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6 minutes ago, Кристофер Лумумбо said:

Ja sam tek danas ukapirao zasto moj cale ne zeli dase vakcinise ruskom vakcinom, a rusofil je - procitao da ne sme da se pije alkohol dva meseca 🤦‍♂️


Nova kategorija antivaksera - alkovakser.:D

  • Haha 4
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1 hour ago, harper said:


Za Sinofarm su skoro svima, ukljucujuci i meni, rekli da mesec dana ohlade s alkoholom ali kad sam pitao sta to znaci ispostavilo se da bi problem bila preterana konzumacija. Jednom liku su rekli da treba godinu dana da pauzira od alkohola, vece staraca koje je cekalo supruge da se vakcinisu je zakljucilo da je to zbog toga sto su ga namirisali kao alkosa pa da ucine uslugu i njemu i njegovoj porodici.:D


E? Ovamo gde sam se vakcinisao nikome ništa nisu rekli oko alkohola. Nije da sam preterivao, ali mora nekad krv da prostruji.

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1 hour ago, Frank Pembleton said:

Vi koji ste primili vakcinu, jesu doktori nešto rekli oko hrane i pića? Prevashodno pića.

.... Shiit has hit the fan!


Ništa. Ali u oktobru kad sam primila protiv gripa, rekli su mi da ne pijem alkohol taj dan i sledeći. Generalno alkohol umanjuje dejstvo bilo koje vakcine, kažu oni koji se razumeju. Verovatno bi bilo dobro ne cirkati narednih nekoliko dana, čisto za svaki slučaj.

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1 hour ago, harper said:


Za Sinofarm su skoro svima, ukljucujuci i meni, rekli da mesec dana ohlade s alkoholom ali kad sam pitao sta to znaci ispostavilo se da bi problem bila preterana konzumacija. Jednom liku su rekli da treba godinu dana da pauzira od alkohola, vece staraca koje je cekalo supruge da se vakcinisu je zakljucilo da je to zbog toga sto su ga namirisali kao alkosa pa da ucine uslugu i njemu i njegovoj porodici.:D

Auh, ovo sad vidim. Meni niko ništa. Pila sam nedelju dana kasnije tri gutljaja kuvanog vina. Jbg

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1 hour ago, harper said:


Za Sinofarm su skoro svima, ukljucujuci i meni, rekli da mesec dana ohlade s alkoholom ali kad sam pitao sta to znaci ispostavilo se da bi problem bila preterana konzumacija. Jednom liku su rekli da treba godinu dana da pauzira od alkohola, vece staraca koje je cekalo supruge da se vakcinisu je zakljucilo da je to zbog toga sto su ga namirisali kao alkosa pa da ucine uslugu i njemu i njegovoj porodici.:D

Ja kad sam se cijepijo pitao sam za alkohol...Rekli mi "Nemoj danas da piješ.' Ja pitao jel može sutra, doktorka rekla "Rokaj!":lol:...

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Britanski regulator o bezbednosti Fajzerove i oksfordske vakcine.



The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) is the executive Agency of
the Department of Health and Social Care that acts to protect and promote public health and
patient safety, by ensuring that medicines and medical devices meet appropriate standards of
safety, quality and efficacy.

The MHRA operates the Yellow Card scheme on behalf of the Commission on Human Medicines
(CHM). The scheme collects and monitors information on suspected safety concerns or incidents
involving vaccines
, medicines, medical devices, and e-cigarettes.


As of 24 January 2021, for the UK, 16,756 Yellow Cards have been reported for the
Pfizer/BioNTech, 6,014 have been reported for the Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccine, and 50
have been reported where the brand of the vaccine was not specified.
For both vaccines the overall reporting rate is around 3 Yellow Cards per 1,000 doses

For both vaccines, the overwhelming majority of reports relate to injection-site reactions (sore arm
for example) and generalised symptoms such as ‘flu-like’ illness, headache, chills, fatigue
(tiredness), nausea (feeling sick), fever, dizziness, weakness, aching muscles, and rapid
heartbeat. Generally, these happen shortly after the vaccination and are not associated with more
serious or lasting illness.

These types of reactions reflect the normal immune response triggered by the body to the
vaccines. They are typically seen with most types of vaccine and tend to resolve within a day or
two. The nature of reported suspected side effects is broadly similar across age groups, although,
as was seen in clinical trials and as is usually seen with other vaccines, they may be reported more
frequently in younger adults. 


Widespread use of the vaccine now suggests that severe allergic reactions to the Pfizer/BioNTech
vaccine are very rare (less than 1 in 10,000 people receiving this vaccine) and have been reported
at a rate between 1 and 2 cases per 100,000 doses administered.
Similar reporting was seen in
the United States with the same vaccine. Anaphylaxis can also be a very rare side effect
associated with most other vaccines.

Following very substantial exposure across the UK population, no other new safety concerns have
been identified
from reports received so far. 



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Pretpostavljam da je to iz nekog Sputnjikovog reklamnog letka, druge vakcine nisu imenovane, a na Y-osi nema nikakvih vrednosti. Mislim da nije u redu kačiti nešto takvo bez linka.

Edited by vememah
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3 hours ago, Svemir Zeka said:

Auh, ovo sad vidim. Meni niko ništa. Pila sam nedelju dana kasnije tri gutljaja kuvanog vina. Jbg

Da se javis doktoru ujutro hitno :lolol:

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