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Biden / Trump - Americki izbori 2020


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1 minute ago, 3opge said:


to koga su "zvale" razne medijske kuce je potpuno nevazno.

bice jasno ko je pobedio kada se izbroje svi glasovi i tu apsolutno nikakve prevare nema.

znalo se odavno da ce brojanje trajati jako dugo i do kada se primaju ballots.




Upali smo u tu "zamku" ...

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Pazi, medijske kuće proglašava ju pobednika uvek pre konačnih rezultata. Veoma je bitno da im se može verovati. A u eri trampa kad su spremni da ga factcheckuju za sve živo i prozivaju da se nikad nije izvinio i priznao grešku ne vidim šta sprečava AP kad je sad već jasno da su pogrešili da sad to isprave. Navijao sam na kraju Tramp dobije zbog svih ovih smug pundita i medija

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Just now, theanswer said:

Pazi, medijske kuće proglašava ju pobednika uvek pre konačnih rezultata. Veoma je bitno da im se može verovati. A u eri trampa kad su spremni da ga factcheckuju za sve živo i prozivaju da se nikad nije izvinio i priznao grešku ne vidim šta sprečava AP kad je sad već jasno da su pogrešili da sad to isprave. Navijao sam na kraju Tramp dobije zbog svih ovih smug pundita i medija

Ali cela ta frka i cirkus je vestacki...Sve o cemu oni pricaju kao da se dogadja glasanja SADA , a to je proces koji je obavljen.Oni namerno prave dramaturgiju kao da se desava dok izvestavaju , a zapravo je taj dogadjaj vec "obavljen"....

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5 minutes ago, Frank Pembleton said:

Ali cela ta frka i cirkus je vestacki...Sve o cemu oni pricaju kao da se dogadja glasanja SADA , a to je proces koji je obavljen.Oni namerno prave dramaturgiju kao da se desava dok izvestavaju , a zapravo je taj dogadjaj vec "obavljen"....

Bas rekoh skoro nekome, dok pratim ove rezultate osecam se kao da gledam pbp utakmice gde mi treba ucinak igraca za fantasy ili kladzu. Ali u pravu si, jos je gore. Kao da gledam crtice utakmice koja se odigrala pre 2 dana.

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15 minutes ago, Fins fleet said:

Bas rekoh skoro nekome, dok pratim ove rezultate osecam se kao da gledam pbp utakmice gde mi treba ucinak igraca za fantasy ili kladzu. Ali u pravu si, jos je gore. Kao da gledam crtice utakmice koja se odigrala pre 2 dana.

pa to onaj što cepa po magic wall odlično forsira. kad kaže "u njihovom štabu sigurno nisu zadovoljni rezultatima u Chattooga county, ako žele da ostanu u trci moraju pod hitno to negde da nadoknade" a mi svi zamišljamo kako oni šalju trojicu u Natchitoches da tamo nekako malo poguraju i donesu preokret. :D

  • Haha 1
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1 hour ago, Fins fleet said:

Kazu da ima 8K vojnika po svetu tamo i morace se cekati njihovi glasovi da se proglasi pobednik.

9K su emigranti + vojska. mislim da emigranti glasaju većinom za demokrate.

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1 hour ago, mustang said:

Neću više da kacim

nema potrebe, već je objašnjeno o čemu se radi.



Sterling added that the situation in Taylor County was "unique." He explained that elections officials there printed their absentee ballots in-house, but they were the wrong size and couldn't be scanned. He said Taylor County is working on duplicating those ballots on the ballot-marking devices.

"They have to take the original ballot and then duplicate ballot so they can tie them together. They have to be marked so that each one matches to the other one to keep a paper trail alive of the original artifact of the voter. They will take those ballots, and it's 456 of them, and then run them through the scanner. They are a little over halfway through that process," Sterling said. "You want to be precise and make sure you get the ballot reflecting exactly what the intended vote of the voter was."

Edited by Gandalf
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10 minutes ago, Gandalf said:

nema potrebe, već je objašnjeno o čemu se radi.



