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Premier League 2020-21


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Forumu je s vremena na vreme potrebno da ga se opomene za klinačko i nezrelo ponašanje, a ko je podesniji za taj zadatak od dobrog starog Copkilaha. Hvala ti bro.


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3 hours ago, Mindaugas Žukauskas said:

Forumu je s vremena na vreme potrebno da ga se opomene za klinačko i nezrelo ponašanje, a ko je podesniji za taj zadatak od dobrog starog Copkilaha. Hvala ti bro.



Nema na čemu brt, greota je da se na ovoj svetoj temi divimo klikbejtovima na dve noge, bolji smo od toga!

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Copi, ne hvališ se da pišeš za the Athletic? Neka si mu rekao!


Liverpool are not ‘bad champions’. Viewers are being short-changed by Roy Keane




By James Pearce 7h agocomment-icon@2x.png 202 save-icon@2x.png

The ultimate shock jock was at it again.

“For me, they are bad champions,” fumed Roy Keane from his seat in the Sky Sports studio. “You could say that this is a one-off, it’s a freak season, it’s corona. Just get on with it. You’re the champions, you’re Liverpool Football Club. Keeping performing like that and it will be another 30 years before you win the title again, trust me.”

Hyperbolic soundbites make perfect clips for social media engagement and predictably his “withering attack” on Jurgen Klopp’s side in the wake of their 4-1 defeat at the hands of Manchester City went viral.

The former Republic of Ireland international never needs a second invitation to stick the boot into Liverpool but they’re in good company. After all, this is the same man who reacted to a mistake from Manchester United goalkeeper David de Gea by declaring he would be “swinging punches” at him and branded Manchester City full-back Kyle Walker “an idiot” and “a car crash”.

Keane doesn’t discriminate, he’s angry about everyone and everything. But the novelty of his outspoken punditry has long since worn off. He’s become a caricature of himself.

It’s not entertaining and it’s tiresome, and the bottom line is that viewers are being short-changed.

Where is the analysis? Where is the insight from one of the greatest midfielders of the Premier League era?

“I just can’t figure this group out,” Keane continued.

“I think they have all believed the hype over the past year or two. We all spoke about how there would be some kind of drop-off but they are playing for a big team in Liverpool. It’s as if they won the league last season and got carried away.

“In my mindset, when we won a title it was about the next challenge. Can we do it again? I never got the impression from this group, from interviews, the manager last season, what’s the next step for Liverpool? It was almost ‘let’s enjoy this’. It was a long wait for them, 30 years. I never heard players coming out and saying they wanted to do it again.”

So that’s it. Liverpool are 10 points off the top this time around because Klopp’s men have developed an attitude problem. In Keane’s world, they have turned into a bunch of “big-time Charlies”.

Keane must have locked himself away in an underground bunker if he honestly didn’t hear the right noises coming out of Anfield after the title triumph.

The day after it was mathematically secure, Klopp vowed: “We will not stop. These boys cannot get lazy, it’s just not in their nature. This team will not stop wanting it. We will not defend the title, we will attack it.”

Keane has certainly changed his tune because after Liverpool’s 1-1 draw with City at the Etihad three months ago, he eulogised about the hunger of Klopp’s side.

“I always look at teams who have won the league, they have that mindset, the body language, the desire,” he said. “I see a lot of that in this Liverpool team and I still think that it’s going to take a lot to stop this team.

“I know they’re not at their very best, they’re grinding out results. That’s what winning championships is about, having setbacks, having disappointments but showing a really strong mentality and I saw that.”

Liverpool players look dejected during Sunday’s loss to Manchester City (Photo: Simon Stacpoole/Offside/Offside via Getty Images)

It’s worth remembering that Liverpool were top until four weeks ago when they were knocked off the summit by Manchester United’s win at Burnley. Until then, the champions had sustained a challenge in the face of adversity.

“Excuses after excuses,” was Keane’s dismissive assessment of the injury crisis Klopp has been wrestling with. “We’re talking about Liverpool here. People keep telling me they’re a huge club. If you are a huge club, you have to deal with setbacks. It’s part of the game. Look at Man City and the run they’ve been on without two of their best players.”

There’s a notable difference between excuses and explanations. Losing all three senior centre-backs to season-ending injuries is unprecedented.

Liverpool have had six or more players missing for nearly two-thirds of their matches this season. That can’t just be brushed aside as inconsequential.

Keane should know better than most how the absence of a massively influential leader like Virgil van Dijk can hurt a team. His own ACL injury in 1997-98 contributed heavily to United frittering away a double-digit lead as they were pipped to the title by Arsenal.

It would have been interesting to hear Keane talk about the impact on Liverpool of having to play their two best midfielders as makeshift centre-backs.

What have they lost in the middle of the park with Fabinho and Henderson out of position? How is that affecting the service to the front three? Wouldn’t it be better to get Keane on Thiago Alcantara’s form and assessing why he hasn’t been able to light up the Premier League so far?

