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Biden / Trump - Americki izbori 2020


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6 hours ago, Frank Pembleton said:

Sad rekoše iz Nevade "saturday or sunday" emoji102.pngemoji102.pngemoji102.png

.... Shiit has hit the fan!

Je l' su rekli koji mesec? :)



3 hours ago, Fins fleet said:

Pritom njeni fazoni deluju zrelije. Ona u skladu sa svojim godinama, on ne prebacuje 12.

A i ona je maloletna k'o i on - mozda samo malo starija, ne?

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Podela na ruralno glasanje za stranku koja smanjuje poreze i na urbano glasanje za stranku koja povećava poreze je konstanta, naravno da će predsednik koji je uspeo da minimizuje svoj porez da bude posebno popularan kod ruralnih glasača. Plus, prošla godina je bila rekordna u subvencijama farmerima:

Farmers Got Billions From Taxpayers In 2019, And Hardly Anyone Objected


In 2019, the federal government delivered an extraordinary financial aid package to America's farmers. Farm subsidies jumped to their highest level in 14 years, most of them paid out without any action by Congress.


The money flowed to farmers like Robert Henry. When I visited in early July, many of his fields near New Madrid, Mo., had been flooded for months, preventing him from working in them. The soybeans that he did manage to grow had fallen in value; China wasn't buying them, in retaliation for the Trump administration's tariffs.


That's when the government stepped in. Some of the aid came from long-familiar programs. Government-subsidized crop insurance covered some of the losses from flooding. Other payments were unprecedented. The U.S. Department of Agriculture simply sent him a check to compensate him for the low prices resulting from the trade war.


" 'Trump money' is what we call it," Henry said. "It helped a lot. And it's my understanding, they're going to do it again."



(U the best democracy money can buy subvencije za poljoprivredu dobija oko 40% farmera)



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Election Day Mayhem Began Two Years Ago

With Massive Voter Purges

You didn’t hear this in the cable TV chatter: In the two years leading up to this election, Georgia’s GOP secretary of state quietly wiped away the voter registrations of 198,351 voters — based on false information.


Call it “The Great Purge” — overwhelmingly wiping away the voting rights of young voters and voters of color. In other words, voters who might be more likely to vote blue.




I’m not guessing the number of wrongly purged voters. I directed a team of experts that identified each victim voter for a report issued by the ACLU of Georgia, titled, “Georgia Voter Roll Purge Errors.” (Rather than read this technical report, you can just watch the movie, The Purged: The Vanished Voters of Trump’s America, a 14-minute flick hosted by Leonardo DiCaprio.) Our expert team, working with Black Voters Matter, a 501(c)4 group dedicated to expanding Black voter engagement, discovered the same game had been played with the voter rolls of Michigan, North Carolina and threatened voters in Wisconsin.


It’s no coincidence that these are the states with “surprisingly” lower totals than expected for Joe Biden.

The Purge Game

Here’s how the purge game got started. Two years ago, the Supreme Court’s right-wing five authorized a new method of “cleaning” voter rolls. The Court agreed with GOP voting officials, beginning with Ohio and Georgia, to purge voter rolls of those who “moved.”


The idea sounds fair in theory: If you don’t live in Atlanta, you shouldn’t vote there, and to do so is a felony crime. But in practice, reality does not line up with officials’ claims. At an Atlanta poll, I met Christine Jordan, a 94–year–old who had just been tossed out of the poll. Records said she’d moved, but I went to her home where she showed me photos of her cousin, Martin Luther King, Jr., having dinner with her in that home half a century ago.


In Wisconsin, I met Sequanna Taylor, accused of moving from Milwaukee. Unlikely: Taylor is a Milwaukee County Supervisor! But Jordan, Taylor, and the hundreds of purged voters we filmed and called almost all had one thing in common: They were guilty of voting while Black, or voting while Latinx, Asian American or a student.


