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Coronavirus Covid-19 - opšta tema


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58 minutes ago, ZerrorR said:

Da sam pametan, čim čujem da se pojavilo negde u blizini, morao bih da odem i da fasujem virus. Dok još ustanove funkcionišu i kreveta ima. Kad bude 20000 zaraženih u BG, icu kreveta neće biti. 

odlična strategija

4 hours ago, dùda said:

i šta je sa južnom amerikom, malo se o njoj priča ?

sad sam pregledala naslove u par dnevih novina tamo, brazil 19, peru pre tri dana prvi slučaj, argentina 4, u čileu danas sedmi... izgleda da ga uvoze iz evrope. na njihov broj siromašnih i nivo korupcije, verovatno će u medijima biti otporni otprilike koliko i mi.

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1 hour ago, InvisibleLight said:

A Jel to inace procedura? Ako si pozitivan moras u bolnicu cak i ako imas blage simptome i hoces samoizolaciju?

ne moras, ali ako imas blage simptome, prelezis u samoizolaciji. medjutim, ako imas teske simptome, a kreveta nema...

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3 minutes ago, Frank Pembleton said:

@lo zingaro Jesi li ti u karantinu? Pošto sam se pogubio šta jeste, šta nije...

... Shiit has hit the fan...

Jesam, od danas. Gledam restoran preko puta moje zgrade, nije pun ali I dalje ima ljudi. 

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Democrats in the House and Senate introduced legislation Friday that would require all employers to grant workers paid sick days in light of the global coronavirus spread.

The bill unveiled by Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) and Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) would mandate all employers to let workers accrue seven days of paid sick leave and immediately provide 14 additional days when there is a public health emergency.
Health authorities have been encouraging Americans to stay home if they feel sick to help prevent potential spread of the coronavirus, but the lack of a federal guarantee for paid leave has raised concerns that some workers — especially in the service and restaurant industries — might not be able to follow those guidelines.
“The lack of paid sick days could make coronavirus harder to contain in the United States compared with other countries that have universal sick leave policies in place,” DeLauro, who chairs the House Appropriations subcommittee overseeing federal health agencies, said in a statement. "Low-income workers and their families could be hit even harder by the virus, as low wage jobs are at the forefront of not providing sick leave benefits."
The two Democrats expressed concern that given the choice between staying home sick and going unpaid, low-wage workers would still show up to work, potentially spreading the virus in their communities.

“Workers want to do the right thing for themselves, their families, and their communities — so especially in the middle of public health crises like this, staying home sick shouldn’t have to mean losing a paycheck or a job," Murray said.
DeLauro's and Murray's bills would also ensure that paid sick leave can be used in a public health emergency for taking care of children if schools are closed or if a worker or family member is quarantined.
The U.S. is one of the only industrialized countries in the world that does not have national requirements for paid sick leave.



Dobro su se setili.

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1 hour ago, InvisibleLight said:

A Jel to inace procedura? Ako si pozitivan moras u bolnicu cak i ako imas blage simptome i hoces samoizolaciju?


jel tebi lici da se ovde zna neka procedura?


malopre procitah jedan tvit, o nama u srbiji ce se tokom epidemije starati dr smrt i darvin. a izgleda ne samo kod nas. 


mada, videcemo kad krene lepo vreme - iako ne mora uopste biti sezonski, verovatnije je da ce pokazati bar manji pad tokom toplije sezone. 


do tada, cink i vitamin D i pranje ruku - to je to, nemamo sta drugo.



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Vreme dupliranja broja obolelih u danima za 5 najvećih zapadnoevropskih zemalja izračunato na osnovu trodnevnog rasta broja obolelih u periodu od 5-7. marta.

Francuska 1,73
Nemačka 1,97
V. Britanija 2,37
Španija 2,53
Italija 3,23

Dakle, od svih 5 zemalja, jedino se u Italiji nije udvostručio broj obolelih za 3 dana, u Francuskoj i Nemačkoj se udvostručio za manje od dva dana.

Izvor podataka: https://covid2019.app/ (kartica Cases)

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- matematičari iz nac. lab los alamos, su izračunali da je u wuhanu na početku epidemije, vreme dupliranja takođe bilo oko 2,5 dana

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Treba naglasiti da pri vremenu dupliranja od 3 dana broj zaraženih poraste preko 1000x za 30 dana što znači da je trodnevno vreme dupliranja daleko od nečeg čemu treba težiti.



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Posted at 14:1314:13

BREAKINGUK cases rise by 64 in 24 hours

A total of 273 people in the UK have tested positive for coronavirus, latest figures from the UK's Department of Health and Social Care revealed on Sunday - up from 209 on Saturday.

As of 09:00 on Sunday, 23,513 people have been tested in the UK.

The current death toll inside the UK is two.

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Irci još nisu završili pravljenje modela, ali po trenutnoj verziji smatraju da je moguće da se zarazi skoro 40% populacije, javlja irski javni servis RTE.



HSE 'cannot dispute' 1.9m in Republic may fall ill with virus


The Health Service Executive has said that it cannot dispute projections that 1.9 million people in the Republic of Ireland may fall ill with coronavirus.

But it said that the modelling scenario is not completed yet.



Irska ima 4,9 miliona stanovnika, to znači da bi bilo zaraženo 39% populacije.

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3 hours ago, ZerrorR said:

Da sam pametan, čim čujem da se pojavilo negde u blizini, morao bih da odem i da fasujem virus. Dok još ustanove funkcionišu i kreveta ima. Kad bude 20000 zaraženih u BG, icu kreveta neće biti. 

da znas + iscekivanje je grozno, i realno ko ostane zadnji najgore ce da prodje, nece mu ostaviti ni guzeceg papira a kamoli nesto prece

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Egypt’s Minister of Health said Sunday that the first Egyptian to contract COVID-19 is now “in a critical condition.” The 44-year old is an Egyptian citizen who displayed symptoms of the virus after they returned home from a trip to Serbia.


Edited by vememah
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Ovo sto je uradjeno u Srbiji je katastrofa.

Umesto da su vec spremljeni karantini, da su angazovane jedinice abho i sve ostale predostroznosti vanredne situacije vlast ismeva situaciju.

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