March 25, 20214 yr Pokusavam da rastumacim sta je poruka @bags-ova poruka sa Cercilom, Ben Gurionom, admiralom Rikoverom... I nikako mi ne polazi za rukom... Osim Memento mori ili Sic transit...
March 26, 20214 yr Uticaj americko/jevrejskog lobija... Placa me ista ekipa kao one sa "Vi ste svet" kampanje... Za Rikovera sam relativno skoro cuo. Za posao sam citao u zadnje vreme tonu knjiga i onda kad vidis sta je taj manijak izgurao skontas da je u poredjenju sa njim jedan Jobs odlican sef. Vaznost i uticaj druge dvojice na posli vek sigurno mozes objasniti milion puta bolje od mene.
March 27, 20214 yr I jedan dinosauruskitm film, tek podsecanja radi da je neko pobacao kalupe ... Edited March 27, 20214 yr by namenski
March 27, 20214 yr Vojo Stanić ... Bojite li se vi smrti? Ne znam... Volim život i žao mi je što ću umrijeti. Ako mi se to uopšte jednom dogodi. A izgleda da hoće. Mada, vazda velim da ne idemo nigdje; sve što se vidi i čuje, traje vječno. Naš lik i naš glas će još dugo lutati kosmosom... ... Puriša Đorđević ... „Za ovih mojih 95 godina nekoliko puta sam bio u problemima. Uzroci su bili razni. Na primer, kao partizan, bio sam uhvaćen od Nemaca. Imam zapis iz čačanske policije u kom piše da je Mladomir Đorđević, rođen u Čačku 1924. godine, opasan komunista. Za mene je to bio veliki kompliment, iako nisam bio ni skojevac, ni član Komunističke partije.“ ... ... Puriša Đorđević rođen je 6. maja 1924. u Čačku. Bio je fudbaler Borca i fudbaler je želeo da ostane, ali je postao reditelj. Kao ratnu odštetu zbog zatočeništva u nemačkom logoru, pre neku godinu dobio je 7.000 evra. Novac je iskoristio za ugradnju pejsmejkera i pravljenje filma „Dva“, koji je nastao gotovo bez sredstava. Otac je jedne kćeri, koja je udata za reditelja Rašu Andrića. ... Astrud Gilberto Olha que coisa mais linda Mais cheia de graça É ela menina Que vem e que passa Num doce balanço, a caminho do mar ... Share & Enjoy
March 27, 20214 yr The Song of Diego Valdez The God of Fair Beginnings Hath prospered here my hand -- The cargoes of my lading, And the keels of my command. For out of many ventures That sailed with hope as high, My own have made the better trade, And Admiral am I. To me my King's much honour, To me my people's love -- To me the pride of Princes And power all pride above; To me the shouting cities, To me the mob's refrain: -- "Who knows not noble Valdez "Hath never heard of Spain." But I remember comrades -- Old playmates on new seas -- Whenas we traded orpiment Among the savages -- A thousand leagues to south'ard And thirty years removed -- They knew nor noble Valdez, But me they knew and loved. Then they that found good liquor, They drank it not alone, And they that found fair plunder, They told us every one, About our chosen islands Or secret shoals between, When, weary from far voyage, We gathered to careen. There burned our breaming-fagots All pale along the shore: There rose our worn pavilions -- A sail above an oar: As flashed each yeaming anchor Through mellow seas afire, So swift our careless captains Rowed each to his desire. Where lay our loosened harness? Where turned our naked feet? Whose tavern 'mid the palm-trees? What quenchings of what heat? Oh, fountain in the desert! Oh, cistern in the waste! Oh, bread we ate in secret! Oh, cup we spilled in haste! The youth new-taught of longing, The widow curbed and wan, The goodwife proud at season, And the maid aware of man -- All souls unslaked, consuming, Defrauded in delays, Desire not more their quittance Than I those forfeit days! I dreamed to wait my pleasure Unchanged my spring would bide: Wherefore, to wait my pleasure, I put my spring aside Till, first in face of Fortune, And last in mazed disdain, I made Diego Valdez High Admiral of Spain. Then walked no wind 'neath Heaven Nor surge that did not aid -- I dared extreme occasion, Nor ever one betrayed. They wrought a deeper treason -- (Led seas that served my needs!) They sold Diego Valdez To bondage of great deeds. The tempest flung me seaward, And pinned and bade me hold The course I might not alter -- And men esteemed me bold! The calms embayed my quarry, The fog-wreath sealed his eyes; The dawn-wind brought my topsails -- And men esteemed me wise! Yet, 'spite my tyrant triumphs, Bewildered, dispossessed -- My dream held I beore me My vision of my rest; But, crowned by Fleet and People, And bound by King and Pope -- Stands here Diego Valdez To rob me of my hope. No prayer of mine shall move him. No word of his set free The Lord of Sixty Pennants And the Steward of the Sea. His will can loose ten thousand To seek their loves again -- But not Diego Valdez, High Admiral of Spain. There walks no wind 'neath Heaven Nor wave that shall restore The old careening riot And the clamorous, crowded shore -- The fountain in the desert, The cistern in the waste, The bread we ate in secret, The cup we spilled in haste. Now call I to my Captains -- For council fly the sign -- Now leap their zealous galleys, Twelve-oared, across the brine. To me the straiter prison, To me the heavier chain -- To me Diego Valdez, High Admiral of Spain! Edited March 27, 20214 yr by namenski
March 28, 20214 yr Catherine Deneuve Znati ljudski zapaliti, mimo holivudskih propisa, na stranu sto je cak i to sve teze u zemlji koja se dicila Gauloises i Gitanes otrovimatm, ali i: ... znati ostariti...
March 29, 20214 yr On 27.3.2021. at 11:36, namenski said: I jedan dinosauruskitm film, tek podsecanja radi da je neko pobacao kalupe ... Pita mene jednom drugar: "Ko bi htio da te glumi u biografskom filmu?" Rekoh, Gene Hackman, hoću da budem siguran da ću doživjeti njegove godine.
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