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Biden / Trump - Americki izbori 2020


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49 minutes ago, ObiW said:

Još jednom: kada kažeš “uglavnom žive u parovima”, sa strane statistike koja se radi svakih 10 godina ti govoriš o domaćinstvima. 

Znaš ono za vađenje? Ovo tvoje je genijalno. :D

Koliko znam važi jedan čovek jedan glas, a ne jedno domaćinstvo, jedan glas. Dakle, prema ovoj statistici ubedljiva većina Amerikanaca živi u parovima, kao što sam i rekao.

Još uvek nisi shvatio da to što 23% dece živi samo s jednim roditeljom ne znači da u 23% domaćinstava žive deca i  jedan roditelj?

Dakle, tvoja računica je besmislena, čak i za brojanje domaćinstava. Toliko na ovu temu.

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11 hours ago, copkillah said:



Ako je iko sumnjao o kakvom ljudskom smeću se radi. 

Pa on  je Klintonovski isprdak, postavio bi on nju   i na mesto Kamale  , da nije imao  pritisak od strane  BLM-a   Antife   i SJW  da mu zamenica bude woman of color , pogledajte samo  taj  elektricitet koji izbija iz njega prema njoj:)



Edited by Micko8
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2 hours ago, Micko8 said:

Bajden je  mnogo    vece i opasnije smece od Trampa.


To sto je Bajden odvratan lik (mislim da se ovde u velikoj vecini s tim slazemo, Bidena "americka levica" nijednog trenutka nije stedela) i dalje ne znaci da je gori od Trumpa. U krajnjoj liniji, ne radi se samo o Bidenu/Trumpu, vec o citavom kabinetu i administraciji ispod. Mislim, nisi zaboravio da je Bannon bio chief strategist and senior advisor? Ova spodoba je zvanicni savetnik predsednika za pitanja vere? Da ne trosimo reci o raznim drugim opskurnim likovima koji su se popeli na lestvici moci za ove 4 godine.




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8 hours ago, duma said:

Koliko znam važi jedan čovek jedan glas, a ne jedno domaćinstvo, jedan glas.


Ti i dalje o tome...? Interesantno kako si se našao prozvan baš sad kad je Trump izgubio (doduše, i Buđislav je tu da ti drži tercu, nisi ni usamljen na ovom forumu...)




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Dugacak ali vrlo zanimljiv intervju nekog demokratskog stratega  oko demokrata, strategije i sl.



Forumskim recnikom, i Vini i Gandalf su u pravu:

- Popular issues ide sa demokratama (ACA) ALI ne i values.

- Ekonmska levica je ok ALI ne i socijalna (imigracija).

- Izbori dobijeni zbog obrazovnih blih glasaca u predgradju Atlante a ne zbog Stacey Abrams i njenne Get out the vore operacije

- Najveci skok u glasanju je bio medju belim a ne manjinskim glasacima





And I think it’s really worth examining why. I always defined the Sanders model, in 2016, as having a lot of message discipline in terms of talking almost exclusively about economic issues and trying to frame all issues as a series of conflicts between good and evil. I think that kind of politics has a lot of appeal to these low social-trust voters, even if it turns off people who are highly politically engaged. And I think you could potentially build a very interesting coalition around that politics.

But we should learn from what happened over the next four years. Which is that, frankly, the Bernie campaign decided that the reason why they’d lost was that they were overly white and focused too much on economic issues, and that they had to become more woke on a variety of different social issues. And I think as they made this left-wing turn, while also really doubling down on policies that involve very large middle-class tax increases, as that happened, his support declined.



So there’s reason for hope. But if we, for example, lose 13 percent of our Hispanic voters, that can suddenly wipe out the impact of a lot of these expected changes. Some demographic trends are good for us. But plenty aren’t, like the long-term decline of the Black church or the rising share of Hispanics who are Evangelical. We also still haven’t bottomed out with rural white voters in the Midwest, who still don’t vote the way they do in the South, but could. So I think it’s very important not to bank on structural demographic change to work out in our favor. I think there really was an attitude after 2012 that the declining white share of the electorate meant that Democrats didn’t have to bother persuading people, and they didn’t have to engage in the discipline of running on things that are popular and not on things that aren’t. And I think that attitude directly contributed to Donald Trump becoming president.



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15 hours ago, chandra said:


Ja nisam video da bilo ko ovde "slavi" Bidena, naprotiv. Slavi se sto je narandzastom olosu disao kraj. Problem je, naravno, sto je ovaj spustio lestvicu toliko nisko da Biden ni kriv ni dužan ispada nekakav andjeo spasitelj.


