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O kineskim vakcinama (preuzet Rappler članak pisan za Filipince 11 januara 2021):

(izdvajam delove, a preporučujem čitanje celog teksta)


"There are two significant advantages with these inactivated vaccines that should greatly impact our vaccine distribution program in the Philippines.  


First, these vaccines can be stored in a standard refrigerator at temperatures of 2 to 8 degrees Celsius, and can remain stable for up to 3 years. This would make distribution of these vaccines in the Philippines substantially cheaper and easier as compared to the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, which require a supercold or an ultracold chain with freezers at temperatures of -70 to -80 degrees Celsius. 


Second, in principle, these inactivated vaccines should be more resilient and should be more effective against any and all SARS-CoV2 variants than the Western vaccines. Why? The Pfizer, Moderna, and AZ vaccines are composed of one part of the virus called the Spike protein. The most significant mutations in the SARS-CoV2 variants change this Spike protein, making these variants more able to escape the Western vaccines. Just a few days ago, there was a worrisome report that the South African 501.V2 variant lowers the effectiveness of antibody-based drugs against COVID-19, suggesting that this variant will lower the efficacy of the Western COVID-19 vaccines.

In contrast, these Chinese vaccines introduce the entire inactivated virus into vaccinated individuals. Novel virus variants of SARS-CoV2 would have to change everything about themselves to escape these inactivated vaccines. The probability of this happening is vanishingly small. Therefore, these vaccines would be valuable weapons against COVID-19, especially in light of the growing concerns with the B117 variant from England and the 501.V2 variant from South Africa.

Concerns about the efficacy of these Chinese vaccines have been raised in the media here in the Philippines. Many politicians have wondered: Are they good enough? Is 78% good enough? Well, based on the Phase 3 clinical trial data, the Sinopharm and Sinovac vaccines are better than the AstraZeneca vaccine, the latter of which the national government and numerous LGUs have already reserved. The AZ vaccine reported efficacy rates of 62% and 90% depending upon the dosing, but it was the first dosing scheme with the lower efficacy that was finally approved in the United Kingdom. The dosing schedule with the higher efficacy was not approved. 


I also think that it is important to emphasize that an effective vaccine does not have to protect individuals against COVID-19, though that would be the ideal. Rather, an effective COVID-19 vaccine would trigger enough of an immune response that would prevent the vaccinated person from getting severe disease that would require hospitalization. If our vaccines protect Filipinos enough that a COVID-19 infection becomes either a bad cold or the flu, then these vaccines would still end the pandemic because they would protect our hospital system and prevent deaths. 


Finally, the Sinopharm vaccine has been approved in China for emergency use, and the Sinovac vaccine is expected to be approved also for emergency use in several developing countries, including Indonesia, Brazil, and Turkey, where the clinical trials were performed. Significantly, in contrast to the Western vaccines, I do not expect either Chinese vaccine to be deployed in North America or Europe for political reasons. Therefore, the FDA of the Philippines will have to evaluate these vaccines and hopefully approve them without any precedent from some of the most reliable and mature national regulatory agencies (NRA) like the FDA in the USA or the EMA in the European Union." - www.Rappler.com 

  • +1 3
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12 hours ago, Jumanji said:

Znaci ako si protiv vlasti za tebe nema vakcine? More mamicu vam hohstapersku, i onu lopovsku! Jao bre narode, probudi se vise...



Ovakva govna nikad nisu vladala Srbijom, niti ce uspeti neko da ih nadmasi. Ali zaista, nikada niko nije mogao da bude ovako zao, beskicmen, pokvaren i truo.


Ovo uopste osmisliti kao spin zahteva da si se rodio kao iskompleksirano govno, da si celog zivota boziji svet gledao is svoje usrane rupe i da si se takav direkt iz Luciferove kloake dokopao vlasti.


Ja bih za ovo slao na robiju jbt.

Edited by Caligula
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Ono kad računaš kad bi mogao da budeš vakcinisan u Nemačkoj, a da nisi rizična grupa i ne radiš sa osetljivim grupama (malo loš prevod ali opet) i da su svi uslovi savršeni (vakcina ima, birokratija i sl..) [emoji1787][emoji1787]742a497bd5e0c89e9ff817a23e950ad5.jpg

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11 hours ago, Anonymous said:

Ali najbolje je što je bila nestašica Pfizer-a u Belgiji zbog 'logističkih problema', a vakcina se proizvodi u Belgiji.


logisticki problem moze biti npr i nedostatak (nedolazak na vreme) sirovina koje se koriste u proizvodnji.

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46 minutes ago, pt 2.0 said:

O kineskim vakcinama (preuzet Rappler članak pisan za Filipince 11 januara 2021):

(izdvajam delove, a preporučujem čitanje celog teksta)


"There are two significant advantages with these inactivated vaccines that should greatly impact our vaccine distribution program in the Philippines.  


First, these vaccines can be stored in a standard refrigerator at temperatures of 2 to 8 degrees Celsius, and can remain stable for up to 3 years. This would make distribution of these vaccines in the Philippines substantially cheaper and easier as compared to the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, which require a supercold or an ultracold chain with freezers at temperatures of -70 to -80 degrees Celsius. 


Second, in principle, these inactivated vaccines should be more resilient and should be more effective against any and all SARS-CoV2 variants than the Western vaccines. Why? The Pfizer, Moderna, and AZ vaccines are composed of one part of the virus called the Spike protein. The most significant mutations in the SARS-CoV2 variants change this Spike protein, making these variants more able to escape the Western vaccines. Just a few days ago, there was a worrisome report that the South African 501.V2 variant lowers the effectiveness of antibody-based drugs against COVID-19, suggesting that this variant will lower the efficacy of the Western COVID-19 vaccines.

