January 23, 20214 yr https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/legal-issues/conspiracy-oath-keeper-arrest-capitol-riot/2021/01/19/fb84877a-5a4f-11eb-8bcf-3877871c819d_story.html Self-styled militia members from Virginia, Ohio and other states made plans to storm the U.S. Capitol days in advance of the Jan. 6 attack, and then communicated in real time as they breached the building on opposite sides and talked about hunting for lawmakers, according to court documents filed Tuesday. ... In charging papers, the FBI said that during the Capitol riot, Caldwell received Facebook messages from unspecified senders updating him of the location of lawmakers. When he posted a one-word message, “Inside,” he received exhortations and directions describing tunnels, doors and hallways, the FBI said. Some messages, according to the FBI, included, “Tom all legislators are down in the Tunnels 3floors down,” and “Go through back house chamber doors facing N left down hallway down steps.” Another message read: “All members are in the tunnels under capital seal them in. Turn on gas,” the FBI added. Edited January 23, 20214 yr by Gandalf
January 23, 20214 yr Bivši FBI činovnik priča o problemima koje FBI ima u vezi domaćih terorista, 5:20- 15:34. Od 9:15 priča interesantne stvari: FBI ne može da podnese optužnicu za domaće terorizam. Ne postoji takav zakon. Edited January 23, 20214 yr by ObiW
January 23, 20214 yr Americke trupe se vracaju u Siriju.Evo demokratije na Januarskom popustu.America is back!
January 23, 20214 yr 12 minutes ago, askeladden said: Americke trupe se vracaju u Siriju.Evo demokratije na Januarskom popustu.America is back! E, to sam hteo da pitam, da se postavi pool, ko će prvi biti bombardovan, ili napadnut, ili okupiran? Kad ono........
January 23, 20214 yr pa mora da se zagreje mašina pre nego što udare na iran, ipak ju je trampara garažirao 4 godine
January 23, 20214 yr Што се тиче гаражирања: Quote “Yesterday dozens of senators and congressmen walked down our lines taking photos, shaking our hands and thanking us for our service. Within 24 hours, they had no further use for us and banished us to the corner of a parking garage. We feel incredibly betrayed,” the Guardsman said. All National Guard troops were told to vacate the Capitol and nearby congressional buildings on Thursday, and to set up mobile command centers outside or in nearby hotels, another Guardsman confirmed. They were told to take their rest breaks during their 12-hour shifts outside and in parking garages, the person said. https://www.politico.com/news/2021/01/21/national-guard-troops-vacate-capitol-461220
January 23, 20214 yr Nema odmora dok traje obnova #2 biden-freezes-trumps-lower-cost-insulin-and-epinephrine-rule by Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute / SWFI
January 23, 20214 yr 6 hours ago, askeladden said: Americke trupe se vracaju u Siriju.Evo demokratije na Januarskom popustu.America is back! Može link?
January 23, 20214 yr 6 minutes ago, zorglub said: Može link? Taman da pitam. Ja krenuo da guglam, reko ako je dosao i bupno tako bez linka valjda ce biti negde na naslovnoj strani. Kad ono.
