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Biden / Trump - Americki izbori 2020


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Just now, Roger Sanchez said:

Fox News nerd Arnon Mishkin izdržao još jedan desetminutni sustained napad dva news voditelja, Breta Baiera i Foxove Tipične Plavuše™, i još jednom odbio povući reč odluku za Arizonu. :ziga:


Preskakali su ga svakako, napadali sa svakog položaja, Fox Plavuša™ je čak izjavila da su tu odluku donijeli s 1% izbrojenih glasova, na što je nerd napravio :blink: facu


umetnost je pronaci onako tupu ribetinu a tek onaj ruzni crnac, jebeni uzas

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Just now, Anonymous said:

I ko je pobedio, jel' ima makar naznaka?

Biden ako sud ne presudi drugačije ili se nešto čudno ne desi u Arizoni ili Nqavadi...


Ako dobije i Pensilvaniju, onda ni sud ni čuda ne pomažu...

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Just now, radisa said:

Biden ako sud ne presudi drugačije ili se nešto čudno ne desi u Arizoni ili Nqavadi...


Ako dobije i Pensilvaniju, onda ni sud ni čuda ne pomažu...

Ili Gruziju

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3 minutes ago, radisa said:

Biden ako sud ne presudi drugačije ili se nešto čudno ne desi u Arizoni ili Nqavadi...


Ako dobije i Pensilvaniju, onda ni sud ni čuda ne pomažu...


Zlo i naopako za Srbe. Šta ćemo sad da radimo? Novi Svetski Poredak ponovo jaše.

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1 minute ago, Anonymous said:


Zlo i naopako za Srbe. Šta ćemo sad da radimo? Novi Svetski Poredak ponovo jaše.

Pa eno, tuga pregolema, tolika da se glasači Bidena srpskog porekla, po forumu napušavaju mlohavom patkom...  I viče prevara, krađa...


Kad je tako na forumu, kako će tek biti u USA?

  • +1 1
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9 minutes ago, 3opge said:


umetnost je pronaci onako tupu ribetinu a tek onaj ruzni crnac, jebeni uzas

Koje pišanje



Naravno da mu goons već žele promijeniti fizionomiju


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19 minutes ago, Roger Sanchez said:

A Tramp se žalio direktoru :laugh:


Vašington Post je prošle nedelje objavio članak o tome kako se Rupert i Foks spremaju za šta dolazi posle izbora, naš Herald preneo. Evo link i neki zanimljivi delovi:

What happens to Fox News if Trump loses? Rupert Murdoch is prepared


But behind the scenes, a strange calm prevails. The man who helped create Fox News as the most influential platform for conservative politics in America fully expects Biden to win – and frankly isn't too bothered by that.


Rupert Murdoch, the 89-year-old billionaire whose family controls Fox News' parent company, has told associates he is resigned to a Trump loss in November. And he has complained that the President's current low polling numbers are due to repeated "unforced errors" that could have been avoided if he had followed Murdoch's advice about how to weather the coronavirus pandemic, according to associates who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe private conversations.


A political conservative, Murdoch has always been a pragmatist when it comes to his relationships with politicians, backing liberal candidates, such as former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, when it suits him.


He had known Trump for decades as a frequent source and subject for his New York Post tabloid, and he was not initially thrilled with the idea of a Trump presidency. "When is Donald Trump going to stop embarrassing his friends, let alone the whole country?" he tweeted in July 2015. Murdoch even flirted with endorsing Hillary Clinton's 2016 candidacy and invited her to meet. She declined, according to two people familiar with the exchange.


When Trump's candidacy surged, Murdoch followed and was rewarded with a direct line to the White House. Last year, the mogul sold most of his company to Disney for $US71 billion ($101 billion), a deal that faced few federal regulatory hurdles despite its size. Trump called Murdoch when it was announced to congratulate him. (Murdoch still retains a controlling interest in Fox Corp, which owns Fox News, Fox Television Stations, and Fox Sports; as well as News Corp, which owns Murdoch's newspapers and other digital properties in Australia and elsewhere.)


But the coronavirus pandemic altered the relationship. Australian-born Murdoch watched with concern as Trump downplayed the crisis. He dispatched one of his closest aides, News Corp CEO Robert Thomson, to speak to the President about the risks of the virus in March, in a previously undisclosed meeting. Tucker Carlson, a prominent Fox News host who had sounded the alarm on the virus in late January, visited Mar-a-Lago in early March to urge the President to take the virus more seriously, also at Murdoch's encouragement.


But around the same time, Ingraham made two trips to the Oval Office – one to promote hydroxychloroquine, a controversial and unproven treatment for the virus that enraptured the President, and another to urge him to reopen businesses across the country, in both cases echoing arguments she would make during her hour of prime-time punditry. Hannity likened the novel coronavirus to a "new hoax" that the Democrats and the media could use to attack the President. And Carlson, after a period of urging viewers to take the virus seriously, soon pivoted to scepticism, comparing those worried about it to "the many ghouls in Washington who forced our military to wage pointless wars".


Their on-air rhetoric stood in contrast to the company's reaction, as Fox News executives implemented serious protocols to protect employees from a growing pandemic. But the incongruent reactions did not hurt ratings. In April, a month when the coronavirus killed about 60,000 Americans, Fox News recorded the then-largest prime-time audience in network history, according to Nielsen Media Research.







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32 minutes ago, Roger Sanchez said:

Ili Gruziju

sada na CNN-u uživo iz Atlante, svinja vodi 47K na 95% prebrojanih.


Ostalo dosta glasova iz Atlante, u okrugu u kome je najviše neprebrojanih Bajden do sada bije 80-20.

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1 hour ago, omiljeni said:


57.000 razlika


Ostalo još 297.000 glasova

Znači, 13k za Trumpa i 24k za Bidena u posledjih sat vremena


~48k razlika

272k glasova ostalo

Trump +8k, Biden +17k u poslednjih sat vremena


lagano Biden uzima Georgiu ako ostane ovaj trend

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