Though Michigan has now been called for Biden, we saw the same game there. The rolls were “cleansed” of 313,000 voters, many victims of an older purge scheme called “Interstate Crosscheck.” For Democracy Now!, I confronted the Republican Secretary of State’s spokesman with his secret purge sheet showing that the state had removed thousands of voters with names like Garcia and Brown on grounds they were registered in other states.


The GOP purge operation claimed that Michael Kelly Brown of Georgia is the same voter as Michael Wayne Brown of Michigan. Yet, most of the Michael Browns and José Garcias lost their votes.


Biden has taken Wisconsin. And that’s thanks to new Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes, who made this ugly vote suppression tactic an issue — and so far, blocked The Purge in that state.


Michigan? Despite warnings from the Black Voters Matter Fund and others, the new Democratic leadership of the state simply looked at its shoes and whistled. The purged remained purged, putting Michigan into the potential steal zone.

Mail-In Mayhem

President Trump has said he’s going to court because, “We want all voting to stop.”


We think he meant “stop the count.” This is an attempt to prevent counting mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania, which were postmarked by Election Day but received during this week.




I’ve been warning about the dangers of going postal for 12 years. No, the problem is not, as Trump bleats, “fraudulent” ballots mailed in from Venezuela. Rather, according to a study by MIT, as many as 22 percent of absentee ballots are never counted. It’s absurdly easy to lose your mail-in ballot to postage due (100,000 tossed in 2016), scotch tape on the envelope, a “naked” ballot (you must cover one envelope with another) or a challenge to your signature, or simply, late because of a post office delay. The Coronavirus sent the number of mail-in ballots through the roof, heavily tilting Democratic, as Trump voters appear to be unconcerned about getting infected.


And now, the nightmare has lawyers. Given that Wisconsin, a smaller state, had 80,000 ballots coming in after Election Day in the midterms, we can expect well more than that arriving after Election Day in Pennsylvania —enough to possibly determine the presidency.


How will it all shake out? I don’t know, I don’t have a crystal ball. But this much is clear: Jim Crow is stalking this election.


Joe Biden, in the first debate said, “He [Trump] cannot stop you [the voters] from being able to determine the outcome of this election.”


Yes, Joe, it won’t be up to Trump to stop the count. According to Article II of the Constitution, that’s up to Pennsylvania’s legislature and the interpretation of Article II by Justice Amy Coney Barrett.


Good night and good luck.


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Od FL 2000. nije viđena ovako loša odluka kao da se proglasi pobednik u Arizoni. Vođstvo Bajdena je sad 46k i za razliku od ostalih država tamo izgleda da novi glasovi pogoduju Trampu. Ne kažem da će dobiti Tramp tamo ali nema izgovora za ovako lošu odluku


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Tom Fitton još od prošle godine priča o voters fraud za elections


Na zalost, sve što je rekao da će da se desi, dešava se upravo 



Neophodno je uvesti voters id i neće biti ovoliko malverzacija

Edited by mustang
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6 minutes ago, theanswer said:

Od FL 2000. nije viđena ovako loša odluka kao da se proglasi pobednik u Arizoni. Vođstvo Bajdena je sad 46k i za razliku od ostalih država tamo izgleda da novi glasovi pogoduju Trampu. Ne kažem da će dobiti Tramp tamo ali nema izgovora za ovako lošu odluku


Cija odluka?

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30 minutes ago, theanswer said:

Od FL 2000. nije viđena ovako loša odluka kao da se proglasi pobednik u Arizoni. Vođstvo Bajdena je sad 46k i za razliku od ostalih država tamo izgleda da novi glasovi pogoduju Trampu. Ne kažem da će dobiti Tramp tamo ali nema izgovora za ovako lošu odluku



to koga su "zvale" razne medijske kuce je potpuno nevazno.

bice jasno ko je pobedio kada se izbroje svi glasovi i tu apsolutno nikakve prevare nema.

znalo se odavno da ce brojanje trajati jako dugo i do kada se primaju ballots.




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