppg) and Joel Embiid (30.1 ppg). Durant (30.1 ppg) would be right in the middle of this conversation had he met the minimum for games played. Assuming he plays in each of Brooklyn’s final four games, he will finish just three games short of the 58-game threshold for eligibility.



steta, bile bi jos ludje poslednje tekme da se sva cetvorica utrkuju. mada nikad nije vidjeno ni ovo sa trojicom u rasponu od 0.2 ppg 

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5 hours ago, spaceploitator said:

ma de ce jadnik da propusti ovu priliku da nabudzi legasi tm . naravno da mu je to vaznije nego da udju u plejin

propusta tekmu veceras svakako


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