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Najbitnije ličnosti 20. veka koje su još uvek žive

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Ne mogu da se setim da li ga se neko spomenuo, a i ako jeste nece skoditi ponovo:







Ovo gomilanje, slaganje imena na ime mi je nekako prazno, mi iz 20. veka zasluzujem vise...:nobles:






Emerson Wojciechowska Fittipaldi...


... ono jeste da je malo калемљен, ali jeste da je, cini mi se, 3x brojao prvo u F1...



I - drzi se, jos uvek, jes' da ga nesto nece lova, kao uostalom i vecinu Juznoamerikanaca od sporta, zivi ljudi za razliku od 21. vek kiborga. ali - drzi se...





Reinhold Messner

Lik koji se popeo svuda gde se trebalo penjati, po nekad i bez da se opterecuje kiseonicima i ostalim modnim detaljima bez kojih se danas ni na Kosmajtm ne ide, otpesacio svuda gde se trebalo istinski pesaciti...





Ima nas, ima...:nobles:

Odlicna mu je i knjiga o penjanju na Everest bez kiseonika. Uzbudljivo stivo. Bese neki hrvatski izdavac. 


E da, i Alejandro Jodorowsky



Dejvid Linč

2 hours ago, namenski said:

Mene vise muce one licnosti 20. veka koje su riknule, ali nikako da stvarno umru, budu stvarno mrtve...

Za utehu je da nije uspeo u svojoj nameri - što govori i pogled na dobar deo imena koja su ovde pomenuta.


1 hour ago, namenski said:

Ovo gomilanje, slaganje imena na ime mi je nekako prazno, mi iz 20. veka zasluzujem vise...:nobles:

Evo malo detalja za nekoliko imena koje sam ja nabacao, da ne bude baš prazno


GPS Only Exists Because Of Two People: Albert Einstein And Gladys West




James Russell - was born in Bremerton, Washington in 1931. He was always a smart boy and at the age of six he devised a remote-control battleship with a storage compartment for his lunch




“Most directors make films with their eyes; I make films with my testicles.”






The Untold Story of the Man That Made Mainstream Encryption Possible

Prophet of Privacy - Whitfield Diffie took cryptography out of the hands of the spooks and made privacy possible in the digital age - by inventing the most revolutionary concept in encryption since the Renaissance.


"One of Whit's oldest friends told me he had an alternative lifestyle at age 5," says Mary Fischer. Diffie didn't learn to read until he was 10 years old. There was no question of disability; it was obvious he was a bright, curious child. He simply didn't read, and no one considered it a horrible problem.






I još nekoliko


Roger Penrose





It was while attending a conference in Amsterdam in 1954 that Penrose (then a student at Cambridge) first encountered the Dutch graphic artist M.C. Escher. He became fascinated by the unconventional use of shape and form, and, working with his father Lionel, soon produced similar works of his own: the Penrose Triangle and the Impossible Stair. These clever illusions provided the inspiration for two of Escher’s most famous masterpieces, Waterfalls and Ascending and Descending, and are still very present in popular culture today. This kind of experimental geometry became a life-long fascination: in the 1970s, Penrose would once again gain acclaim for his invention of Penrose tiling, a non-repetitive pattern with five-fold rotational symmetry. As of 2013, this unique tiling can be found outside the Mathematical Institute in Oxford.


In 1952 when Penrose returned to St John's Cambridge as a research fellow, his work brought him into close contact with the young Cambridge graduate, Stephen Hawking; the two soon joined forces, working together to devise the Penrose-Hawking singularity theorems in 1969. These proved that when space-time reaches a certain level of distortion (such as in a black hole) it inevitably collapses, tending infinitely steeply towards a singularity where Einstein’s equations break down and a new, quantum theory of gravity is needed. Penrose and Hawking received the 1988 Wolf prize for physics in recognition of their work.







Donald Wetzel

U.S. ATM inventor celebrates its 50th anniversary





Kareem Abdul-Jabbar



“Like all people my age I find the passage of time so startling,” Kareem Abdul-Jabbar says with a quiet smile. The 70-year-old remains the highest points-scorer in the history of the NBA and, having won six championships and been picked for a record 19 All-Star Games, he is often compared with Michael Jordan when the greatest basketball players of all time are listed. Yet no one in American sport today can match Kareem’s political and cultural impact over 50 years.











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Amartya Sen



Welfare economics seeks to evaluate economic policies in terms of their effects on the well-being of the community. Sen, who devoted his career to such issues, was called the “conscience of his profession.” His influential monograph Collective Choice and Social Welfare (1970)—which addressed problems such as individual rights, majority rule, and the availability of information about individual conditions—inspired researchers to turn their attention to issues of basic welfare. Sen devised methods of measuring poverty that yielded useful information for improving economic conditions for the poor. For instance, his theoretical work on inequality provided an explanation for why there are fewer women than men in some poor countries in spite of the fact that more women than men are born and infant mortality is higher among males. Sen claimed that this skewed ratio results from the better health treatment and childhood opportunities afforded to boys in those countries.


Sen’s interest in famine stemmed from personal experience. As a nine-year-old boy, he witnessed the Bengal famine of 1943, in which three million people perished. This staggering loss of life was unnecessary, Sen later concluded. He believed that there was an adequate food supply in India at the time but that its distribution was hindered because particular groups of people—in this case rural labourers—lost their jobs and therefore their ability to purchase the food. In his book Poverty and Famines: An Essay on Entitlement and Deprivation (1981), Sen revealed that in many cases of famine, food supplies were not significantly reduced. Instead, a number of social and economic factors—such as declining wages, unemployment, rising food prices, and poor food-distribution systems—led to starvation among certain groups in society.


Governments and international organizations handling food crises were influenced by Sen’s work. His views encouraged policy makers to pay attention not only to alleviating immediate suffering but also to finding ways to replace the lost income of the poor—as, for example, through public-works projects—and to maintain stable prices for food. A vigorous defender of political freedom, Sen believed that famines do not occur in functioning democracies because their leaders must be more responsive to the demands of the citizens. In order for economic growth to be achieved, he argued, social reforms—such as improvements in education and public health—must precede economic reform.




Amartya Sen’s Hopes and Fears for Indian Democracy

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I Ahmad Džamal, preko Majlsa Dejvisa svakako najuticajniji muzičar koji je još živ, poslednji album snimio 2019.





Erica Jong ili posustali feminizam...



Brajan Ino

John von Neumann

Claude Shannon

Hyman Rickover


Winston Churchill

David Ben-Gurion





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