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Premier League 2021-22


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1 hour ago, kipo said:

Krpio je gdje je imao priliku, vise desno. Ne znam kakva mu je sezona bila u Noricu, ali tesko da moze da bude prvi izbor. Zato je savrsen za bekap, kupove.. 


znam da je krpio i na desnom, ali mislim na to kako generalno momak vidi sebe, i na to da ni u mlađim kategorijama zapravo nije bio desni bek koliko ja znam


On his favourite position, Williams added: "I get asked it all the time, it's so frustrating! Even the players here. I got asked yesterday. I've been here four months and you're only just asking me? Bali Mumba, we were doing crossing on the left. He was like; 'Do you prefer the left'? Yes.


"There is a massive difference. I feel comfortable on the left. On the right, I feel I'm limited in the stuff I can do. On the left, yeah, I might not have the top cross into the box that a left-footer has, but I have stuff they can't do. I like to use that, coming inside, playing one-twos. And my left foot is not bad, I can still use it."

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Pa jeste, sa lijevog boka je dao 2 gola (bar) i ucestvovao u akcijama, desno gola Darmjan/ AWB prilika. Ko zna, mozda i izgura do rotacije na lijevom beku ako ne ode odmah Teles. To sve zavisi sad sta ce ETH odluciti, novi trener, nova nafaka. 

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Ništa bolje nego kad 21-godišnje dete objašnjava ne samo na kojoj poziciji želi da igra, nego i stil igre koji preferira. 


To da cut inside sa desnog boka i igra dupli pas, za to može da pređe u komšiluk, biće ovog leta kod Pepa još veći RB deficit jer Fernandinho odlazi.

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Ovo kao u vicu kad Muji zvoni policija na vrata>

-Ko je?


-Šta hoćete?

-Malo da popričamo.

-Koliko vas je?


-Pa popričajte...

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aj uzdravlje


evo ako za to vreme najzad uspe da osvoji jednu ligašku titulu protiv pepovog tima koji ne igra celu sezonu bez odbrane priznajem mu i ja da je broj 2 na svetu

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Ako biste mi dozvolili da mračim malo, Floparino produženje ugovora meni sugeriše da Salahovog neće biti :sad:


U intervjuu pominje kako gleda u budućnost, planira za sledeću sezonu gde "there might be some changes, so... it's exciting"


U izjavi uprave provlači se isti sentiment između redova, pa kaže:



“What our latest agreement gives us, across the organisation, is an opportunity to benefit from continuity, particularly in terms of renewals, whilst retaining and, where possible, enhancing our keen focus on refreshing and reinvigorating at all times.

"We cannot rest or consolidate. We have to think at all times about improvement and we are now able to do this in the knowledge that we have retained a manager who not only shares our vision and ambition, he remains determined to deliver on it."



Znači, uživajte dok traje. Od sledeće sezone kreće smena generacija.

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