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257 umrlo u italiji :ph34r:


Coronavirus death toll jumps from 154 to 257 in Italy's Lombardy in one day

Edited by InvisibleLight
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Surgeon general (šef direkcije za javno zdravlje) u programu CNN-a nakon što su Trampovi saradnici izjavili da je virus zaustavljen pri sledećem dnevnom hronološkom porastu broja obolelih u poslednjih 7 dana:


+11 +23 +20 +36 +70 +92 +119

Take a listen to two top White House officials in the last few days saying that the virus has been contained, when it has not been contained.


KELLYANNE CONWAY, COUNSELOR TO THE PRESIDENT: This has been contained because the president took action.

LARRY KUDLOW, DIRECTOR, NATIONAL ECONOMIC COUNCIL: We don't actually know what the magnitude of the virus is going to be, although, frankly, so far, it looks relatively contained.


TAPPER: So, that's not true. It's not contained. It's not relatively contained.

Have you expressed your desire for people on the White -- in the White House to share the facts and be honest?

ADAMS: Well, this is a novel virus. It's a new situation. And the messaging, quite frankly, is hard.

But here's what I want the American people to know. From a public health point of view -- and I am a public health expert -- the first thing you want to try to do is contain the virus. And some parts of the country have contained it, meaning they're preventing spread into their communities in the first place.


TAPPER: But we don't really know that, though, right, because there aren't enough testing kits, so we don't -- like, for instance, we know of one case in D.C. That doesn't mean there's only one person with it in D.C. We just

don't know. There aren't enough testing kits.

ADAMS: Well, what we do know is that, if we had massive numbers of cases, we would be seeing more deaths.

And so we actually feel pretty good that some parts of the country have contained it, just like when you look at the flu. And when we look at the flu tracker, some parts of the country are having much more severe flu seasons. Some are having very mild flu seasons.




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14 minutes ago, InvisibleLight said:

257 umrlo u italiji :ph34r:


Coronavirus death toll jumps from 154 to 257 in Italy's Lombardy in one day


jbt ... 1.5 k novih slucajeva ... 133 smrtna danas

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1 minute ago, cedo said:


jbt ... 1.5 k novih slucajeva ... 133 smrtna danas

Malo mi nejasno..vest s RT pod 'urgent' a nema ni u jednom italijanskom mediju

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Just now, InvisibleLight said:

Malo mi nejasno..vest s RT pod 'urgent' a nema ni u jednom italijanskom mediju


ja ovde citam , jos nisu stavili izvor


imho, kina je opasno stelala brojke

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23 minutes ago, InvisibleLight said:

257 umrlo u italiji :ph34r:


Coronavirus death toll jumps from 154 to 257 in Italy's Lombardy in one day

366 umrlih 

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1 minute ago, InvisibleLight said:


Ne znam sta bi ti rekao


7350 zarazenih do sada ali i vise od 600 njih koji su ozdravili.

Kod mene u gradu novih 50ak sto privlizava 300 ukupno zarazenih.

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da žabari objavljuju jednom dnevno brojno stanje na kzš u 18h

- preuzeli su od koreanaca 2 mesto na tabeli

- u švabiji 1018 obolelih i 0 umrlih, hvala našim lekarima :happy:

Edited by gone fishing
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Ne, umro je prvi Nemac, ali u Egiptu.


U Nemačkoj je ministar preporučio otkazivanje svih skupova na kojima se okuplja više od 1000 ljudi, to mora da uradi svaka pokrajina zasebno.

Edited by vememah
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Inace, 650 pod aparatima za vestacko disanje na intenzivnoj.

Zanima me koliko takvih aparata ima u Srbiji. Bez njih je I intenzivna bez dejstva.

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