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3 minutes ago, mraki said:


Jesu pitali za alergiju, rekli nešto?


Pitali, rekla im, nista. Saniteta nit onih e.injekcija anti anafilaxa nije ni bilo pa koji k. da cekam, ako krene nesto uzecu taxi do bolnice,sad vec prosl keiticno vreme. i rece od 10.000 cepljenih niko nije imao.


Al ja u prijavi prvi dan stikliram sve sem kineza i onda na svedskom stolu™ uzmem nju:covid19:


Posle boce mi popunjava onaj papir poznanik, ex kolega  kog vrlo povrsno znam i kaze "otkud to da si ti odabrala sinofarm, ruku bih u vatru da bi ti fajzera". sad imam geopoliticku krizu identiteta

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1 minute ago, mraki said:

@InvisibleLight pa jesi mogla da uzmeš Fajzera, što nisi?


N3 znam, veruj mi

A silne opite i tabele proucavala i zakljucila da je sigurna em transparentna itd

Neki kvrc u mozgu

Idem sad da javim mami i kazem joj "hing ksi nji" taman njen nivo humora:D wub

Edited by InvisibleLight
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Keva i cale 60+ dijabeticari i ja prijavljeni 20. januara, nista jos uvek.


Zvao sam ih na telefon, kazu da to kompjuter sam odredjuje redosled i da oni ne mogu da uticu.


Lako mi za mene, al razmisljam njih da odvedem negde da probaju na prepad.

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2 minutes ago, InvisibleLight said:


N3 znam, veruj mi

A silne opite i tabele proucavala i zakljucila da je sigurna em transparentna itd

Neki kvrc u mozgu

Idem sad da javim mami i kazem joj "hing ksi nji" taman njen nivo humora:D wub

Pa šta je tu je, nemoj sad da razmišljaš o tome. Bitno da si primila vakcinu, bilo koju. I da je sve prošlo u najboljem redu. :)

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1 minute ago, gospa buba said:

nemoj da ga lozish, dok dodje potroshice se! njegovo je da cheka :hihi:

sent from bubamoto

Ja bih seo u auto al ne znam gde je "ovde" :/


A i bilo bi po Marfiju ko što kažeš :D

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2 hours ago, Sammael said:

Izmenio sad, stavio samo Rajfajzen i prebacio na Vračar (gde samo što još decu nisu počeli da pelcuju). Pa da vidimo.

Ma samo se ti nadaj za Vracar, presusilo kad sam se ja pre 20 dana prebacio kod njih (bilo koja vakcina, 30-40 god, jedno hronicno oboljenje od pobrojanih)

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1 minute ago, InvisibleLight said:

N3 znam, veruj mi

To su ona pomračenja svesti kad čovek odreaguje nenormalno na naizgled obične stvari. Tipa neko te pita kolko je sati, ti kažeš, on kaže hvala a ti uzvratiš sa "hvala Vama". 


Kao kratak spoj između onog što želiš da kažeš i šta stvarno kažeš. 


Na stranu sve, kineska bi zaista trebalo da ima najmanje nuspojava (if any) a radiće poso. Nek ti je nazdravlje. 

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Exclusive: The Covid vaccines data that pave way to freedom

First 'real world' figures show Oxford and Pfizer jabs cut two thirds of infections and transmissions

ByLaura Donnelly, HEALTH EDITOR18 February 2021 • 9:30pm

Vaccines appear to cut Covid transmissions and infections by two-thirds according to the first "real world data" examining their impact, The Telegraph can disclose. 

Key data being handed to Boris Johnson as he finalises a roadmap out of lockdown shows that just one dose of either the Oxford or Pfizer vaccines has such an effect on all age groups. 

Mr Johnson and his scientific advisers are expected to examine key findings showing the impact of the jabs on transmission, infection, hospitalisations and deaths.

Whitehall sources said the studies would be a crucial part of deliberations over Britain's route out of lockdown and that all the findings so far were "very encouraging".

Separate data shows that Covid cases are falling most rapidly among the oldest, with care home outbreaks almost halving in a week.

The statistics appear to vindicate Britain's strategy of vaccinating by age order, with cases among those over the age of 80 falling by 38 per cent in seven days.

On Monday, Mr Johnson will publish his roadmap out of restrictions, expected to start with the return of schools from March 8 before any relaxation of rules on outdoor socialising and the reopening of shops, pubs and restaurants

It comes amid pressure from Tory backbenchers for a speedy easing of lockdown restrictions.

Behind the scenes, Matt Hancock is among those understood to be pushing for an earlier timetable. Last week, the Health Secretary told The Telegraph that drugs and vaccines represent "our way out to freedom", having earlier said that Britain could enjoy a "happy and free" summer after millions have been vaccinated. 

Meanwhile, the British Medical Association is calling for a "near-elimination" of Covid from the UK before any significant easing of restrictions. 

More than 16 million people in the UK have now had their first vaccine, including 99 per cent of those aged 75 to 79 and more than 93 per cent of those aged 80 and over. 

Key studies led by Public Health England (PHE), involving around 40,000 healthcare workers and 9,000 care homes, will not be published until towards the end of this month. A PHE spokesperson said: "We have been analysing the data since the start of the vaccination programme rollout and will publish our findings in due course."

But the Prime Minister is expected to be given early findings which suggest that both the Pfizer and Oxford/Astra Zeneca vaccines have a powerful effect in cutting the spread of Covid.

