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Ovde možete postavljati slike i opise noviteta. Za početak2008_tribeca_front-thumb.jpg2008_Subaru_Tribeca_03.jpg2008. Subaru Tribeca.Sadašnji model zaista nije baš lep, pa su odlučili da ga izmene. Novi deluje čistije i logičnije, ali i manje originalno. Videćemo kako će tržište reagovati.

Na slijedecem auto salonu u Tokiju, Honda predstavlja CR-Z.Baza za novi CRX. trnhm9.jpgtrn1cq4.jpgtrn2zm8.jpgtrn3qo4.jpgtrn4du5.jpg

Je l' to studija samo, ili više od toga? :)

Studija. CR-Z stoji za ?Compact Renaissance Zero?. Auto koristi hibridnu tehnologiju.

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Izgleda kao svemirski brodić. Nego, jesi li kupio Civica na kraju, nešto si pričao još prošle godine?

Edited by nesha taxista

nova mazda 6...2114276978470ddd112f480900806774_extreme.jpg2008-mazda-6.jpga27e1507708d6e52b6d3277618245b1a.jpg0mazda68.jpgmid lajf krajzis hir aj kam... :s_w:

Edited by Larko

Hm... ko je od koga prepisivao? Mazda 6 vs Lexus IS ;)Lexus-IS-F-vorne_high.jpg

Edited by Miroslav Jeftic

Vanderbrink Design.Vandenbrink Design unveils special coachbuilt GTOVandenbrink Design joins the revival of special coachbuilding by presenting their design of the GTO, a tribute to the 1962 Ferrari 250 GTO.The GTO was designed in 2006 by Michiel van den Brink, who founded the Vandenbrink Design company with business partner Robert Koumans in the Netherlands. The worldwide acclaim the artist impressions received exceeded all expectations; TopGear even wrote "Ocular Nirvana: arguably the best-looking car in the world". The overwhealming response put the bar high, but it encouraged Vandenbrink to accept the challenge by prepairing the design for production. The new coachwork will be handcrafted following the classic tradition in aluminium by Dutchman Alwin Hietbrink, who is worldwide known by his excellent aluminium craftsmanship in restoration and rebuilding projects of classic Italian iconic sportscars such as the genuine Ferrari 250 GTO.Optional interior/upholstery redesign will be performed by the Dutch craftsman Henk van Lith, also worldwide known by his specialization in the making of high quality Italian interiors.The GTO is technically based on the superb Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano platform. In cooperation with race engineering expert EDO Competition two versions are offered: - the 599 GTO (5998 cc / 650 hp / 630 Nm) and - the high performance 630 GTO (6300 cc / 750 hp / 680 Nm).Through this unique approach the GTO offers a synthesis of automotive art, craftsmanship and state-of-the-art platform and performance engineering. Only 5 GTO's will be built for customers, guaranteeing exceptional exclusivity. Customer interest appeared solid; first coachworks have been reserved. Production will start in 2008; delivery to the first owner will be in 2009.Price of a full-options 630 GTO is 993.000,- euros (excl. base 599 GTB Fiorano, ex taxes).Vandenbrink Design:Vandenbrink Design BV is an automotive design company, located in The Netherlands. It is a privately owned company, founded in 2006 by Michiel van den Brink and Robert Koumans. The company focus is on special design and coachbuilding for highly exclusive sportscars. vandenbrinkgtocompo7001nn5.jpg
Izgleda kao svemirski brodić. Nego, jesi li kupio Civica na kraju, nešto si pričao još prošle godine?
Nisam. To je bio neko drugi ko se dvoumio izmedju Civic Hybrid i Accord.
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Od 23.10. do 28.10 u Novom Sadu će biti održan sajam automobila. Ko god može trebalo bi da dođe, noviteta će biti dosta. Preporučujem dolazak u poslednja 2 dana, jer će tad biti održana i posebna Tunning styling izložba.

NISSAN GT-RTehnicki podaci jos nisu objavljeni, ali se govori o 3,8l , twin-turbo V6 sa 473 ks 0-100 km/s za 3,5 sec i max brzinom od 309 km/s.Krajem ove godine ce biti u prodaji za Japansko trziste. Pocetkom 2008 godine stizu i prvi modeli sa volanom na lijevoj strani za Americko trziste.Evropa ce sacekati do kraja 2008 godine.6_5dcfad8b12c08729364d726cd76c6fd4.jpg6_2d9427b80fa5fbca8164b6184fe7b122.jpg6_89f190fb40b43db7d16164124b85a1e1.jpg6_6df8d71a8ced0cd4deb5f1ff0c2771e8.jpg6_16a0f07e17fcde89b2188bce6c0a238b.jpg

  • 4 weeks later...

Ako je bilo, sorry.Prvi "muslimanski" automobil

Malezijski proizvođač automobila Proton najavio je da uskoro počinje proizvodnju prvog "muslimanskog" automobila, koji će, između ostalog, imati kompas koji će uvek pokazivati u kojem se pravcu nalazi Meka. :lol:
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Nije bilo, a baš je interesantno. To mu znači dođe kao automobilski pandan hrani halal kvaliteta.157603812547397850be163022976863_450x302.jpg

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