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Biden / Trump - Americki izbori 2020


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10 hours ago, Budja said:

Da je GOP dobio za 10.000 glasova pisalo bi se u voter supression do sudnjeg dana. Imamo i precedent za to - kuknjava Abramsove posle tesnog gubitka na izborima za guvernera.

Prvo si napisao 10 postova gde druge kritikujes za sbbkbb, a onda napises ovo :thumbup:

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10 hours ago, Budja said:



Koji je tacno zakon Tramp prekrsio?


Efikasne uzurpacije i zloupotrebe vlasti ne dolaze iz kršenja zakona i normi, već ili iz njihovog zaobilaženja, ili prepravljanja da budu po meri uzurpatora

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Jan 22nd, 2021, Trump is relaxing at his Mar-a-Lago home with his wife when the phone rings.

Melania answers and the caller says: "May I speak to the President please?"

"My husband is no longer President" she replies dryly and hangs up the phone.

Next day, same thing.

Day after that, same thing.

On the fourth day she says: "listen asshole, I keep telling you my husband is not the President anymore!" and the caller says "Yes ma'am, I know, I just like to hear it again and again."

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On 24.11.2020. at 21:20, Budja said:


Koji je tacno zakon Tramp prekrsio?

Evo ti i konkretnog primera kako to vest manipulator radi:



DOJ je po zakonu o antinepotizmu iz 1967 sprečavao predsednike od Niksona na Obame da zaposle svoju rodbinu na funkcijama u Beloj kući. 

Dodje Tramp, postave se pravi ljudi na prava mesta, i odjednom je tumačenje zakona (bizarno) drugačije. Sve po zakonu, a u stvari nije. 

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3 hours ago, Zverilla said:

Dodje Tramp, postave se pravi ljudi na prava mesta, i odjednom je tumačenje zakona (bizarno) drugačije. Sve po zakonu, a u stvari nije. 

Treba biti realan™ - da nije njih stavio nikog drugog ne bi pronasao da mu 'potraje' duze od par dana. 

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Na ovim prethodnim stranama, mogao bi Trump lako da se zameni sa Vucicem. Koji je to zakon Vucic prekrsio? Koji je to rat zapoceo? I tako dalje. Najveca steta koju je Trump napravio i nastavlja da pravi je dubinsko podrivanje demokratije i sistema vrednosti. Bas kao sto to radi i ovaj balkanski olos.

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Nisu ista liga, pošto Vučić svakodnevno krši ustav sopstvene države.


esid: u stvari, Vučić je izvršio državni udar, pošto je za sebe prigrabio vlasti i  ingerencije koje nikako pre pripadaju predsedniku Srbije

Edited by Filozof manijak
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3 minutes ago, Filozof manijak said:

Nisu ista liga, pošto Vučić svakodnevno krši ustav sopstvene države.


esid: u stvari, Vučić je izvršio državni udar, pošto je za sebe prigrabio vlasti i  ingerencije koje nikako pre pripadaju predsedniku Srbije


Googlaj Trump + constitution. Bilo je mnogo reci o tome kako je Trump zaobilazio ili krsio ustav.


Pritom ovaj nas ima 4 godine fore u odnosu na Trumpa. Plus sto se zapatio na jedno neuporedivno zatrovanije i siromasnije drustvo sto cini posledice njegovog ludjenja em tezim em brzim.


Mislim, bespredmetno je porediti ih 1 : 1, ali "odbrana" Trumpa koju citamo ovde mogla bi lako da se primeni i na psiha. Kao, "doomeri" su proricali da ce Vucic da zapocne novi rat, a eto vidis da nije. I tome slicno.

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Reagovao sam na poređenje Trampa i Vučića po štetnosti za sosptvenu državu. Neuporedivo, po mom mišljenju, i loše izabrana analogija.

Što se tiče doomera, bar kad je u pitanju ovaj naš: poruka je bila  (samo da ne dođe Toma) da se ne vrate devedesete. Lično, smatram da je ovo gora situacija nego tada. Nema rata jer više nismo mogućnosti, ali je zato društvo i država razvaljeno do fundamenta. 