In contrast, these Chinese vaccines introduce the entire inactivated virus into vaccinated individuals. Novel virus variants of SARS-CoV2 would have to change everything about themselves to escape these inactivated vaccines. The probability of this happening is vanishingly small. Therefore, these vaccines would be valuable weapons against COVID-19, especially in light of the growing concerns with the B117 variant from England and the 501.V2 variant from South Africa.

Concerns about the efficacy of these Chinese vaccines have been raised in the media here in the Philippines. Many politicians have wondered: Are they good enough? Is 78% good enough? Well, based on the Phase 3 clinical trial data, the Sinopharm and Sinovac vaccines are better than the AstraZeneca vaccine, the latter of which the national government and numerous LGUs have already reserved. The AZ vaccine reported efficacy rates of 62% and 90% depending upon the dosing, but it was the first dosing scheme with the lower efficacy that was finally approved in the United Kingdom. The dosing schedule with the higher efficacy was not approved. 


I also think that it is important to emphasize that an effective vaccine does not have to protect individuals against COVID-19, though that would be the ideal. Rather, an effective COVID-19 vaccine would trigger enough of an immune response that would prevent the vaccinated person from getting severe disease that would require hospitalization. If our vaccines protect Filipinos enough that a COVID-19 infection becomes either a bad cold or the flu, then these vaccines would still end the pandemic because they would protect our hospital system and prevent deaths. 


Finally, the Sinopharm vaccine has been approved in China for emergency use, and the Sinovac vaccine is expected to be approved also for emergency use in several developing countries, including Indonesia, Brazil, and Turkey, where the clinical trials were performed. Significantly, in contrast to the Western vaccines, I do not expect either Chinese vaccine to be deployed in North America or Europe for political reasons. Therefore, the FDA of the Philippines will have to evaluate these vaccines and hopefully approve them without any precedent from some of the most reliable and mature national regulatory agencies (NRA) like the FDA in the USA or the EMA in the European Union." - www.Rappler.com 


Bolje nema!

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58 minutes ago, Caligula said:


Ono ni meni nije bas najjasnije.


Tipa vakcinisali 1% stanovnistva? A izvoze na veliko? Zato imam tu ogradicu prema kineskoj vakcini. Mada ogradica pada onog trenutka kada me budu pozvali da je primim :fantom:


Ako pozovu uopste

Drugarica koja radi HR i posluje sa kinezima kaže da oni u 90% slučajeva nisu vakcinisani kao evropljani. Mislim na redovne vakcine. Biće da je stvar prakse al da ne lupetam nek @banecare1 napiše nešto više na tu temu.

Edited by maheem
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13 hours ago, Aleksija said:

da li jos neko od vakcinisanih kinezom ima temperaturu? nije nista alarmantno, rekli su da je moguce, samo ja ne znam nikoga vise osim sebe :)

Imala sam ja temperaturu.

Taj dan kad sam primila vakcinu uveče bilo 37.5, sutradan 37.3.

Ako ti je lakše :)

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13 hours ago, Aleksija said:

da li jos neko od vakcinisanih kinezom ima temperaturu? nije nista alarmantno, rekli su da je moguce, samo ja ne znam nikoga vise osim sebe :)

Imala je ženina koleginica 2,3 dana temperaturu i slomljenost a plus ima velikih drugih zdravstvenih problema. Prošla je temperatura pa je sad ok što toga tiče tako da dontvoribihepi;) 

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1 hour ago, pt 2.0 said:

I do not expect either Chinese vaccine to be deployed in North America or Europe for political reasons.


šta ovo znači? sad će Mađarsku da izbace iz Evropske Unije i Nato pakta? a toliko ljudi učilo jezik da polože za državljanstvo i sad će im sve to propasti :sad:

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jbt. sad slušam nekog našeg iz fra koji priča kako fajzer tvrdi da je iz jedne bočice vakcine moguće izvadititm šest doza. što se u praksi svodi na mission impossible, za poslednju dozu potrebna je spceijalna vrsta igle, a i uz nju postoji velika verovatnoća da se ne izvuče dovoljna doza, a i mogućnost da ta tanja igla pukne nije zanemarljiva

ispada da je fajzer u dodatnom plusu cca20% po jednoj bočici



kakvo zlo

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15 minutes ago, kud u maglu Simoviću said:

jbt. sad slušam nekog našeg iz fra koji priča kako fajzer tvrdi da je iz jedne bočice vakcine moguće izvadititm šest doza. što se u praksi svodi na mission impossible, za poslednju dozu potrebna je spceijalna vrsta igle, a i uz nju postoji velika verovatnoća da se ne izvuče dovoljna doza, a i mogućnost da ta tanja igla pukne nije zanemarljiva

ispada da je fajzer u dodatnom plusu cca20% po jednoj bočici



kakvo zlo

To je tacno i ovde u Italiji se u 80% slucajeva izvlaci 6 doza ali specijalnim spricama, s tim sto ovde ne kazu da sesta doza moze biti nedovoljna. Problem je bio sto Fajzer to nije ukazao nikad vec se otkrilo tokom vakcinisanja. Izgovor je da nisu hteli da rizikuju da ih optuze da su previse knap za 6 doza.

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