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Biden / Trump - Americki izbori 2020


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Uf cuj ako nekog zanima. Pa to je cela poenta ovih izbora, da Trampara na kraju kao fatality zaprimi jedan 9 inches crni, ajmo reci, toplinger. Makar i budjav.

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For months, as his chances of being re-elected dwindled, Mr. Trump told advisers — sometimes joking, sometimes not — that should he lose he would promptly announce that he was running again in 2024. Two advisers said they anticipate he will make good on that declaration if his legal challenges fail and is defeated, a move that if nothing else would allow him to raise money to finance the rallies that sustain him.


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8 minutes ago, Fins fleet said:

Jebo drzavu. Trebali smo im poslati posmatrace iz Srbije da pomognu. Gde je OEBS kad je neophodan?



Yesterday’s vote was hard-fought and competitive with a high degree of engagement by election workers and citizens in the face of great legal uncertainty and a highly polarised political environment fuelled by aggressive campaign rhetoric, international observers to the US general elections said in a statement today.


The observation mission, carried out jointly by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (OSCE PA), concluded that the 3 November general elections were competitive and well managed despite the many challenges caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. At the same time, the campaign was characterised by deeply entrenched political polarisation that often obscured the broader policy debate and included baseless allegations of systematic fraud.


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Ovo je najveća kraja do sada. Sramota za ameriku. 


Hitno da se uvede voter ID inače uskoro nećemo morati ni da idemo na glasanje :laugh:... Glasače oni umesto nas.... Sa obe strane :laugh:


Tugo, tugo. 


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21 minutes ago, Fins fleet said:

Jebo drzavu. Trebali smo im poslati posmatrace iz Srbije da pomognu. Gde je OEBS kad je neophodan?

beše 2000. godine karikatura srba sa sve šjkačama koji idu da brije glasove na floridi.

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