Gledati sve to iz ugla Srbije je besmisleno - uticaj koji je Trumpovo divljanje napravilo na planetarnom nivou je mnogo veci nego direktan uticaj na Srbiju. Ljudi se nadaju da će nova administracija makar da krene da popravlja sta je ovaj zasrao.


Ne bih baš polagao neke prevelike nade u to, baviće se samo sobom i sopstvenim interesima, kao i svi do sada. 


13 hours ago, bradilko said:

jebaga kopkila bajdwn je u danasnjici pozitiva u odnosu na trampa.

znas i sam koja sila ljudi podrzava trampa i ostale populiste. 

kad vide da takvi mogu da izgube (fascinirani su silom i podilazenjem) onda je to primer za citav planet.

bajden nece nista resiti ali sigurno nece biti lik koji ce loziti ljude na najnize porive. kenjace o we are all together ali bolje i to dok se citavo drustvo ne probudi i pokrene lavinu da se mora nesto promeniti ili odosmo svi po kurcu.

otkud kenedi? ili king? pa rodilo ih vreme, rodila ih teznja citave amerike, nauka..

bajden je za relax ili anesteziju ali i to je bolje od ovog narandzastog destruktivca


Problem sa Trampom je taj što je on ogoleo Ameriku, on je Amerika, Amerika je on. I onda su tamošnji pristojnityju pohisterisali jer ne žele da ih svet tako vidi, što jeste razumljivo, ali je jako smešno što izborom Bajdena, rak pokušavaju da izleče placebom. Rak u čijem je izazivanju Bajden imao nezanemarljivu ulogu tokom svoje karijere, pa su zbog toga još smešniji.  

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Pisma koje odlazeći ostavljaju izabranim predsednicima

Barack Obama to Donald Trump, 2017
Dear Mr. President —

Congratulations on a remarkable run. Millions have placed their hopes in you, and all of us, regardless of party, should hope for expanded prosperity and security during your tenure.
This is a unique office, without a clear blueprint for success, so I don’t know that any advice from me will be particularly helpful. Still, let me offer a few reflections from the past 8 years.

First, we’ve both been blessed, in different ways, with great good fortune. Not everyone is so lucky. It’s up to us to do everything we can (to) build more ladders of success for every child and family that’s willing to work hard.

Second, American leadership in this world really is indispensable. It’s up to us, through action and example, to sustain the international order that’s expanded steadily since the end of the Cold War, and upon which our own wealth and safety depend.

Third, we are just temporary occupants of this office. That makes us guardians of those democratic institutions and traditions—like rule of law, separation of powers, equal protection and civil liberties—that our forebears fought and bled for. Regardless of the push and pull of daily politics, it’s up to us to leave those instruments of our democracy at least as strong as we found them.

And finally, take time, in the rush of events and responsibilities, for friends and family. They’ll get you through the inevitable rough patches.

Michelle and I wish you and Melania the very best as you embark on this great adventure, and know that we stand ready to help in any ways which we can.

Good luck and Godspeed,

.... Shiit has hit the fan!

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6 hours ago, Indy said:


Ti i dalje o tome...? Interesantno kako si se našao prozvan baš sad kad je Trump ...

Napisao sam 1 post o tome zašto smatram da je glasanje poštom loše. Ostalo bi na tome da onaj veseljak nije uleteo sa sabiranjem baba i žaba. 

Što se Trampa tiče, već sam napisao da je na unutrašnjem planu bio izuzetno loš. Mandat je sveo na šou Tramp u Beloj Kući. Sad kad je publika izglasala da izađe on neće da ode i ostaće dok ga obezbeđenje ne iznese.

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Ništa od toga da republikanci u kritičnim državama izaberu elektore koji će izglasati Trampa umesto da glasaju u skladu s proglašenim rezultatom izbora, što su neki ekstremni republikanci predlagali.




GOP leaders in 4 states quash dubious Trump bid on electors


Republican leaders in four critical states won by President-elect Joe Biden say they won’t participate in a legally dubious scheme to flip their state’s electors to vote for President Donald Trump. Their comments effectively shut down a half-baked plot some Republicans floated as a last chance to keep Trump in the White House.

State GOP lawmakers in Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin have all said they would not intervene in the selection of electors, who ultimately cast the votes that secure a candidate’s victory. Such a move would violate state law and a vote of the people, several noted.



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