Na kraju, Tramp je smenjen regularno na izborima, ovaj naš će otići u krvi.

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  1. samo 10 dana unazad, cela lista je ovde:
  2. https://store.mcsweeneys.net/products/lest-we-forget-the-horrors:
  3. bulletgreen.png?1522176628 bulletorange.png?1522176758  November 16, 2020 – The Trump administration auctioned off the rights to allow oil and gas companies to drill in the vast and pristine Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska — before President-elect Joe Biden could block the move.
  4. bulletlightblue.png?1522176563  November 17, 2020 – Trump fired Christopher Krebs, the director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency — five days after the agency released a statement about the election that said there was no evidence that any voting system was “in any way compromised.”
  5. bulletdarkpurple.png?1522176863  November 18, 2020 – Trump filed for a recount in Wisconsin’s Milwaukee and Dane counties, even though he received only 213,157 votes compared with 577,455 for Joe Biden in the heavily Democratic areas. In a press release, Trump’s campaign wrote, “These two counties were selected because they are the locations of the worst irregularities,” alleging that there were “illegally altered absentee ballots, illegally issued absentee ballots, and illegal advice given by government officials allowing Wisconsin’s Voter ID laws to be circumvented.” Election officials in Wisconsin, however, said that there were no reports of any illegal activity.
  6. bulletdarkpurple.png?1522176863  November 19, 2020 – Trump officials refused to brief President-elect Joe Biden’s transition team about its plans to distribute a coronavirus vaccine — despite projections showing that the virus death toll could reach 400,000 by February.
  7. bulletpink.png?1522176814  November 19, 2020 – New York fraud investigators expanded their two cases into Trump and the Trump Organization, looking into tax write-offs on roughly $26 million in consulting fees. Of that money, the president’s daughter, Ivanka Trump, was paid $747,622 in consulting fees in 2017 while she was actually an executive officer of Trump’s companies. The offices of the Manhattan district attorney and the New York state attorney general issued subpoenas to the Trump Organization in both investigations.
  8. bulletdarkpurple.png?1522176863  November 20, 2020 – Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s attorney, baselessly alleged that “mass cheating” occurred during the election. “It’s not a singular voter fraud in one state,” Giuliani said. “This pattern repeats itself in a number of states, almost exactly the same pattern, which… suggests that there was a plan — from a centralized place to execute these various acts of voter fraud, specifically focused on big cities, and specifically focused on, as you would imagine, big cities controlled by Democrats, and particularly if they focused on big cities that have a long history of corruption.” The Trump campaign’s allegations of fraud have already been debunked.
  9. bulletdarkpurple.png?1522176863  November 20, 2020 – In an unprecedented meeting, Trump summoned Michigan’s Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey and House Speaker Lee Chatfield to the White House in a brazen attempt to keep the state from certifying Joe Biden’s win. But Shirkey and Chatfield, both Republicans, later issued a statement that said, “We will follow the law and follow the normal process regarding Michigan’s electors, just as we have said throughout this election.”
  10. bulletdarkpurple.png?1522176863  November 21, 2020 – A federal judge dismissed the Trump campaign’s lawsuit to block Pennsylvania’s certification of its election results, but Trump’s legal team said it would appeal the decision. In its attempt to invalidate millions of votes, U.S. District Judge Matthew W. Brann wrote that Trump’s campaign had used “strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations,” adding, “In the United States of America, this cannot justify the disenfranchisement of a single voter, let alone all the voters of its sixth most populated state.”
  11. bulletdarkpurple.png?1522176863  November 22, 2020 – Sidney Powell, a member of Trump’s legal team, said that a Trump campaign lawsuit over election results in Georgia “will be biblical.” In an interview with the conservative Newsmax TV, she said, “Georgia’s probably going to be the first state I’m gonna blow up. We’ve got tons of evidence. It’s so much, it’s hard to pull it all together.” In another interview, on Fox Business Network, Powell said, “I’m going to release the Kraken” — a catchphrase that has become popular on social media among election fraud conspiracy theorists. Powell had also alleged that a “massive influence of communist money through Venezuela, Cuba and likely China” interfered with the election in favor of Joe Biden. By week’s end, Trump’s other lawyers cut her from their legal team, releasing a statement that said, “Sidney Powell is practicing law on her own.”
  12. bulletdarkpurple.png?1522176863  November 22, 2020 – Trump briefly took part in a virtual Group of 20 summit, but he skipped a conference on the pandemic attended by, among others, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. On the day after the United States recorded more than 198,500 cases of the coronavirus — a record — Trump instead went golfing. He has not taken any questions from reporters since the election, but during that time he has gone to his golf resort in Virginia five times.
  13. bulletlightblue.png?1522176563  November 23, 2020 – Trump said that “in the best interest of our Country,” he approved of allowing Joe Biden to begin his transition to become president. Trump still refused to concede, though, writing on Twitter that “Our case STRONGLY continues, we will keep up the good fight, and I believe we will prevail!” Nearly three weeks after the election, there was no evidence to support his allegations of election fraud.
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4 minutes ago, Budja said:

Od 13 slucajeva, samo slucaj 7 ima veze sa krsenjem zakona.


Ostalo je, manje-vise, oh, kako se usudjuje i prvi put u istoriji "unprecedented".


u manje od 10 dana. 

ovo je sada poslednji put da reagujem na tvoje relativizacije i trumpobraniteljstvo.


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2 hours ago, chandra said:

Najveca steta koju je Trump napravio i nastavlja da pravi je dubinsko podrivanje demokratije i sistema vrednosti. Bas kao sto to radi i ovaj balkanski olos.


Ovo je tačno, s tim da Tramp podriva demokratiju i sistem tamo gde (ili na način na koji) drugi to nisu radili pa ispada da je on pionir urušavanja kao takvog. Sva prethodna podrivanja demokratskog uređenja i demokratskih mehanizama - da uzmemo samo osnivanje DoHS i sve svinjarije koje su usledile kao primer - prošla su glatko i praktično bez diskusije jer niko nije hteo njima da se bavi i/ili da ih nametne kao goruću temu.

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2 hours ago, Filozof manijak said:

Reagovao sam na poređenje Trampa i Vučića po štetnosti za sosptvenu državu. Neuporedivo, po mom mišljenju, i loše izabrana analogija.

Što se tiče doomera, bar kad je u pitanju ovaj naš: poruka je bila  (samo da ne dođe Toma) da se ne vrate devedesete. Lično, smatram da je ovo gora situacija nego tada. Nema rata jer više nismo mogućnosti, ali je zato društvo i država razvaljeno do fundamenta. 


Na kraju, Tramp je smenjen regularno na izborima, ovaj naš će otići u krvi.


Reagovao si na nesto sto ja nisam napisao - nisam poredio stetnost po sopstvenu drzavu vec relativizaciju njihovog delovanja. Naravno da je ovaj nas daleko pogubniji - kao sto sam i napisao, "zapatio se na jedno neuporedivno zatrovanije i siromasnije drustvo sto cini posledice njegovog ludjenja em tezim em brzim."


Na povrsini, mnogo toga sto Vucic radi nije fundamentalno drugacije od onoga sto je radio Tadic (kontrola medija, fikus nestranacki premijeri, postavljanje budala na rukovodece polozaje, mesetarenje po opoziciji, identifikacija sa strankom, partijsko zaposljavanje), a ovaj je opet tri lige iznad po tome koliki je olos i koliko je stetan. Poenta je da sve te odbrane Trumpa "nije on cudoviste, glupi doomeri naseli na propagandu" mogu da se uporede sa slicnim odbranama psihove vlasti. Evo vidi sta Comicka lupeta. Da je Trump dobio Srbiju s njom da se igra, gotovo da nemam nikakve sumnje da bi njegova vlast bila slicna psihovoj. 


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