There is already increasing evidence to show that the vaccines stop people becoming infected with the disease, cutting hospitalisations and deaths. 

But the latest data from PHE will show that, critically, just one dose of either vaccine appears to block transmission of the virus by around two thirds in all age groups. The finding is crucial to efforts to lift Britain out of lockdown as the vaccination programme is ramped up. 

The bulk of the latest data being handed to the Government relates to the Pfizer vaccine, which began to be administered in December. But the same effect was seen in a smaller set of findings relating to the Oxford jab, which has been administered far more widely despite its rollout beginning later. 

Despite concerns about the effectiveness of the Oxford jab in older people, findings were similar in all age groups tracked. Last week, the the World Health Organisation (WHO) recommended the Oxford vaccine for the over-65s and backed Britain's decision to space doses by up to 12 weeks after a number of countries refused to give the jab to older people

A Whitehall source said the new data was "very encouraging" and in line with findings from clinical trials. Last month, a study by Oxford University found a single dose of the AstraZeneca jab cut transmissions by 67 per cent, with no hospitalisations recorded.

Mr Johnson is expected to pore over the data over the weekend, along with Prof Chris Whitty, the chief medical officer, and Sir Patrick Vallance, the chief scientific adviser, ahead of a meeting of the Cabinet's coronavirus operations committee to agree the route out of lockdown.

On Thursday night, a senior Government source said "no firm conclusions" on vaccine efficacy had been passed to ministers, adding that data was "still being gathered".

Covid infection rates are now halving every two weeks, and on current trends daily cases will fall to 1,000 by mid-April. Infection levels have fallen by more than two thirds since January, according to the React study led by Imperial College London.

On Thursday, Baroness Dido Harding, the head of NHS Test and Trace, announced job cuts for its call handlers as a result of declining levels of infection. In an email, she wrote:  "As a result of the decreasing levels of prevalence, NHS Test and Trace are reducing the size of the contact tracing workforce.

"As prevalence levels decrease, the profile of the tracing workforce will change from volume contact tracing towards supporting enhanced contact tracing and outbreaks."

The new figures show the number of outbreaks in care homes fell from 320 to 181 during the week ending Feb 11.  It follows the rollout of vaccinations to all eligible care homes for the elderly by the end of last month.  

The statistics show that, for people aged 80 and over, the rate of Covid cases fell from 208 per 100,000 to 129.6, a drop of 38 per cent. Levels for those in their 70s fell by 35.6 per cent, with a reduction of 31.2 per cent for those in their 60s. 

Meanwhile, two international studies suggested that one dose of the Pfizer vaccine offers protection of at least 85 per cent. Scientists in Israel said the findings endorsed the UK approach of administering jabs up to 12 weeks apart. An analysis of documents submitted to the US Food and Drug Administration suggests efficacy rates of 92.6 per cent at first dose. 

Despite the promising vaccine news, it is understood that Rishi Sunak, the Chancellor is preparing to extend the furlough scheme until the summer and offer businesses another six-month suspension of rates. 



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1 minute ago, Valkyrie said:

To su ona pomračenja svesti kad čovek odreaguje nenormalno na naizgled obične stvari. Tipa neko te pita kolko je sati, ti kažeš, on kaže hvala a ti uzvratiš sa "hvala Vama". 


Kao kratak spoj između onog što želiš da kažeš i šta stvarno kažeš. 


Na stranu sve, kineska bi zaista trebalo da ima najmanje nuspojava (if any) a radiće poso. Nek ti je 

ijutros drugarica koja zivi u UAE nam prica da su tamo bogatuni uzimali fajzera i zarazili se juznoafrickim sojem i svi sad biraju sinofarm. Prica je 'rekla kazala', garant klasicno lupetanje

Prekjuce ginekolog kojoj tolko 'verujem' da hocu da je menjam kaze 'nemojte samo rajfajzen'(alergije)


Al ne, znam sta me prebacilo na 2.stranu, drug doktor koji na fb toliko elitisticki pljuje sve inace na sve teme u koje se ne razume a ovde je "'samo fajzer fuj rusi i kinezi " da sam u inat njemu uzela kineza

(sad, boli njega dupe, nece ni znati koju sam)


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12 minutes ago, Valkyrie said:

To su ona pomračenja svesti kad čovek odreaguje nenormalno na naizgled obične stvari. Tipa neko te pita kolko je sati, ti kažeš, on kaže hvala a ti uzvratiš sa "hvala Vama". 





O, da. Posle se samom/j sebi smejes neko vreme.

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Lekari su stvarno piece of work. U mirnodopskim uslovima ne daj bože da ih pitaš nešto što je van njihove specijalizacije, neće da se petljaju, nije to njihovo trt-mrt. 

Sad odjednom svaki lekar ekspert za imunologiju, sve sam dr Haus do dr Hausa. 


Ne razmišljaj više o tome. 

Edited by Valkyrie
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Just now, Valkyrie said:

Lekari su stvarno piece of work. U mirnodopskim uslovima ne daj bože da ih pitaš nešto što je van njihove specijalizacije, neće da se petljaju, nije to njihovo trt-mrt. 

Sad odjednom svaki lekar ekspert za imunologiju, sve sam dr Haus do dr Hausa. 


Ne razmišljaj više o tome. 

Tacno tako

Hvala, odoh da jedem, cipovanje case closed

  • Wub 1
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