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NBA 21/22


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2 hours ago, goofs said:

Inace, pricali smo o Bugi Kazinsu pre kojih mesec dana, sad je jos uvek na desetodnevnom ugovoru, od kad je dosao u Denver skor im je 8:0 kad god bi on imao minute na terenu.


A statistika mu uopšte nije dobra:


"DET twice, BRK twice, NOP, TOR, ORL, and GSW. So, two out of the eight games were against good teams. He's also only had a positive +/- in two of his eight appearances. He's not a good player. I would put his level of play this way: the addition of Cousins has helped the team (so far), but that says more about the condition of the team before he arrived than it does about Cousins.

Btw, he's also shooting .277 FG% and .235 3PT% in those eight games and sucks at defense. (EDIT: Only seven games. I didn't include tonight. He was 2/4 and 1/1 from two and three, respectively.)

And he has helped the Nuggets. Let that sink in. That's how depleted they were of bigs before they signed him".

Edited by napadaj
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53 minutes ago, napadaj said:


A statistika mu uopšte nije dobra:



Procenti njegovog šuta su tu još najmanje bitni, čak i u toj formi jako dobar u skoku (prosek 6,3 u 13 minuta) i što oslobađa druge:



On Monday, that came in the form of bone-rattling screens as he and JaMychal Green helped free Bryn Forbes for 16 points and three 3-pointers.


“I’m very grateful for those two,” Forbes said. “Big bodies that want to hit people and get me open.”


When Cousins was relayed the message of Forbes’ gratitude, he smiled.

“He better be,” Cousins said.



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A i nije da su mu statistike lose u zadnje 2 utakmice. Cak stovise, dosta dobra. 50% suta, 5 skokova i par asistencija sa +/- u balansu. Covjek je dosao pre 2 tjedna na 10-dnevni ugovor. Jos se uklapa a i bio je pod pritiskom da napravi nesto pa da ostane tako da je razumljujuce da je gresio i da mu je statistika bila losa na prvim utakmicama... 

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5 hours ago, goofs said:

Inace, pricali smo o Bugi Kazinsu pre kojih mesec dana, sad je jos uvek na desetodnevnom ugovoru, od kad je dosao u Denver skor im je 8:0 kad god bi on imao minute na terenu.

Sinoc je odigrao najbolju utakmicu  u dresu Denvera , na utakmici sa Torontom je bio ok, ostalo bezveze. Ima mnogo problema u odbrani ne moze nikoga da isprati, ni pre povreda nije vazio za dobrog defanzivca. Milsim da je njima potreban mobilniji centar , koji moze da odigra i   odbranu. 

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Ma svakako donosi nesto pozitivno. Ako nista drugo, sigurnost u skoku. Pre njega, druga petorka je gotovo redovno pravila dvocifren minus. Neretko i u samo par minuta. Da je odlican, svakako nije. Za pare koje dobija, vise no solidno pojacanje. Veliku razliku za svezinu pred PO pravi da li Jokic mora da igra 38 minuta ili npr 30.

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3 minutes ago, Micko8 said:

Sa Plamlijem odigrase finale zapadne konferencije:) Mozda Favors ili tako nesto.  

Plamli mi je pored Bartona verovatno najiritantniji deo rotacije tokom Jokic ere. Favors je imao smisla pre 2-3 godine, sada i ne bas.

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