There wasn’t even an acknowledgement from him that entering the final 20 minutes, the contest was evenly poised at 1-1 and that the game ultimately swung on Alisson’s two costly blunders.


This isn’t about giving Liverpool an easy ride. Misfortune aside, they have undoubtedly contributed to their own downfall at times this season.

But talk about the issues that really matter. Question why Liverpool waited until the final day of the window to sign two centre-backs when they desperately needed reinforcements on January 1. Question the wisdom of Klopp’s substitutions and analyse why the goals have dried up. Question the contribution of those on the fringes of the squad who haven’t been able to step up and deliver when called upon. Scrutinise but do so with context and insight.

Manchester City lost nine league games last season with the absence of Aymeric Laporte regarded as a key factor in their fall from grace. They finished 18 points behind Liverpool.

City weren’t “bad champions” then and neither are the current holders. Keane’s punditry is good for a headline but precious little else.


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4 hours ago, Weenie Pooh said:

Copi, ne hvališ se da pišeš za the Athletic? Neka si mu rekao!




Ever objective, ugledni novinar Athletica, gospodin James Butthurt Pearce.

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6 hours ago, Weenie Pooh said:

Copi, ne hvališ se da pišeš za the Athletic? Neka si mu rekao!


Liverpool are not ‘bad champions’. Viewers are being short-changed by Roy Keane




U međuvremenu, Tomkins je jako lepo secirao i razložio sve ono što svaki pošten čovek treba da misli o Kinu kao punditu, sve što i ja mislim ali je išao do ozbiljnih detalja: 




1 hour ago, Mindaugas Žukauskas said:




Ever objective, ugledni novinar Athletica, gospodin James Butthurt Pearce.


Ali istom tom logikom, ako JP nije objektivan, na čemu zasnivaš objektivnost Roja Kina? Zašto je Kin objektivniji u analizi Liverpula nego Pirs u analizi Kina?

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2 minutes ago, copkillah said:

Ali istom tom logikom, ako JP nije objektivan, na čemu zasnivaš objektivnost Roja Kina? Zašto je Kin objektivniji u analizi Liverpula nego Pirs u analizi Kina?


Na tome što Keane podjednako sere po svima, a možda pak i najviše po svom matičnom™ klubu. I kako vam je samo ubo žicu sa ovim "bad champions", javilo se i kuso i repato da ga popljuje. :D

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13 minutes ago, Mindaugas Žukauskas said:


Na tome što Keane podjednako sere po svima, a možda pak i najviše po svom matičnom™ klubu. I kako vam je samo ubo žicu sa ovim "bad champions", javilo se i kuso i repato da ga popljuje. :D


Možda smo mi svi ovde kuso i repato ali ja i dalje tvrdim da mrdja u jednom čarašavu™ ovde kaže više nego što će Kin za celu svoju punditsku karijeru. I lepo si rekao da podjednako sere po svima, to mu je gimmick, one trick pony, zbog toga ga i zovu - klikbejt, čovek za Hit Tvit publiku :lol: A to bad champions, već prošle godine je šampion zaostajao više u ovom momentu sezone nego što Liverpul sada zaostaje, a bilo ih je još koji su više zaostajali, ali tvoj omiljeni pundit nažalost ne može da dobaci toliko da i to zna :fantom:


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Pa meni jeste ubo žicu utoliko što je debilan claim bez ikakvog konkretnog značenja :D 


Ako si "bad champion" onda kad zaostaneš dvocifrenom bodovnom razlikom od vrha... OK, fakat, ali to je čista banalnost. Analiza ti se svodi na čitanje stanja na tabeli.


Ako si "bad champion" jer nemaš onaj šampionski je ne sais quoi, ako ne bljuješ vatru na svakoj KZŠ i urlaš kako ste gladni odbrane titule... onda tek Keane jede govna jer je pre samo tri meseca upravo to video kod Flopa i njegovih paćenika. 


“I always look at teams who have won the league, they have that mindset, the body language, the desire. I see a lot of that in this Liverpool team and I still think that it’s going to take a lot to stop this team. I know they’re not at their very best, they’re grinding out results. That’s what winning championships is about, having setbacks, having disappointments but showing a really strong mentality and I saw that.”


Znači kad su na vrhu tabele, onda kenjaj kako se vidi u njima da su mentalno moćni i imaju šampionski govor tela. Ali kad padnu na četvrto-peto mesto, onda udri "Uvek sam govorio, odmah sam znao, lepo sam vam rekao, nikad od njih neće postati čoveci."

Edited by Weenie Pooh
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“Osakatio” tako što je šutnuo loptu! 
da nije uklizao Fabianski Ogbonina noga bi otišla pored Marsialove, ovako je morao da savije nogu-splet okolnosti. Daleko od bilo kakvog kartona. 

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