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Bajden - jedno staro i očekivano presidency?


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18 minutes ago, Tutankamon said:

Obama je nije endorsovao

Axelrod i on su kuga za stranku



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59 minutes ago, Shan Jan said:

Mada vise deluje da oni zele da vezu Trampovo ime za sebe nego da ih on zaista slusa. 


Tramp smatra vezivanje za taj program toksičnim tokom kampanje, što naravno ne znači da ga neće sprovoditi kad pobedi.




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1 hour ago, Tutankamon said:

Obama je nije endorsovao


Mišel daleko bolje stoji od Kamale po anketama (vidi ovde), moguće je da ona još nije prelomila da se neće kandidovati ako bude otvorena konvencija.

Edited by vememah
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2 hours ago, vememah said:


Mišel daleko bolje stoji od Kamale po anketama (vidi ovde), moguće je da ona još nije prelomila da se neće kandidovati ako bude otvorena konvencija.

Jedva je dočekala da ode iz Bele kuće. Nema šanse da ona bude kandidat, mada bih ja lično voleo.

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9 hours ago, Engineer said:

Pa ako je neko 3 i po godine bio potpredsednik države, sa obavezom da preuzme ulogu predsednika u slučaju da se ovom nešto desi, rekao bih da je ta osoba sasvim sposobna. Daleko više od nekoga ko je npr.sa iskustvom vlasnika hotela, kazina i direktora izbora za mis postao predsednik države.

Ako je neko 4 godine bio izabran da bude predsednik, onda je sposobniji da bude to jos 4 godine od nekoga ko je bio levo smetalo 3.5 godina 



Kamila je kompromisno resenje da se izadje kako tako na izbore. DEM nisu blesavi da potrose nekog kandidata koji ima buducnost.


Iskreno se nadam da ce anti-trampizam da pobedi, i da ce ljudi glasati protiv Trampa. To ne znaci da je Kamila dobra, vec da je Tramp los. 

Najveca mana slabog predsednika, takav je bio Dzo i takva bi bila i Kamila, je da  ''misevi kolo vode".


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Senior Biden aides were bracing for former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), who’d worked behind the scenes to encourage others in the party toward the kind of collective action that might finally push the president to end his campaign, to go public this week and possibly even disclose Democratic polling clarifying Biden’s dire political straits.

“Nancy made clear that they could do this the easy way or the hard way,” said one Democrat familiar with private conversations who was granted anonymity to speak candidly. “She gave them three weeks of the easy way. It was about to be the hard way.”

With Biden vowing in a statement to return to the campaign trail next week, some in the party came to believe that more direct and public opposition might be the only way left to convince Biden to step aside. At least a half-dozen House and Senate Democrats — including senior lawmakers — had planned to call for the president to leave the campaign on Monday and Tuesday, according to one lawmaker who had a pre-drafted statement.

“We were giving him the respect of the weekend to make his decision. We were hopeful that this is the decision we would make,” the Democrat said. This lawmaker, who had personally spoken with dozens of lawmakers in recent weeks about their district-level polling and voter concerns back home, said they had already been sharing that data with the Biden campaign team on a regular basis.


Edited by vememah
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