Sterling added that the situation in Taylor County was "unique." He explained that elections officials there printed their absentee ballots in-house, but they were the wrong size and couldn't be scanned. He said Taylor County is working on duplicating those ballots on the ballot-marking devices.

"They have to take the original ballot and then duplicate ballot so they can tie them together. They have to be marked so that each one matches to the other one to keep a paper trail alive of the original artifact of the voter. They will take those ballots, and it's 456 of them, and then run them through the scanner. They are a little over halfway through that process," Sterling said. "You want to be precise and make sure you get the ballot reflecting exactly what the intended vote of the voter was."

Naravno, ako nije, vec su ovi toliki idioti da rade ovo dok ih se streamuje uzivo, Trumpov sud ce sa uzitkom oboriti.

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Šta je trenutno ostalo u Džordžiji;


Most outstanding ballots in metro Atlanta

Roughly 80% of the 14,097 outstanding absentee ballots are in metro Atlanta counties, according to the most recent update from the Secretary of State’s office.

Here’s where the outstanding ballots were as of 10:35 this evening, per the Secretary of State:

▪ Clayton County: 4,355

▪ Cobb County: 700

▪ Floyd County: 444

▪ Forsyth County: 1,545

▪ Gwinnett County: 4,800

▪ Laurens County: 1,797

▪ Taylor County: 456


Klejton je dosad bio nekih 6:1za Bajdena (preko 84%), Gvinet je bio na oko 3:2 za Bajdena. Od ovih manjih Flojd skoro 3:1 za Bajdena, Kob opet nekih 3:2 za Bajdena. Laurens je pak bio nekih 1:2 (34% prema 65%) na drugu stranu, kao i Forsajt. Sve u svemu izgleda da će Bajden nakon brojanja ovih glasova da pređe u vođstvo (sad je na  minus 1800).



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U Džordžiji su nekih 2000 listića stiglih poštom odbačeni zbog nedostatka potpisa ili zbog neispravnog potpisa - imaju još jedan dan da ih poprave.  Znatan broj za tekuću razliku u glasovima.

More ballots arriving in Georgia from overseas and provisional voters


Fulton County reported 3,900 provisional ballots, and DeKalb County had 1,600. But data on how many provisional ballots were pending in most other counties weren’t available.

Election officials will count provisional ballots without any further action needed from voters in many cases. For example, if a ballot was cast in the wrong precinct, votes will be counted for races that the voter was eligible to participate in.

But if voters' registration information is in question, they would need to provide it to county elections offices before the end of the day Friday for their ballots to be counted.

Voters also face a Friday deadline to correct problems with rejected absentee ballots. Election officials had rejected nearly 2,000 absentee ballots through Thursday, mostly for mismatched or missing signatures.

Election officials were required by state law to contact voters and allow them fix errors.



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1 hour ago, Gojko & Stojko said:


U Džordžiji su nekih 2000 listića stiglih poštom odbačeni zbog nedostatka potpisa ili zbog neispravnog potpisa - imaju još jedan dan da ih poprave.  Znatan broj za tekuću razliku u glasovima.

More ballots arriving in Georgia from overseas and provisional voters


Fulton County reported 3,900 provisional ballots, and DeKalb County had 1,600. But data on how many provisional ballots were pending in most other counties weren’t available.

Election officials will count provisional ballots without any further action needed from voters in many cases. For example, if a ballot was cast in the wrong precinct, votes will be counted for races that the voter was eligible to participate in.

But if voters' registration information is in question, they would need to provide it to county elections offices before the end of the day Friday for their ballots to be counted.

Voters also face a Friday deadline to correct problems with rejected absentee ballots. Election officials had rejected nearly 2,000 absentee ballots through Thursday, mostly for mismatched or missing signatures.

Election officials were required by state law to contact voters and allow them fix errors.




Dakle, ti u Džordžiji možeš da pošalješ nevažeći glasački listić, i onda te birački odbor juri da ispraviš svoje greške na glasačkom listiću? Ovo je verovatno najgluplje izborno pravilo za koje sam ikada čuo, rame uz rame sa potpisivanjem glasačkog listića i glasanjem bez ličnih dokumenata.

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