January 23, 20214 yr Here are the 30 executive orders and actions Biden signed in his first three days Spoiler By Kate Sullivan, Christopher Hickey and Sean O'Key, CNN Updated 3:28 PM ET, Fri January 22, 2021 President Joe Biden has taken 30 executive actions in three days In his first three days in office, Biden issued 30 executive orders, presidential memoranda and agency directives, primarily focused on addressing the Covid-19 pandemic and undoing former President Donald Trump's actions. Ten of Biden's executive actions directly reverse Trump's policies. Date Topic Reversal Summary January 22 Economy Yes Restores collective bargaining power and worker protections for federal workers, and lays the foundation for $15 minimum wage January 22 Economy No Calls for assistance to those who are struggling to buy food, missed out on stimulus checks or are unemployed. January 21 Coronavirus No Accelerates manufacturing and delivery of supplies for vaccination, testing and Personal Protective Equipment January 21 Coronavirus No Directs FEMA to expand reimbursement to states to fully cover the cost for National Guard personnel and emergency supplies January 21 Coronavirus No Establishes the Pandemic Testing Board to expand US coronavirus testing capacity January 21 Coronavirus No Establishes a preclinical program to boost development of therapeutics in response to pandemic threats January 21 Coronavirus No Enhances the nation's collection, production, sharing and analysis of coronavirus data January 21 Coronavirus No Directs FEMA to create federally-supported community vaccination centers January 21 Coronavirus No Directs the Department of Education and HHS to provide guidance for safely reopening and operating schools, childcare providers and institutions of higher education January 21 Coronavirus No Calls on the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to release clear guidance on Covid-19, decide whether to establish emergency temporary standards, and directs OSHA to enforce worker health and safety requirements January 21 Coronavirus No Requires mask wearing in airports and on certain modes of transportation, including many trains, airplanes, maritime vessels and intercity buses. International travelers must provide proof of a negative Covid-19 test prior to coming to the US January 21 Coronavirus No Creates the Covid-19 Health Equity Task Force to help ensure an equitable pandemic response and recovery January 21 Coronavirus No A presidential directive to restore America's leadership, support the international pandemic response effort, promote resilience for future threats and advance global health security and the Global Health Security Agenda January 20 Coronavirus No Launches a "100 Days Masking Challenge" asking Americans to wear masks for 100 days. Requires masks and physical distancing in federal buildings, on federal lands and by government contractors, and urges states and local governments to do the same. January 20 Coronavirus Yes Stops the United States' withdrawal from the World Health Organization, with Dr. Anthony Fauci becoming the head of the delegation to the WHO January 20 Coronavirus No Creates the position of Covid-19 Response Coordinator, reporting directly to Biden and managing efforts to produce and distribute vaccines and medical equipment January 20 Economy No Extends the existing nationwide moratorium on evictions and foreclosures until at least March 31 January 20 Economy No Extends the existing pause on student loan payments and interest for Americans with federal student loans until at least September 30 January 20 Environment Yes Rejoins the Paris climate accord, a process that will take 30 days January 20 Environment Yes Cancels the Keystone XL pipeline and directs agencies to review and reverse more than 100 Trump actions on the environment January 20 Equity Yes Rescinds the Trump administration's 1776 Commission, directs agencies to review their actions to ensure racial equity January 20 Equity No Prevents workplace discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity January 20 Census Yes Requires non-citizens to be included in the Census and apportionment of congressional representatives January 20 Immigration No Fortifies DACA after Trump's efforts to undo protections for undocumented people brought into the country as children January 20 Immigration Yes Reverses the Trump administration's restrictions on US entry for passport holders from seven Muslim-majority countries January 20 Immigration Yes Undoes Trump's expansion of immigration enforcement within the United States January 20 Immigration Yes Halts construction of the border wall by terminating the national emergency declaration used to fund it January 20 Immigration No Extends deferrals of deportation and work authorizations for Liberians with a safe haven in the United States until June 30, 2022 January 20 Ethics No Requires executive branch appointees to sign an ethics pledge barring them from acting in personal interest and requiring them to uphold the independence of the Department of Justice January 20 Regulation Yes Directs OMB director to develop recommendations to modernize regulatory review and undoes Trump's regulatory approval process Edited January 23, 20214 yr by Krošek formatiranje
January 23, 20214 yr 13 hours ago, iDemo said: "Nema odmora dok traje obnova", ne? Jedino nema odmora za tebe da nam ovde prenosis ekstremisticko smece propagandista sa OAN i The National Pulse-a: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raheem_Kassam Sta, Fox ti nije dovoljno lazljiv i neofasovski pa nam prenosis jos vece ekstremiste?
January 23, 20214 yr 4 hours ago, iDemo said: Nema odmora dok traje obnova #2 biden-freezes-trumps-lower-cost-insulin-and-epinephrine-rule by Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute / SWFI HHS signed off on the rule in December, shortly before former President Donald Trump left office. It aims to lower patients' out-of-pocket costs by forcing community clinics to pass on their 340B drug discounts. The rule requires federally qualified health centers to give their discounts to the uninsured, patients with high cost-sharing for insulin or Epi-Pens or a high unmet deductible. It was originally slated to take effect Jan. 22, but HHS delayed it until Mar. 22.
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